2005-02-14 11:56:38 +00:00

422 lines
9.9 KiB

$OpenBSD: patch-Transpec_roff_sdata,v 2005/02/14 11:56:38 espie Exp $
--- Transpec/roff.sdata.orig Mon Jun 17 05:50:28 1996
+++ Transpec/roff.sdata Fri Feb 11 12:01:20 2005
@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@
[frac38] 3/8
[frac58] 5/8
[frac78] 7/8
-[sup1 ] \\u1\\l
-[sup2 ] \\u2\\l
-[sup3 ] \\u3\\l
+[sup1 ] \\(S1
+[sup2 ] \\(S2
+[sup3 ] \\(S3
[plus ] \\(pl
[plusmn] \\(+-
[lt ] <
@@ -66,10 +66,12 @@
[divide] \\(di
[times ] \\(ti
# [curren] =general currency sign
-[pound ] #
+[curren] \\(Cs
+[euro ] \\(Cs
+[pound ] \\(Po
[dollar] $
[cent ] \\(ct
-[yen ] yen
+[yen ] \\(Ye
[num ] #
[percnt] %
[amp ] &
@@ -78,7 +80,7 @@
[lsqb ] [
[bsol ] \\e
[rsqb ] ]
-[lcub ] { /lbrace O: =left curly bracket
+[lcub ] {
# [horbar] horizontal bar
[horbar] _
[verbar] \\(or
@@ -88,9 +90,13 @@
[deg ] \\(de
# [ordm ] =ordinal indicator, masculine
# [ordf ] =ordinal indicator, feminine
+[ordf ] \\(Of
+[ordm ] \\(Om
[sect ] \\(sc
# [para ] =pilcrow (paragraph sign)
+[para ] \\(ps
# [middot] /centerdot B: =middle dot
+[middot] \\(pc
[larr ] \\(<-
[rarr ] \\(->
[uarr ] \\(ua
@@ -103,8 +109,9 @@
[brvbar] |
[not ] \\(no
# [sung ] =music note (sung text sign)
-[excl ] !
+[excl ] \!
# [iexcl ] =inverted exclamation mark
+[iexcl ] \\(r!
[quot ] "
[apos ] \\&'
[lpar ] (
@@ -118,14 +125,15 @@
[semi ] ;
[quest ] ?
# [iquest] =inverted question mark
+[iquest] \\(r?
# [laquo ] =angle quotation mark, left
-[laquo ] <<
+[laquo ] \\(Fo
# [raquo ] =angle quotation mark, right
-[raquo ] >>
+[raquo ] \\(Fc
[lsquo ] `
[rsquo ] \\&'
-[ldquo ] "
-[rdquo ] "
+[ldquo ] \\(lq
+[rdquo ] \\(rq
[nbsp ] \\
[shy ] \\%
@@ -134,8 +142,12 @@
# trailing space here
[emsp ] \\ \\
[ensp ] \\
+# The next two entities are the only ones I can find where the SGML entity
+# doesn't match. From sgml-iso-entities-8879.1986/ISOpub.ent:
+# <!ENTITY emsp13 SDATA "[emsp3 ]"--=1/3-em space-->
[emsp3 ] \\
[emsp4 ] \\
[numsp ] \\0
[puncsp] \\|
[thinsp] \\!
@@ -155,6 +167,7 @@
[frac16] 1/6
[frac56] 5/6
# [incare] =in-care-of symbol
+[incare] c/o
# [block ] =full block
# [uhblk ] =upper half block
# [lhblk ] =lower half block
@@ -167,7 +180,7 @@
# [rect ] =rectangle, open
# [utri ] /triangle =up triangle, open
# [dtri ] /triangledown =down triangle, open
-[star ] \\(** =star, open
+[star ] \\(**
[bull ] \\(bu
# [squf ] /blacksquare =sq bullet, filled
# [utrif ] /blacktriangle =up tri, filled
@@ -205,6 +218,7 @@
# [vellip] vertical ellipsis
# [hybull] rectangle, filled (hyphen bullet)
# [loz ] /lozenge - lozenge or total mark
+[rsquor] \\(lz
# [lozf ] /blacklozenge - lozenge, filled
# [ltri ] /triangleleft B: l triangle, open
# [rtri ] /triangleright B: r triangle, open
@@ -220,68 +234,100 @@
# Added Latin 1 ________________________________
-[aacute] \\(a'
-[Aacute] \\(A'
-[acirc ] \\(a^
-[Acirc ] \\(A^
-[agrave] \\(a`
-[Agrave] \\(A`
+[aacute] \\('a
+[Aacute] \\('A
+# It's not clear why, but the ^ must be escaped
+[acirc ] \\(\^a
+[Acirc ] \\(\^A
+[agrave] \\(`a
+[Agrave] \\(`A
+[aring ] \\(oa
+[Aring ] \\(oA
+[atilde] \\(~a
+[Atilde] \\(~A
# [aring ] =small a, ring
# [Aring ] =capital A, ring
# [atilde] =small a, tilde
# [Atilde] =capital A, tilde
-[auml ] \\(a:
