1947 lines
43 KiB
Executable File
1947 lines
43 KiB
Executable File
#! /usr/bin/perl
# $OpenBSD: update-plist,v 1.182 2019/11/19 14:38:56 espie Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2018 Marc Espie <espie@openbsd.org>
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
# purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $ports1;
my ($ports_uid, $ports_gid, $fake_uid, $fake_gid);
$ports1 = $ENV{PORTSDIR} || '/usr/ports';
# if we're root
return if $< != 0;
# switch id right away
my $fake = $ENV{FAKE_TREE_OWNER};
my $tree = $ENV{PORTS_TREE_OWNER};
# XXX we can only end there if we're very naughty and building
# everything as root, but not behind PORTS_PRIVSEP
if (!defined $fake && !defined $tree) {
print STDERR "(or make sure you pass env variables PORTS_TREE_OWNER and FAKE_TREE_OWNER thru doas to root)\n";
die "FAKE_TREE_OWNER not defined" unless defined $fake;
die "PORTS_TREE_OWNER not defined" unless defined $tree;
($fake_uid, $fake_gid) = (getpwnam $fake)[2,3];
($ports_uid, $ports_gid) = (getpwnam $tree)[2,3];
die "User $fake not found" unless defined $fake_uid;
die "User $tree not found" unless defined $ports_uid;
$) = $fake_gid;
$> = $fake_uid;
use lib "$ports1/infrastructure/lib";
use OpenBSD::FS2;
use OpenBSD::ReverseSubst;
use OpenBSD::CommonPlist;
package TrackedFile;
sub new
my ($class, $name, $ext) = @_;
bless {name => $name, ext => $ext, items => [], items2 => []}, $class;
sub add
my ($self, $item) = @_;
push(@{$self->{items}}, $item);
sub add2
my ($self, $item, $p) = @_;
if ($item->NoDuplicateNames) {
my $s = $p->subst->remove_ignored_vars($item->{prepared});
my $s2 = $p->subst->do($s);
if (defined (my $k = $item->keyword)) {
$s2 =~ s/^\@\Q$k\E\s//;
my $comment = $p->subst->{maybe_comment};
if ($s ne $item->{prepared} &&
$item->{prepared} !~ m/^\Q$comment\E/) {
$item->{candidate_for_comment} = $s2;
push(@{$self->{items2}}, $item);
sub fh
my $self = shift;
if (!defined $self->{fh}) {
my $full = $self->name.$self->{ext};
open($self->{fh}, '>', $full) or die "Can't open $full: $!";
return $self->{fh};
sub name
my $self = shift;
return $self->{name};
sub next_item
my $self = shift;
if (@{$self->{items}} != 0) {
return shift @{$self->{items}};
} else {
return undef;
sub next_item2
my $self = shift;
if (@{$self->{items2}} != 0) {
return shift @{$self->{items2}};
} else {
return undef;
package TrackFile;
sub new
my ($class, $default, $ext) = @_;
my $self = bless {ext => $ext}, $class;
$self->{known}{$default} =
$self->{default} = TrackedFile->new($default, $self->{ext});
return $self;
sub file
my ($self, $name) = @_;
$self->{known}{$name} //= TrackedFile->new($name, $self->{ext});
return $self->{known}{$name};
sub default
my $self = shift;
return $self->{default};
sub write_all
my ($self, $p) = @_;
for my $i (@{$p->{base_plists}}) {
# we mimic the way pkg_create writes files
$p->{restate} = {};
my @stack = ();
push(@stack, $self->file($i));
while (my $file = pop @stack) {
while (my $j = $file->next_item) {
my $filename = $j->prepare_restate($file, $p);
if (defined $filename) {
push(@stack, $file);
$file = $self->file($filename);
for my $i (@{$p->{base_plists}}) {
# we mimic the way pkg_create writes files
$p->{restate} = {};
my @stack = ();
push(@stack, $self->file($i));
