kmos 74675c6651 py-webdav is hosted on the defunct googlecode and hasn't had an
update in over 7 years. It has no consumers. Time to go.

Those looking for a replacement should consider porting PyWebDAV3

ok sthen jca
2019-11-20 20:11:41 +00:00

624 lines
19 KiB

# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.936 2019/11/20 20:11:41 kmos Exp $
SUBDIR += ajaxterm
SUBDIR += analog
SUBDIR += ap2-mod_dnssd
SUBDIR += ap2-mod_jk
SUBDIR += ap2-mod_perl
SUBDIR += ap2-mod_wsgi
SUBDIR += apache-httpd
SUBDIR += apertium-apy
SUBDIR += aria2
SUBDIR += asql
SUBDIR += awl
SUBDIR += awstats
SUBDIR += blogsum
SUBDIR += bluefish
SUBDIR += buku
SUBDIR += bozohttpd
SUBDIR += c-icap
SUBDIR += calamaris
SUBDIR += canto
SUBDIR += cclive
SUBDIR += cgicc
SUBDIR += cgiparse
SUBDIR += cgit
SUBDIR += chromium
SUBDIR += chromium,electron
SUBDIR += cntlm
SUBDIR += composer
SUBDIR += cronolog
SUBDIR += dansguardian
SUBDIR += darkhttpd
SUBDIR += dillo
SUBDIR += dokuwiki
SUBDIR += drupal7
SUBDIR += drush
SUBDIR += e2guardian
SUBDIR += edbrowse
SUBDIR += epiphany
SUBDIR += erl-mochiweb
SUBDIR += fcgi
SUBDIR += fcgi-cgi
SUBDIR += ffproxy
SUBDIR += firefox-esr
SUBDIR += firefox-esr-i18n
SUBDIR += firefox-i18n
SUBDIR += gcap
SUBDIR += geckodriver
SUBDIR += gitea
SUBDIR += goaccess
SUBDIR += goaccess,tokyocabinet
SUBDIR += gumbo
SUBDIR += h2o
SUBDIR += haserl
SUBDIR += haserl,no_lua
SUBDIR += haserl,no_lua,static
SUBDIR += haserl,static
SUBDIR += havp
SUBDIR += hiawatha
SUBDIR += honk
SUBDIR += hs-html
SUBDIR += http_load
SUBDIR += http_ping
SUBDIR += httrack
SUBDIR += hugo
SUBDIR += icedtea-web
SUBDIR += igal
SUBDIR += igal2
SUBDIR += iridium
SUBDIR += japana
SUBDIR += jesred
SUBDIR += jupyter-notebook
SUBDIR += jupyter-notebook,python3
SUBDIR += kcaldav
SUBDIR += kcgi
SUBDIR += kibana
SUBDIR += kore
SUBDIR += kore,curl
SUBDIR += kore,pgsql
SUBDIR += kore,python
SUBDIR += kwebkitpart
SUBDIR += larbin
SUBDIR += libcroco
SUBDIR += libmicrohttpd
SUBDIR += libsass
SUBDIR += libwebsockets
SUBDIR += liferea
SUBDIR += lightsquid
SUBDIR += lighttpd
SUBDIR += lighttpd,ldap
SUBDIR += lighttpd,ldap,mysql
SUBDIR += lighttpd,mysql
SUBDIR += linkchecker
SUBDIR += links
SUBDIR += links+
SUBDIR += links+,no_x11
SUBDIR += llgal
SUBDIR += logswan
SUBDIR += luakit
SUBDIR += lynx
SUBDIR += mhonarc
SUBDIR += midori
SUBDIR += mimetex
SUBDIR += minitube
SUBDIR += moinmoin
SUBDIR += mollify
SUBDIR += mono-xsp
SUBDIR += mozilla-firefox
SUBDIR += mozplugger
SUBDIR += netsurf
SUBDIR += newsboat
SUBDIR += nextcloud
SUBDIR += nghttp2
SUBDIR += nginx
SUBDIR += nostromo
SUBDIR += odoo
SUBDIR += openradtool
SUBDIR += otter-browser
SUBDIR += p5-Alien-Tidyp
SUBDIR += p5-Any-URI-Escape
SUBDIR += p5-Apache-DB
SUBDIR += p5-Apache-DBI
SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Gallery
SUBDIR += p5-Apache-LogFormat-Compiler
SUBDIR += p5-Apache-MP3
SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Session
SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Session-Generate-UUID
SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Session-Memcached
SUBDIR += p5-Blatte-HTML
SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Ajax
SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application
SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Generator
SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-ConfigAuto
SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-ValidateRM
SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Compile
SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Cookie-Splitter
SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Deurl
SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Emulate-PSGI
SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Fast
SUBDIR += p5-CGI-FormBuilder
SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Lite
SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Session
SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Session-Driver-memcached
SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Untaint
SUBDIR += p5-CGI-XMLApplication
