ajacoutot a39b1a5f8d Major update to gnome-session-2.28.0... with some part of 2.26.2 because we
do not support the *-kit thingies.
There is a small regression wrt to shutdown/reboot which I'll work on in
the next days.
Also, this port is not a meta-port anymore, if you want a basic functionnal
GNOME desktop, make sure you read the README.OpenBSD file (as agreed with
my other half jasper@).

so many cute animals got injured while working on this update, I lost count...
(sorry kiki...)
2009-10-13 23:20:41 +00:00

6 lines
358 B

MD5 (gnome/gnome-session-2.28.0.tar.bz2) = saIwewLoMwENbFMSuf+QSA==
RMD160 (gnome/gnome-session-2.28.0.tar.bz2) = qrhorPeNkl27SJbsxPsfMeRteV8=
SHA1 (gnome/gnome-session-2.28.0.tar.bz2) = qBPEkzg2U+jjW2O1awNRcXPyro4=
SHA256 (gnome/gnome-session-2.28.0.tar.bz2) = g+iaBPsJDxofa2Cb3Dnx5pOQJpuIW32msy6YD052XAw=
SIZE (gnome/gnome-session-2.28.0.tar.bz2) = 822009