while (my $file = pop @stack) {
while (my $j = $file->next_item2) {
my $filename = $j->write_restate($file, $p);
if (defined $filename) {
push(@stack, $file);
$file = $self->file($filename);
# PlistReader is "just" a specialized version of PkgCreate algorithm
# that does mimic what PkgCreate reader does with a few specialized methods
package PlistReader;
our @ISA = qw(OpenBSD::BasePlistReader);
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use File::Basename;
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $o = $class->SUPER::new;
$o->{nlist} = OpenBSD::PackingList->new;
return $o;
sub stateclass
return 'PlistReader::State';
sub command_name
return 'update-plist';
sub nlist
my $self = shift;
return $self->{nlist};
sub strip_prefix
my ($self, $path) = @_;
$path =~ s,^\Q$self->{state}{prefix}\E/,,;
return $path;
sub subst
my $self = shift;
return $self->{state}{subst};
# this is where the magic happens, with the specialized methods
# e is the plist element
# self is the reader (with pkgname et al)
# file is the fileclass where this comes from
# unsubst is the full name before substitution
sub annotate
my ($self, $e, $s, $file) = @_;
$e->{file} = $file->name;
$e->{comesfrom} = $self;
return unless defined $s;
chomp $s;
$e->{unsubst} = $s;
return unless $s =~ m/\$/o; # optimization
# so we redo what subst does, but we keep track of it!
my $subst = $self->{state}{subst};
while ( my $k = ($s =~ m/\$\{([A-Za-z_][^\}]*)\}/o)[0] ) {
my $v = $subst->value($k);
$subst->{used}{$k} = 1;
unless ( defined $v ) { $v = "\$\\\{$k\}"; }
$s =~ s/\$\{\Q$k\E\}/$v/g;
# and more magic, we want to record fragments as pseudo-objects
sub record_fragment
my ($self, $plist, $not, $name, $file) = @_;
my $f;
if ($not) {
$f = OpenBSD::PackingElement::NoFragment->add($plist, $name);
} else {
$f = OpenBSD::PackingElement::Fragment->add($plist, $name);
$self->annotate($f, undef, $file);
# okay, so that plist doesn't exist, wouhou, I don't care,
# since I'm not pkg_create
sub cant_read_fragment
sub missing_fragments
# XXX we should go to the tree for self, always. Don't grab bad data from
# old packages or cache. At the very least invalidate if the version number
# changes!
sub get_plist
my ($self, $pkgpath, $portsdir) = @_;
my $fullpath;
if (defined $self->{state}{cache_dir}) {
$fullpath = $pkgpath;
# flatten the pkgpath proper
$fullpath =~ s,/,.,g;
$fullpath = "$self->{state}{cache_dir}/$fullpath";
if (-f $fullpath) {
return OpenBSD::PackingList->fromfile($fullpath,
} else {
my $plist = OpenBSD::Dependencies::CreateSolver->ask_tree(
$self->{state}, $pkgpath, $portsdir,
"print-plist-with-depends", "wantlib_args=no-wantlib-args");
if (defined $fullpath) {
return $plist;
sub figure_out_dependencies
my ($self, $cache, $portsdir) = @_;
my @solve = ();
my %solve = ();
my $register = $self->{directory_register};
# compute initial list of dependencies
for my $full (keys %{$self->{state}{dependencies}}) {
next unless $full =~ m/^(.*?):/;
push(@solve, $1);
$solve{$1} = 1;
# and do the walk
while (@solve != 0) {
# optimization: don't try if we don't have directories left
return if !%$register;
my $pkgpath = pop @solve;
if (!defined $cache->{$pkgpath}) {
$cache->{$pkgpath} = {};
$self->{state}->say("Stripping directories from #1",
