1999-11-01 16:10:57 +00:00

62 lines
2.1 KiB

hacked up whisker.txt, sorry rfp...
---------[ Whisker: next-generation CGI scanner
--[ by rain.forest.puppy / ADM / wiretrip (rfp@wiretrip.net)
Wait...CGI scanning isn't that complex, is it? Well, to do it right,
yes. Why? Hmmm...I can think of a few reasons:
1. /cgi-bin is pretty damn common, I'll give you that. But I've also
been on many a hosting provider that used /cgi-local. And I've seen
people use /cgi, /cgibin, etc.
Point of the point: wouldn't it be nice to define multiple
2. You know what really irks me? Seeing a CGI scanner thrash around
through /cgi-bin or whatnot, when /cgi-bin doesn't even exist.
Point of the point: save noise/time by querying parent dirs
3. Why should I query for, say, test-cgi on an IIS server? Or
/scripts/samples/details.idc on Apache?
Point of the point: tailor your scan to the server you're scanning
4. Virtual hosts.
Point of the point: there's a whole 'nother world out there hiding
behind virtual hosts--and you may not be scanning who you think you
really are
5. Some places user custom error pages. Unfortunately, the
implementation is such that instead of generating a 404 'not found',
you always get a 200 'success', with HTML to indicate the missing
Point of the point: being able to minimize this anomaly would lessen
false positives
6. More wishes: at a decent rate, it seems more CGI and webserver
problems are found. Plus, I might like to customize which scans I
want to do against a particular host.
Point of the point: if this was all scriptable, that'd be nifty
7. Input sources. Sometimes I want to just feed in output from nmap
(after all, it has a list of the found open port 80's, right?),
sometimes just a laundry list of IPs/domains, and sometimes, I'd just
like to do a single host on the command line.
Point of the point: flexibility of input would be nice as well.
8. IDS/log avoidance.
Point of the point: being able to spoof IDSs would be a nice feature
Well, that's enough wishes, don't you think? Now, do they come
----[ Whisker has all that, plus a bonus feature or two :)