SUBDIR += p5-CSS-Minifier
SUBDIR += p5-CSS-Minifier-XS
SUBDIR += p5-CSS-Squish
SUBDIR += p5-CSS-Tiny
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Action-RenderView
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Component-ACCEPT_CONTEXT
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Component-InstancePerContext
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Controller-FormBuilder
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Devel
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Engine-Apache
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Helper-Controller-Scaffold
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Log-Log4perl
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-FileCache
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-Memcached
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-Store-FastMmap
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader-Environment
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-DefaultEnd
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-FormValidator
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-HTML-Widget
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-LogWarnings
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-PageCache
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Pluggable
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Prototype
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-FastMmap
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-PerUser
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-Cookie
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-URI
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-FastMmap
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-File
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Singleton
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-XMLRPC
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Runtime
SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-Mason
SUBDIR += p5-CatalystX-Component-Traits
SUBDIR += p5-Config-ApacheFormat
SUBDIR += p5-Cookie-Baker
SUBDIR += p5-Dancer
SUBDIR += p5-Dancer-Plugin-Database-Core
SUBDIR += p5-Dancer-Plugin-Thumbnail
SUBDIR += p5-Dancer2
SUBDIR += p5-Dancer2-Plugin-Ajax
SUBDIR += p5-Dancer2-Plugin-Auth-Tiny
SUBDIR += p5-Dancer2-Plugin-DBIC
SUBDIR += p5-Dancer2-Plugin-Database
SUBDIR += p5-Data-URIEncode
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Page-Pageset
SUBDIR += p5-Drupal-Admin
SUBDIR += p5-FCGI-ProcManager
SUBDIR += p5-Feed-Find
SUBDIR += p5-Gravatar-URL
SUBDIR += p5-Hijk
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Base
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-CGIChecker
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Calendar-Month-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Clean
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Copy
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Display
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Escape
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-FillInForm
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Form
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-FormFu
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Format
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-AndTables
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-FromText
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Highlight
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Lint
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Mason
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Mason-PSGIHandler
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Parser
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-PopupTreeSelect
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-PrettyPrinter
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Prototype
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Quoted
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-ResolveLink