+[auml ] \\(:a
+[Auml ] \\(:A
# [Auml ] =capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark
[aelig ] \\(ae
[AElig ] \\(AE
# [ccedil] =small c, cedilla
# [Ccedil] =capital C, cedilla
+[ccedil] \\(,c
+[Ccedil] \\(,C
# [eth ] =small eth, Icelandic
# [ETH ] =capital Eth, Icelandic
-[eacute] \\(e'
-[Eacute] \\(E'
+[eth ] \\(Sd
+[ETH ] \\(-D
+[eacute] \\('e
+[Eacute] \\('E
# [ecirc ] =small e, circumflex accent
# [Ecirc ] =capital E, circumflex accent
-[egrave] \\(e`
-[Egrave] \\(E`
+[ecirc ] \\(\^e
+[Ecirc ] \\(\^E
+[egrave] \\(`e
+[Egrave] \\(`E
# [euml ] =small e, dieresis or umlaut mark
# [Euml ] =capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark
-[iacute] \\(i'
-[Iacute] \\(I'
+[euml ] \\(:e
+[Euml ] \\(:E
+[iacute] \\('i
+[Iacute] \\('I
# [icirc ] =small i, circumflex accent
# [Icirc ] =capital I, circumflex accent
-[igrave] \\(i`
-[Igrave] \\(I`
+[iuml ] \\(:i
+[Iuml ] \\(:I
+[icirc ] \\(\^i
+[Icirc ] \\(\^I
+[igrave] \\(`i
+[Igrave] \\(`I
# [iuml ] =small i, dieresis or umlaut mark
# [Iuml ] =capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark
-[ntilde] \\(n~
-[Ntilde] \\(N~
-[oacute] \\(o'
-[Oacute] \\(O'
+[ntilde] \\(~n
+[Ntilde] \\(~N
+[otilde] \\(~o
+[Otilde] \\(~O
+[oacute] \\('o
+[Oacute] \\('O
# [ocirc ] =small o, circumflex accent
# [Ocirc ] =capital O, circumflex accent
-[ograve] \\(o`
-[Ograve] \\(O`
-[oslash] \\(o/
-[Oslash] \\(O/
+[ocirc ] \\(\^o
+[Ocirc ] \\(\^O
+[ograve] \\(`o
+[Ograve] \\(`O
+[oslash] \\(/o
+[Oslash] \\(/O
# [otilde] =small o, tilde
# [Otilde] =capital O, tilde
# [ouml ] =small o, dieresis or umlaut mark
# [Ouml ] =capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark
[szlig ] \\(ss
-[thorn ] \\(th
+[thorn ] \\(Tp
# [THORN ] =capital THORN, Icelandic
-[uacute] \\(u'
-[Uacute] \\(U'
+[uacute] \\('u
+[Uacute] \\('U
# [ucirc ] =small u, circumflex accent
# [Ucirc ] =capital U, circumflex accent
-[ugrave] \\(u`
-[Ugrave] \\(U`
+[ucirc ] \\(\^u
+[Ucirc ] \\(\^U
+[ugrave] \\(`u
+[Ugrave] \\(`U
# [uuml ] =small u, dieresis or umlaut mark
# [Uuml ] =capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark
+[uuml ] \\(:u
+[Uuml ] \\(:U
# [yacute] =small y, acute accent
# [Yacute] =capital Y, acute accent
+[yacute] \\('y
+[Yacute] \\('Y
# [yuml ] =small y, dieresis or umlaut mark
+[yuml ] \\(:y
+# The character value for Y with diaeresis seems to have been commandeered
+# for 3/4; see iso_8859_15(7) for an example
+[Yuml ] Y
# Added Latin 2 ________________________________
@@ -329,6 +375,7 @@
# [ijlig ] =small ij ligature
# [IJlig ] =capital IJ ligature
# [inodot] =small i without dot
+[inodot] \\(.i
# [iogon ] =small i, ogonek
# [Iogon ] =capital I, ogonek
# [itilde] =small i, tilde
@@ -347,7 +394,9 @@
# [lmidot] =small l, middle dot
# [Lmidot] =capital L, middle dot
# [lstrok] =small l, stroke
+[lstrok] \\(/l
# [Lstrok] =capital L, stroke
+[Lstrok] \\(/L
# [nacute] =small n, acute accent
# [Nacute] =capital N, acute accent
# [eng ] =small eng, Lapp
@@ -362,7 +411,9 @@
# [Omacr ] =capital O, macron
# [omacr ] =small o, macron
# [oelig ] =small oe ligature
+[oelig ] \\(oe
# [OElig ] =capital OE ligature
+[OElig ] \\(OE
# [racute] =small r, acute accent
# [Racute] =capital R, acute accent
# [rcaron] =small r, caron
@@ -508,45 +559,71 @@