$pkgpath) unless $self->{state}{quiet};
my $plist = $self->get_plist($pkgpath, $portsdir);
for my $dir (keys %{$cache->{$pkgpath}{dir}}) {
if (defined $register->{$dir}) {
$register->{$dir}{DONT} = 1;
$self->{stripped}{$dir} = $pkgpath;
delete $register->{$dir};
for my $k (keys %{$cache->{$pkgpath}{pkgpath}}) {
push(@solve, $k) unless defined $solve{$k};
$solve{$k} = 1;
# specialized state
package PlistReader::State;
our @ISA = qw(OpenBSD::PkgCreate::State);
# mostly make sure we don't care about problems, that our subst records stuff
# and that we have a progressmeter
sub init
my ($self, $realstate) = @_;
$self->{subst} = OpenBSD::ReverseSubst->new($realstate);
$self->{progressmeter} = $realstate->{progressmeter};
$self->{bad} = 0;
$self->{repo} = $realstate->{repo};
$self->{quiet} = $realstate->{quiet};
$self->{cache_dir} = $realstate->{cache_dir};
# if we're in quiet mode, get rid of status messages
sub set_status
my $self = shift;
return if $self->{quiet};
sub end_status
my $self = shift;
return if $self->{quiet};
# Most of the heavy lifting is done by visitor methods, as always
package OpenBSD::PackingElement;
use File::Basename;
# record everything we need to know about the object:
# exact file name, approximate directories, possible command names
# that must come after unexec
sub known_object
# record known directories and their parents as anchors for new objects
# note we can't mark directories for stripping yet, as we don't have them all
sub known_directory
# while scanning a dependency, note further dependencies to process,
# and directories we can strip
sub process_dependency
# keep a record of directories that can get removed by dependencies
sub tag_directories
# non-file objects that can be copied directly, as their location is automatic
# (e.g., conflict, pkgpath, etc)
sub copy_annotations
# the actual method that stores the objects for writing, dispatching them
# to the correct fragment
sub redistribute
my ($o, $p) = @_;
return if $o->{DONT};
if (defined $o->{file}) {
} else {
# the actual method that keeps state (@mode/@owner/@group) and does
# backsubstitution and writing.
# part of the state is the current fragment, so it should return the
# new filename when it changes
# Note that this is not called as a visitor, but directly by the FileTracker
# on the lists it builds
sub write_restate
my ($o, $file, $p) = @_;
$o->write_backsubst($file, $p);
return undef;
sub prepare_restate
my ($o, $file, $p) = @_;
$o->prepare_backsubst($file, $p);
return undef;
sub prepare_backsubst
my ($o, $file, $p) = @_;
my $s = $p->subst->do_backsubst($o->fullstring, $o->unsubst, $o);
$o->{prepared} = $s;
$file->add2($o, $p);
# default backsubstitution and writing.
sub write_backsubst
my ($o, $file, $p) = @_;
if (defined (my $s = $o->{candidate_for_comment})) {
if ($p->{stash}{$s} > 1) {
$o->{prepared} =
print {$file->fh} $o->{prepared}, "\n";
# extra objects that get copied very late (e.g., @extra)
sub copy_extra
# some objects will have lists of tags, so that when they get copied
# the tags come with them
sub tag_along
my ($self, $n) = @_;
push(@{$self->{mytags}}, $n);
$n->{tagged} = 1;
# this is the actual marking for later:
# we "keep state" of objects that accept tags (because they were found
# so we know we'll get them)
# and objects that are not found will tag along if appropriate
sub tie_objects