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-RewriteAttributes
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Scrubber
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-SimpleParse
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-SiteTear
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Stream
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-StripScripts
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-StripScripts-Parser
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Table
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-TableContentParser
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-TableExtract
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-TagCloud
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-TagFilter
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Tagset
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Template
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Template-Expr
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Template-JIT
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Tidy
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Tiny
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-TokeParser-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Tree
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath
SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Widget
SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Async
SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Body
SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-CookieJar
SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Cookies
SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Daemon
SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Date
SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Entity-Parser
SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-GetImages
SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Headers-Fast
SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Lite
SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Message
SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-MultiPartParser
SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Negotiate
SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Parser-XS
SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Proxy
SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Recorder
SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Request-AsCGI
SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Request-Params
SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Response-Encoding
SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Server-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason
SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-PSGI
SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Recorder
SUBDIR += p5-HTTPD-Log-Filter
SUBDIR += p5-JavaScript-Minifier
SUBDIR += p5-JavaScript-Minifier-XS
SUBDIR += p5-LWP-Authen-Wsse
SUBDIR += p5-LWP-MediaTypes
SUBDIR += p5-LWP-Protocol-https
SUBDIR += p5-LWP-Protocol-socks
SUBDIR += p5-LWP-UserAgent-Determined
SUBDIR += p5-MasonX-Interp-WithCallbacks
SUBDIR += p5-Maypole
SUBDIR += p5-Maypole-Authentication-UserSessionCookie
SUBDIR += p5-Mojo
SUBDIR += p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-AccessLog
SUBDIR += p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-Thumbnail
SUBDIR += p5-MojoX-Session
SUBDIR += p5-Object-eBay
SUBDIR += p5-PHP-Serialization
SUBDIR += p5-PHP-Session
SUBDIR += p5-Plack
SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-FixMissingBodyInRedirect
SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-RemoveRedundantBody
SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Middleware-ReverseProxy
SUBDIR += p5-Plack-Test-ExternalServer
SUBDIR += p5-Plagger
SUBDIR += p5-Rose-HTML-Objects
SUBDIR += p5-Rose-HTMLx-Form-Field-Autocomplete
SUBDIR += p5-Rose-URI
SUBDIR += p5-SOAP-Lite
SUBDIR += p5-Starlet
SUBDIR += p5-Starman
SUBDIR += p5-Test-HTTP-LocalServer
