Add a -cups subpackage that contains the command2foo2lava-pjl that brings support for more features. Unconditionally enable CUPS commands in the PPD files. Foomatic will ignore them and CUPS will use them if there.
6 lines
304 B
6 lines
304 B
MD5 (foo2zjs-20100728.tar.gz) = Iy4/kosv90EQ7Rjvc5vP2Q==
RMD160 (foo2zjs-20100728.tar.gz) = 6XgY4UMGZ/jlBYRv2cyAweSY5Sg=
SHA1 (foo2zjs-20100728.tar.gz) = AD1V12yPHKoFupSfFr/WrYPn8yk=
SHA256 (foo2zjs-20100728.tar.gz) = HRqucYLHVI7R+JFG6vYYTdDNYHNh2dQlskQy09Ig3I4=
SIZE (foo2zjs-20100728.tar.gz) = 1616956