# General Technical ________________________________
# [aleph ] /aleph =aleph, Hebrew
+[aleph ] \\(Ah
# [and ] /wedge /land B: =logical and
+[and ] \\(AN
# [ang90 ] =right (90 degree) angle
# [angsph] /sphericalangle =angle-spherical
-[ap ] \\(ap
+[ap ] \\(~~
# [becaus] /because R: =because
# [bottom] /bot B: =perpendicular
+[bottom] \\(pp
# [cap ] /cap B: =intersection
+[cap ] \\(ca
# [cong ] /cong R: =congruent with
+[cong ] \\(=~
# [conint] /oint L: =contour integral operator
# [cup ] /cup B: =union or logical sum
+[cup ] \\(cu
[equiv ] \\(==
# [exist ] /exists =at least one exists
+[exist ] \\(te
# [forall] /forall =for all
+[forall] \\(fa
# [fnof ] =function of (italic small f)
+[fnof ] \\(Fn
[ge ] \\(>=
# [iff ] /iff =if and only if
+[iff ] <=>
[infin ] \\(if
# [int ] /int L: =integral operator
+[int ] \\(is
[isin ] \\(sb
# [lang ] /langle O: =left angle bracket
+[lang ] <
# [lArr ] /Leftarrow A: =is implied by
+[lArr ] \\(lA
[le ] \\(<=
[minus ] \\(mi
# [mnplus] /mp B: =minus-or-plus sign
# [nabla ] /nabla =del, Hamilton operator
+[nabla ] \\(gr
[ne ] \\(!=
# [ni ] /ni /owns R: =contains
+[ni ] \\(st
# [or ] /vee /lor B: =logical or
+[or ] \\(OR
# [par ] /parallel R: =parallel
+[par ] ||
# [part ] /partial =partial differential
+[part ] \\(pd
# [permil] =per thousand
+[permil] \\(%0
# [perp ] /perp R: =perpendicular
+[perp ] \\(pp
# [prime ] /prime =prime or minute
+[prime ] \\(fm
# [Prime ] =double prime or second
+[Prime ] \\(sd
[prop ] \\(pt
# [radic ] /surd =radical
+[radic ] \\(sr
# [rang ] /rangle C: =right angle bracket
+[rang ] >
# [rArr ] /Rightarrow A: =implies
+[rArr ] \\(rA
# [sim ] /sim R: =similar
+[sim ] \\(ti
# [sime ] /simeq R: =similar, equals
[square] \\(sq
[sub ] \\(sb
@@ -554,16 +631,24 @@
[sup ] \\(sp
[supe ] \\(ip
# [there4] /therefore R: =therefore
+[there4] \\(tf
# [Verbar] /Vert =dbl vertical bar
+[Verbar] ||
# [angst ] Angstrom =capital A, ring
+[angst ] \\(\^A
# [bernou] Bernoulli function (script capital B)
+# A less than desirable solution
+[angst ] B
# [compfn] B: composite function (small circle)
# [Dot ] =dieresis or umlaut mark
+[Dot ] \\(ad
# [DotDot] four dots above
# [hamilt] Hamiltonian (script capital H)
# [lagran] Lagrangian (script capital L)
# [lowast] low asterisk
+[lowast] \\(**
# [notin ] N: negated set membership
+[notin ] \\(nm
# [order ] order of (script small o)
# [phmmat] physics M-matrix (script capital M)
# [tdot ] three dots above
@@ -572,18 +657,33 @@
# Diacritical Marks ________________________________
-[acute ] \\&'
-[breve ] \\(be
-[caron ] \\(hc
-[cedil ] \\(cd
+[acute ] \\aa
+[breve ] \\(ab
+[caron ] \\(ah
+[cedil ] \\(ac
# [circ ] =circumflex accent
+[circ ] \\(a\^
# [dblac ] =double acute accent
+[dblac ] \\(a"
# [die ] =dieresis
-[dot ] \\(dt
+[die ] \\(ad
+[dot ] \\(a.
[grave ] `
-[macr ] \\(ma
-[ogon ] \\(og
-[ring ] \\(ri
+[macr ] \\(a-
+[ogon ] \\(ho
+[ring ] \\(ao
[tilde ] ~
-[uml ] \\(..
+[uml ] \\(ad
+# Added Math Symbols: Delimiters
+[rceil ] \\(rc
+[lceil ] \\(lc
+[rfloor] \\(rf
+[lfloor] \\(lf
+# [rpargt] ??
+# [urcorn] Top right corner
+# [drcorn] Bottom right corner
+# [ulcorn] Top left corner
+# [dlcorn] Bottom left corner