SUBDIR += p5-Test-HTTP-Server-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Twiggy
SUBDIR += p5-URI-Fetch
SUBDIR += p5-URI-Find
SUBDIR += p5-W3C-LinkChecker
SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Bugzilla
SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Ebay
SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Form-UrlEncoded
SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Form-UrlEncoded-XS
SUBDIR += p5-WWW-IndexParser
SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Mechanize
SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Mechanize-FormFiller
SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Mechanize-GZip
SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Mechanize-Shell
SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Mechanize-TreeBuilder
SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Robot
SUBDIR += p5-WWW-RobotRules
SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Search
SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Search-Ebay
SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Shorten
SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Shorten-Bitly
SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Shorten-Googl
SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Tumblr
SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Wikipedia
SUBDIR += p5-Weather-Com
SUBDIR += p5-WebService-Audioscrobbler
SUBDIR += p5-WebService-MusicBrainz
SUBDIR += p5-XML-Atom
SUBDIR += p5-XML-Atom-SimpleFeed
SUBDIR += p5-XML-Feed
SUBDIR += p5-libapreq2
SUBDIR += p5-libwww
SUBDIR += p5-pQuery
SUBDIR += pear
SUBDIR += pear-HTML-Page2
SUBDIR += pear-HTML-Select
SUBDIR += pear-HTML-Template-IT
SUBDIR += pear-HTTP-WebDAV-Server
SUBDIR += pecl-chroot,php71
SUBDIR += pecl-chroot,php72
SUBDIR += pecl-chroot,php73
SUBDIR += pecl-memcached,php71
SUBDIR += pecl-memcached,php72
SUBDIR += pecl-memcached,php73
SUBDIR += pecl-pecl_http,php71
SUBDIR += pecl-pecl_http,php72
SUBDIR += pecl-pecl_http,php73
SUBDIR += pecl-pledge,php72 # 7.2+-only
SUBDIR += pecl-pledge,php73
SUBDIR += pecl-proctitle,php71
SUBDIR += pecl-proctitle,php72
SUBDIR += pecl-proctitle,php73
SUBDIR += pecl-propro,php71
SUBDIR += pecl-propro,php72
SUBDIR += pecl-propro,php73
SUBDIR += pecl-raphf,php71
SUBDIR += pecl-raphf,php72
SUBDIR += pecl-raphf,php73
SUBDIR += pecl-ssh2,php71
SUBDIR += pecl-ssh2,php72
SUBDIR += pecl-ssh2,php73
SUBDIR += pelican
SUBDIR += perlbal
SUBDIR += php-markdown
SUBDIR += php-predis
SUBDIR += phpldapadmin
SUBDIR += phpmyadmin
SUBDIR += phppgadmin
SUBDIR += phpvirtualbox
SUBDIR += pnp4nagios
SUBDIR += polipo
SUBDIR += pound
SUBDIR += privoxy
SUBDIR += puppetboard
SUBDIR += py-CherryPy
SUBDIR += py-aiohttp
SUBDIR += py-autobahn
SUBDIR += py-autobahn,python3
SUBDIR += py-beaker
SUBDIR += py-beaker,python3
SUBDIR += py-beautifulsoup
SUBDIR += py-beautifulsoup4
SUBDIR += py-beautifulsoup4,python3
SUBDIR += py-betamax
SUBDIR += py-betamax,python3
SUBDIR += py-bleach
SUBDIR += py-bleach,python3
SUBDIR += py-bokeh
SUBDIR += py-bottle
SUBDIR += py-bottle,python3
SUBDIR += py-cheroot
SUBDIR += py-cheroot,python3
SUBDIR += py-cookies
SUBDIR += py-cookies,python3
SUBDIR += py-django
SUBDIR += py-feedgenerator
SUBDIR += py-feedgenerator,python3
SUBDIR += py-flask
SUBDIR += py-flask,python3
SUBDIR += py-flask-login
SUBDIR += py-flask-login,python3
SUBDIR += py-flask-principal
SUBDIR += py-flask-wtf
SUBDIR += py-flask-wtf,python3
SUBDIR += py-flup
SUBDIR += py-flup,python3
SUBDIR += py-formencode
SUBDIR += py-formencode,python3
SUBDIR += py-frozen-flask
SUBDIR += py-frozen-flask,python3
SUBDIR += py-genshi
SUBDIR += py-genshi,python3
SUBDIR += py-gunicorn
SUBDIR += py-gunicorn,python3
SUBDIR += py-http_ece
SUBDIR += py-http_ece,python3
SUBDIR += py-httpbin
SUBDIR += py-httpbin,python3
SUBDIR += py-httpie
SUBDIR += py-httplib2
SUBDIR += py-httplib2,python3
SUBDIR += py-hyperlink
SUBDIR += py-hyperlink,python3
SUBDIR += py-itsdangerous
SUBDIR += py-itsdangerous,python3
SUBDIR += py-jinja2
SUBDIR += py-jinja2,python3
SUBDIR += py-jonpy
SUBDIR += py-jwt
SUBDIR += py-jwt,python3
