bcallah a3fdebb2cd Update to returntotheroots- Features some CMake build
improvements, so a CMake patch goes away. Also includes some bug fixes and
general game improvements.
I added the usual "You must purchase this game to use the package" language
to pkg/README to make sure it's clear that while the package we offer is
open source, the game assets are not.
2018-09-24 21:43:10 +00:00
2018-09-04 12:46:09 +00:00

$OpenBSD: README,v 1.3 2018/09/24 21:43:10 bcallah Exp $

| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD

Return to the Roots
Return to the Roots requires the original game files from The Settlers 2
Gold Edition to work properly.  These can come from an original CD or
from GOG.com.

If using the GOG.com version, you must extract the files from
setup_settlers2_gold_2.0.0.14.exe using the innoextract package. The
files will be in a directory named app. You must copy the contents of
the app directory to the ${TRUEPREFIX}/share/s25rttr/S2/ directory.

The easiest way to do this is to execute the following:
$ doas cp -R app/* ${TRUEPREFIX}/share/s25rttr/S2

You can then delete everything extracted from the exe, such as the tmp

While returntotheroots is open source, The Settlers 2: Gold Edition is
not. You will need to purchase the game in order to use this package.