$OpenBSD: README,v 1.1 2016/04/26 13:31:25 jasper Exp $
| Running ${FULLPKGNAME} on OpenBSD
Logstash should be started with it's own uid/gid _logstash, since this user
has all necessary filesystem permissions. For example, if you want to check
the configuration, use su(1):
# su -m _logstash -c \
"${TRUEPREFIX}/logstash/bin/logstash -f /etc/logstash/conf"
Or if you want to manage plugins:
# su -m _logstash -c "${TRUEPREFIX}/logstash/bin/plugin install <plugin>"
If you get an error from JVM stating that it could not reserve enough space
for object heap, it indicates that your login(1) class has insufficient data
size limit to run Logstash with its default settings.
Logstash sets JVM heap size to 500 megabytes by default; with this limit your
datasize-cur limit should be at least 780 megabytes.
You can either adjust your limits in login.conf(5), or adjust the heap size
setting an it via the environment variable:
# su -m _logstash -c "env LS_HEAP_SIZE=200m \
${TRUEPREFIX}/logstash/bin/logstash -f /etc/logstash/conf"
or if you want to install plugin:
# su -m _logstash -c "env LS_HEAP_SIZE=200m \
${TRUEPREFIX}/logstash/bin/plugin install <plugin>"