my ($self, $plist) = @_;
if ($self->{found}) {
} else {
# so this will use the default attach_to_lastobject mostly
sub attach_to_lastobject
my ($self, $plist) = @_;
if (defined $plist->{state}{lastobject}) {
# if the object is appropriate, it becomes a last object
sub bookmark
# if the object is appropriate, it will tag along
sub may_tag_along
# warn about files with a wrong name (.swp, ~, .orig)
# or fuss with paths
sub last_check
# record every cvstag in existence and files that will be written
# so that files without a cvstag will gain one
sub find_existing_cvstags
my ($self, $filenames, $existing) = @_;
if (defined $self->{file}) {
$filenames->{$self->{file}} = 1;
sub show_unknown
my $self = shift;
if (!$self->{found}) {
print "Not found: ", $self->fullstring, " (in ",
$self->{file}, ")\n";
# this is not used as a visitor, but rather invoked explicitly when copying
# an object that can have tags
# TODO some tags should be copied "later" (in redistribute) so that they
# get in the plist "out-of-order" (comments in preamble)
sub copy_with_tags
my ($self, $plist) = @_;
$self->{found} = 1;
if (defined $self->{mytags}) {
for my $tag (@{$self->{mytags}}) {
next if $tag->{found};
$tag->{tagged_along} = 1;
copy_with_tags($tag, $plist);
# pass every actual file to pkglocate to check for unregistered conflicts
sub locate_files
# will be zero for classes that cannot be deduced from the FS
sub rebless_okay { 1 }
# unexec should only match objects which are actual files and not directories
sub is_file { 0 }
# helper method
# the code that checks the suffixes
sub check_suffix
my ($self, $state) = @_;
my $s = $self->fullname;
my $error;
if ($s =~ m/\/\.[^\/]*\.swp$/) {
$error = "vim swap file";
} elsif ($s =~ m/\~$/) {
$error = "emacs temporary file";
} else {
for my $suf (@{$state->{warn_suffix}}) {
if ($s =~ m/\Q$suf\E$/) {
$error = "$suf suffix";
return $error;
# helper method
# @extra and friends may have unneeded ${PREFIX} prepended to them
sub strip_redundant_absolute
my ($self, $p) = @_;
# remove unneeded absolute paths
if ($self->name =~ m/^\// && $self->cwd eq $p->{state}{prefix}) {
$self->{name} = $p->strip_prefix($self->name);
sub unsubst
my $a = shift;
if (!defined $a->{unsubst} && defined $a->{hint_dir}) {
my $d = $a->{hint_dir};
my $o = $a->{hint_obj};
# handle keywords
my $s = $a->fullstring;
my $subst = $o->{comesfrom}->subst;
my $d2 = $o->{unsubst};
my $k = '';
if ($s =~ s/^(\@\S+\s+)//) {
$k = $1;
$d2 =~ s/^(\@\S+\s+)//;
# so figure out the maximum possible directory
while (1) {
my $s2 = $subst->do($d2);
if ($s2 =~ m/\/$/) {
if ($s =~ m/^\Q$s2\E/) {
$a->{unsubst} = "$k$d2";
} else {
if ($s =~ m/^\Q$s2\E\//) {
$a->{unsubst} = "$k$d2/";
last if $s2 eq '/' or $s2 eq '.';
$d2 = dirname($d2);
# for debugging, commented out
# print $a->fullstring, " gains partial $a->{unsubst} from ",
# $o->{unsubst}, "\n";
return $a->{unsubst};
sub rebless
my ($self, $newclass) = @_;
my $old_prefix = $self->fullstring;
$old_prefix =~ s/^(\@\S+\s|).*/$1/;
bless $self, $newclass;
my $new_prefix = $self->fullstring;
$new_prefix =~ s/^(\@\S+\s|).*/$1/;
if (defined $self->unsubst) {
$self->{unsubst} =~ s/^\Q$old_prefix\E/$new_prefix/;
