computer or a friend - or you can set up a game between two computer players and just watch. The playing area is a box of cubes containing points. When the game starts each cube has one point, no owner and a neutral color. If you click on a neutral cube it becomes yours, changes to your color and increases by one point. Your objective is to capture all the cubes, but now it is your opponent's turn.
17 lines
421 B
17 lines
421 B
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 2013/04/24 12:08:23 zhuk Exp $
COMMENT = simple tactical game for KDE
DISTNAME = kjumpingcube-${MODKDE4_VERSION}
WANTLIB = c m pthread stdc++
WANTLIB += lib/qt4/QtDBus lib/qt4/QtGui lib/qt4/QtNetwork lib/qt4/QtSvg
WANTLIB += lib/qt4/QtXml
WANTLIB += ${KDE4LIB}/kdeui ${KDE4LIB}/kio
MODKDE4_USE = games
RUN_DEPENDS = devel/desktop-file-utils \
.include <>