sturm bf98e9232b Initial import of Hook-LexWrap-0.20
Hook::LexWrap allows you to install a pre- or post-wrapper (or both)
around an existing subroutine. Unlike other modules that provide this
capacity (e.g. Hook::PreAndPost and Hook::WrapSub), Hook::LexWrap
implements wrappers in such a way that the standard `caller' function
works correctly within the wrapped subroutine.

from Deanna Phillips <>
2006-03-18 19:03:35 +00:00

6 lines
322 B

Hook::LexWrap allows you to install a pre- or post-wrapper (or both)
around an existing subroutine. Unlike other modules that provide this
capacity (e.g. Hook::PreAndPost and Hook::WrapSub), Hook::LexWrap
implements wrappers in such a way that the standard `caller' function
works correctly within the wrapped subroutine.