# check_specific($h): some file types have specific needs (e.g., @tag)
# so we record these as $h->{should}, and we record the actual
# @tag if we see it as $h->{has}.
sub check_specific
# this is specific to DEBUG_PACKAGES: if there are new/changed annotated
# files, we'll need to rerun make clean=fake/fake
sub notice_new_file
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::State;
# that stuff NEVER gets copied over, but interpolated from existing objects
sub show_unknown
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Dependency;
sub process_dependency
my ($self, $mtree) = @_;
$mtree->{pkgpath}{$self->{pkgpath}} = 1;
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::DirlikeObject;
sub process_dependency
my ($self, $mtree) = @_;
$mtree->{dir}{$self->fullname} = 1;
sub tag_directories
my ($self, $h) = @_;
$h->{$self->fullname} = $self;
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::DirBase;
sub bookmark
my ($self, $plist) = @_;
$plist->{state}{lastobject} = $self;
$plist->{state}{lastdir} = $self;
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Meta;
sub copy_annotations
my ($self, $plist) = @_;
$self->{found} = 1;
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::UniqueOption;
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::CVSTag;
sub copy_annotations
my ($self, $plist) = @_;
sub find_existing_cvstags
my ($self, $filenames, $existing) = @_;
$existing->{$self->{file}} = 1;
$self->SUPER::find_existing_cvstags($filenames, $existing);
sub tie_objects
my ($self, $plist) = @_;
$plist->{state}{lastobject} = $self;
# we will never do backsubst on CVSTags
sub prepare_backsubst
my ($o, $file, $p) = @_;
$o->{prepared} = $o->fullstring;
$file->add2($o, $p);
# this is extra stuff that PkgCreate builds but that we don't want to copy
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Name;
sub copy_annotations
sub show_unknown
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::SpecialFile;
sub copy_annotations
sub show_unknown
sub write_restate
sub prepare_restate
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::ExtraInfo;
sub copy_annotations
sub show_unknown
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Cwd;
sub show_unknown
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Comment;
# comments need to pretend they're like file objects, so that you can comment
# file objects
sub fullname
my $self = shift;
my $path = $self->name;
# strip every keyword for matching
$path =~ s/^\@\w+\s+//;
if ($path !~ m|^/|o && $self->cwd ne '.') {
$path = $self->cwd."/".$path;
$path =~ s,^//,/,;
$path =~ s,/$,,;
return $path;
# comments that are not found as actual paths will tag along after the last
# object they saw
sub may_tag_along
my ($self, $plist) = @_;
if ($self->{name} =~ m/^intentional/i &&
defined $plist->{state}{lastobject}) {
$plist->{state}{lastobject}{intentional} = 1;
sub known_object
sub cwd
sub copy_annotations
# nope these are not normal annotations we can copy
sub last_check
my ($self, $p, $state) = @_;
return if !defined $self->{tagged_along};
my $error = $self->check_suffix($state);
if (defined $error) {
push(@{$p->{oldcomments}}, $self->fullstring.
" (no matching file and $error ?)");
# if a file was commented, do not bring it back as a real file
sub rebless_okay { 0 }
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Sample;
sub may_tag_along
my ($self, $plist) = @_;
my $o = $self->{copyfrom};
if (!defined $o) {
print STDERR "Warning: bogus \@sample ", $self->stringize,
" with no reference file\n";
} elsif (!$o->{found}) {
print STDERR "Warning: ", $self->stringize,
" references a non-existing file ", $o->stringize,
" and will not be copied\n";
} else {
sub known_object
my ($self, $o) = @_;
my $f = $self->fullname;
push @{$o->{sample}{$f}}, $self;
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Tag;
sub check_specific
my ($self, $h) = @_;
$h->{has}{$self->stringize} = 1;
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Desktop;
our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::File);
sub check_specific
my ($self, $h) = @_;
$h->{should}{'update-desktop-database'} = 1;
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Glib2Schema;
our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::File);
sub check_specific
my ($self, $h) = @_;
$h->{should}{'glib-compile-schemas'} = 1;
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::IconThemeDirectory;
our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Dir);
sub check_specific
my ($self, $h) = @_;
$h->{should}{"gtk-update-icon-cache %D/".$self->name} = 1;
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::IconTheme;
our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::File);
use File::Basename;
sub check_specific
my ($self, $h) = @_;
# XXX this works because the file happens *after* its parent directory
delete $h->{should}{"gtk-update-icon-cache %D/".dirname($self->name)};
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::MimeInfo;
our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::File);
sub check_specific
my ($self, $h) = @_;
$h->{should}{'update-mime-database'} = 1;
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::GhcConf;
our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::File);
sub check_specific
my ($self, $h) = @_;
$h->{should}{'ghc-pkg-recache'} = 1;
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Sampledir;
# this is not really smart, but good enough for starters
sub may_tag_along
my ($self, $plist) = @_;
# likewise, sampledirs do not want to become normal dirs
sub rebless_okay { 0 }
# those are objects that only exist in update-plist
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Fragment;
our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement);
no warnings qw(redefine);
sub needs_keyword() { 0 }
sub stringize
return '%%'.shift->{name}.'%%';
# copy them in the right location
sub may_tag_along
my ($self, $plist) = @_;
# while writing, change file accordingly
sub write_restate
my ($self, $file, $p) = @_;
