zhuk c95a9f6899 KTeaTime is a handy timer for steeping tea. No longer will you have
to guess at how long it takes for your tea to be ready. Simply s
elect the type of tea you have, and it will alert you when the tea
is ready to drink.

This is ex-kdetoys member. Importing as a part of KDE 4.11.4 update.
This port won't work until update is finished, thus not hooking it up.
2013-12-08 18:13:25 +00:00

17 lines
456 B

# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 2013/12/08 18:13:25 zhuk Exp $
COMMENT = simple timer tray app for KDE
CATEGORIES = productivity
HOMEPAGE = http://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdetoys/kteatime
WANTLIB = c m pthread stdc++
WANTLIB += lib/qt4/QtDBus lib/qt4/QtGui lib/qt4/QtSvg
WANTLIB += ${KDE4LIB}/kdeui ${KDE4LIB}/knotifyconfig
RUN_DEPENDS = devel/desktop-file-utils \
.include <bsd.port.mk>