Highly verbose, but can be toned down to a reasonable level using the right flags, or the right annotations. Knows something about such weird issues as ANSI C namespaces, and will warn against E* or str* identifiers, for instance.
7 lines
436 B
7 lines
436 B
MD5 (lclint/guide.tar.gz) = e44990bc0d2cbbb7fe3abb40b30a5197
MD5 (lclint/lclint-2.4b.src.tar.gz) = 3d263a76bae212deb80295505f56fdd9
RMD160 (lclint/guide.tar.gz) = 48d749a0659102c85022bf01b32ae2b91e1a7c21
RMD160 (lclint/lclint-2.4b.src.tar.gz) = b57ca109ef1b489d31bb820daf1e512a604bb7f6
SHA1 (lclint/guide.tar.gz) = 65f7b4272bcfe2eedfa0b544dd4c526e4d803768
SHA1 (lclint/lclint-2.4b.src.tar.gz) = b74505946cd85f0a5e7f6f7bd28e148f2e39c89c