# don't do backsubst on fragments, pkg_create does not!
my $base = $file->name;
my $frag = $self->frag;
$base =~ s/PFRAG\./PFRAG.$frag-/ or
$base =~ s/PLIST/PFRAG.$frag/;
return $base if $p->{tracker}{known}{$base};
return undef;
sub prepare_restate
my ($self, $file, $p) = @_;
# don't do backsubst on fragments, pkg_create does not!
$file->add2($self, $p);
my $base = $file->name;
my $frag = $self->frag;
$base =~ s/PFRAG\./PFRAG.$frag-/ or
$base =~ s/PLIST/PFRAG.$frag/;
return $base if $p->{tracker}{known}{$base};
return undef;
sub frag
my $self = shift;
return $self->{name};
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::NoFragment;
our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Fragment);
no warnings qw(redefine);
sub stringize
return '!%%'.shift->{name}.'%%';
sub frag
my $self = shift;
return "no-$self->{name}";
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Action;
# TODO old make-plist would check whether the substitutions didn't change
sub may_tag_along
my ($self, $plist) = @_;
# for now, we might do something smarter later
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Unexec;
sub known_object
my ($self, $o) = @_;
# figure out possible commands in the list
for my $i (split/\s+/, $self->{expanded}) {
next if $i eq "/usr/bin/env";
next if $i =~ m/^\-/;
next if $i =~ m/\=/;
$o->{comes_after}{$i} = $self;
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::FileObject;
use File::Basename;
# FileObjects are (mostly) stuff with paths that can get substs...
sub last_check
my ($self, $p, $state) = @_;
return if $self->{intentional};
my $error = $self->check_suffix($state);
return unless defined $error;
if (defined $self->{comesfrom}) {
push(@{$p->{oldorigfiles}}, $self->fullstring. " ($error ?)");
} else {
$self->{DONT} = 1;
push(@{$p->{origfiles}}, $self->fullstring. " ($error ?)");
sub known_object
my ($self, $o) = @_;
my $f = $self->fullname;
push @{$o->{exact}{$f}}, $self;
delete $o->{approximate}{$f};
sub known_directory
my ($self, $o, $plist) = @_;
my $d = $self->fullname;
while (1) {
$d = dirname($d);
# don't go up to / if we can avoid it
return if $d eq $self->cwd or $d eq '/';
return if defined $self->{$d}{$plist};
$o->{approximate}{$d}{$plist} = $self;
sub show_unknown
my $self = shift;
if (!$self->{found}) {
print "Not found: ", $self->fullname, " (in ", $self->{file}, ")\n";
sub write_restate
my ($self, $f, $p) = @_;
# TODO there should be some more code matching the mode to the original
# file that was copied
for my $k (qw(mode owner group)) {
my $s = "\@$k";
if (defined $self->{$k}) {
if (defined $p->{restate}{$k}) {
if ($p->{restate}{$k} eq $self->{$k}) {
if ($k eq 'mode') {
$s .= " ".$self->{$k};
} else {
$s .= " ".
