$OpenBSD: README,v 1.3 2015/07/18 00:59:51 ajacoutot Exp $ +----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Running ${FULLPKGNAME} on OpenBSD +----------------------------------------------------------------------- File Descriptors ================ By default, the _elasticsearch user, and so the elasticsearch server run in the login(1) class of "daemon". You can query the number of maximum allowed open file descriptors by running: $ ftp -o - "http://localhost:9200/_nodes/process?pretty" and searching for the "max_file_descriptors" value. Elasticsearch documentation suggests increasing file descriptor limits to 32k or even 64k. You can adjust this limit appropriately by configuring own login(1) class for _elasticsearch user. For example, add this to the login.conf(5) file: elasticsearch:\ :openfiles=4096:\ :tc=daemon: Rebuild the login.conf.db file if necessary: # [ -f /etc/login.conf.db ] && cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf If you are still getting errors about too many open files, you may need to adjust the kern.maxfiles value so you can further increase the open files limit in login.conf(5): # sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=32768 # echo "kern.maxfiles=32768" >> /etc/sysctl.conf Elasticsearch Plugins Management ================================ Elasticsearch plugins management involves running Java code which can download and execute arbitrary code from the Internet. To avoid running these tasks as root, use su(1): # su -m _elasticsearch -c \ "${TRUEPREFIX}/elasticsearch/bin/plugin --install <plugin>"