zhuk ebce8c986c KJumpingCube is a simple tactical game. You can play it against the
computer or a friend - or you can set up a game between two computer
players and just watch.

The playing area is a box of cubes containing points. When the game
starts each cube has one point, no owner and a neutral color. If
you click on a neutral cube it becomes yours, changes to your color
and increases by one point. Your objective is to capture all the
cubes, but now it is your opponent's turn.
2013-04-24 12:08:23 +00:00

17 lines
421 B

# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 2013/04/24 12:08:23 zhuk Exp $
COMMENT = simple tactical game for KDE
DISTNAME = kjumpingcube-${MODKDE4_VERSION}
WANTLIB = c m pthread stdc++
WANTLIB += lib/qt4/QtDBus lib/qt4/QtGui lib/qt4/QtNetwork lib/qt4/QtSvg
WANTLIB += lib/qt4/QtXml
WANTLIB += ${KDE4LIB}/kdeui ${KDE4LIB}/kio
MODKDE4_USE = games
RUN_DEPENDS = devel/desktop-file-utils \
.include <bsd.port.mk>