SUBDIR += py-mako
SUBDIR += py-mako,python3
SUBDIR += py-mechanize
SUBDIR += py-meld3
SUBDIR += py-meld3,python3
SUBDIR += py-multidict
SUBDIR += py-ndg-httpsclient
SUBDIR += py-ndg-httpsclient,python3
SUBDIR += py-paste
SUBDIR += py-paste-deploy
SUBDIR += py-paste-script
SUBDIR += py-pylons
SUBDIR += py-quixote
SUBDIR += py-recaptcha-client
SUBDIR += py-repoze-lru
SUBDIR += py-repoze-profile
SUBDIR += py-repoze-who
SUBDIR += py-requests
SUBDIR += py-requests,python3
SUBDIR += py-requests-futures
SUBDIR += py-requests-futures,python3
SUBDIR += py-requests-mock
SUBDIR += py-requests-mock,python3
SUBDIR += py-requests-oauthlib
SUBDIR += py-requests-oauthlib,python3
SUBDIR += py-requests-toolbelt
SUBDIR += py-requests-toolbelt,python3
SUBDIR += py-responses
SUBDIR += py-responses,python3
SUBDIR += py-routes
SUBDIR += py-selenium
SUBDIR += py-selenium,python3
SUBDIR += py-sockjs-tornado
SUBDIR += py-soupsieve
SUBDIR += py-soupsieve,python3
SUBDIR += py-tempita
SUBDIR += py-tempita,python3
SUBDIR += py-terminado
SUBDIR += py-terminado,python3
SUBDIR += py-tornado
SUBDIR += py-tornado,python3
SUBDIR += py-uritemplate
SUBDIR += py-uritemplate,python3
SUBDIR += py-urlgrabber
SUBDIR += py-urllib3
SUBDIR += py-urllib3,python3
SUBDIR += py-vcrpy
SUBDIR += py-vcrpy,python3
SUBDIR += py-waitress
SUBDIR += py-waitress,python3
SUBDIR += py-weberror
SUBDIR += py-webhelpers
SUBDIR += py-webob
SUBDIR += py-webob,python3
SUBDIR += py-webpy
SUBDIR += py-webpy,python3
SUBDIR += py-webtest
SUBDIR += py-webtest,python3
SUBDIR += py-werkzeug
SUBDIR += py-werkzeug,python3
SUBDIR += py-wsgiproxy
SUBDIR += py-wtforms
SUBDIR += py-wtforms,python3
SUBDIR += py-wtools
SUBDIR += py-wtools,python3
SUBDIR += py-yarl
SUBDIR += qutebrowser
SUBDIR += racktables
SUBDIR += ratproxy
SUBDIR += rawdog
SUBDIR += retawq
SUBDIR += rt
SUBDIR += ruby-addressable
SUBDIR += ruby-capybara
SUBDIR += ruby-capybara-webkit,ruby25
SUBDIR += ruby-capybara-webkit,ruby26
SUBDIR += ruby-ethon
SUBDIR += ruby-faraday
SUBDIR += ruby-faraday_middleware
SUBDIR += ruby-faraday_middleware-multi_json
SUBDIR += ruby-fcgi,ruby25
SUBDIR += ruby-fcgi,ruby26
SUBDIR += ruby-mechanize
SUBDIR += ruby-multipart-post
SUBDIR += ruby-mustermann
SUBDIR += ruby-ntlm,ruby25
SUBDIR += ruby-ntlm,ruby26
SUBDIR += ruby-passenger,ruby25
SUBDIR += ruby-passenger,ruby26
SUBDIR += ruby-puma,ruby25
SUBDIR += ruby-puma,ruby26
SUBDIR += ruby-rack
SUBDIR += ruby-rack-protection
SUBDIR += ruby-rack-test
SUBDIR += ruby-rainbows
SUBDIR += ruby-raindrops,ruby25
SUBDIR += ruby-raindrops,ruby26
SUBDIR += ruby-sanitize
SUBDIR += ruby-sassc,ruby25
SUBDIR += ruby-sassc,ruby26
SUBDIR += ruby-sinatra
SUBDIR += ruby-thin,ruby25
SUBDIR += ruby-thin,ruby26
SUBDIR += ruby-typhoeus
SUBDIR += ruby-unicorn,ruby25
SUBDIR += ruby-unicorn,ruby26
SUBDIR += ruby-vegas
SUBDIR += ruby-websocket-driver,ruby25
SUBDIR += ruby-websocket-driver,ruby26
SUBDIR += ruby-websocket-extensions
SUBDIR += ruby-xpath
SUBDIR += sabredav
SUBDIR += sarg
SUBDIR += sarg,ldap
SUBDIR += sass
SUBDIR += sassc
SUBDIR += sblg
SUBDIR += seamonkey
SUBDIR += seamonkey-i18n
SUBDIR += selfoss
SUBDIR += slowhttptest
SUBDIR += snownews
SUBDIR += sogo
SUBDIR += sope
SUBDIR += spawn-fcgi
SUBDIR += sqtop
SUBDIR += squid
SUBDIR += squidclamav
SUBDIR += squidguard
SUBDIR += squidguard,ldap
SUBDIR += stagit
SUBDIR += sthttpd
SUBDIR += surf
SUBDIR += surfraw
SUBDIR += swiggle
SUBDIR += syweb
SUBDIR += tidy
SUBDIR += tidyp
SUBDIR += tinyproxy
SUBDIR += tomcat
SUBDIR += tootstream
SUBDIR += tor-browser
SUBDIR += trac
SUBDIR += trac-ldapplugin
SUBDIR += tracnav
SUBDIR += ttyd
SUBDIR += twill
SUBDIR += uget
SUBDIR += uriparser
SUBDIR += urlwatch
SUBDIR += varnish
SUBDIR += vimb
SUBDIR += visitors
SUBDIR += vnu
SUBDIR += vteplugin
SUBDIR += w3m
SUBDIR += w3m,image
SUBDIR += w3mir
SUBDIR += wApua
SUBDIR += wbox
SUBDIR += webalizer
SUBDIR += webkitgtk4
SUBDIR += weboob
SUBDIR += wp-cli
SUBDIR += wslay
SUBDIR += www6to4
SUBDIR += wwwcount
SUBDIR += wwwoffle
SUBDIR += xapian-omega
SUBDIR += youtube-dl
SUBDIR += zola
.include <>