$p->subst->do_backsubst($self->{$k}, undef);
} else {
if (!defined $p->{restate}{$k}) {
$p->{restate}{$k} = $self->{$k};
print {$f->fh} $s, "\n";
$self->write_backsubst($f, $p);
return undef;
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::FileBase;
sub bookmark
my ($self, $plist) = @_;
$plist->{state}{lastobject} = $self;
$plist->{state}{lastfile} = $self;
sub locate_files
my ($self, $locator) = @_;
sub write_backsubst
my ($self, $f, $p) = @_;
if (defined $self->{nochecksum}) {
print {$f->fh} "\@comment no checksum\n";
$self->SUPER::write_backsubst($f, $p);
sub is_file { 1 }
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Shell;
# we have no way to figure out @shell
sub rebless_okay { 0 }
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Lib;
my $first_warn = 1;
sub check_lib_version
my ($self, $version, $name, $v) = @_;
if (defined $v) {
return if $v eq $version;
print STDERR "ERROR: version mismatch for lib: ", $name,
" (", $version, " vs. ", $v, ")\n";
} else {
if ($first_warn) {
print STDERR "Warning: unregistered shared lib(s)\n";
$first_warn = 0;
print STDERR "SHARED_LIBS +=\t$name ",
' 'x (25-length $name), "0.0 # $version\n";
sub prepare_backsubst
my ($self, $f, $p) = @_;
if ($self->name =~ m,^(.*?)lib([^\/]+)\.so\.(\d+\.\d+)$,) {
my ($path, $name, $version) = ($1, $2, $3);
my $k = "LIB${name}_VERSION";
# XXX redo backsubst on the variable name
my $s = $p->subst->do_backsubst(
"\@lib ${path}lib$name.so.\$\{$k\}", $self->unsubst, $self);
$self->check_lib_version($version, $name,
$self->{prepared} = $s;
$f->add2($self, $p);
} else {
$self->SUPER::write_backsubst($f, $p);
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Extra;
sub copy_extra
my ($self, $plist) = @_;
if (!$self->{found}) {
$self->{found} = 1;
sub may_tag_along
my ($self, $plist) = @_;
sub rebless_okay() { 0 }
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Extradir;
sub rebless_okay() { 0 }
sub copy_extra
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Manpage;
sub check_suffix
my ($self, $state) = @_;
my $s = $self->fullname;
my $error;
if ($s =~ m/(\.Z|\.gz)$/) {
$error = "compressed manpage";
} elsif ($s =~ m/\.0$/) {
$error = "preformatted manpage (USE_GROFF ?)";
} elsif ($s =~ m/\.tbl$/) {
$error = "unformatted .tbl manpage";
return $error;
# small class that runs pkglocate in batches
package OpenBSD::Pkglocate;
sub new
my ($class, $state) = @_;
my $ncpu;
if (defined $state->opt('j')) {
$ncpu = $state->opt('j');
} else {
$ncpu = `sysctl -n hw.ncpuonline`;
chomp $ncpu;
bless {result => {}, params => [], bypath => {}, queue => [],
ncpu => $ncpu}, $class;
sub add_param
my ($self, @p) = @_;
push(@{$self->{params}}, @p);
while (@{$self->{params}} > 200) {
sub run_command
my $self = shift;
if (@{$self->{params}} == 0) {
if (@{$self->{queue}} > $self->{ncpu}) {
my %h = map {($_, 1)} @{$self->{params}};
# XXX so this is slightly tricky, we do run a pipe, and don't
# look at the results just yet.
# *if* the pipe produces lots of results, it will be stuck,
# and when we grab the results, we will get stuff sequentially
# but we are gambling that pipes produce few results each,
# so they will just sit in the memory buffer when done
# (we could also move to non-blocking pipes, which is slightly
# crazy for such a small optimization)
open(my $cmd, '-|', 'pkg_locate', map {":$_"} @{$self->{params}});
push(@{$self->{queue}}, { h => \%h, pipe => $cmd});
$self->{params} = [];
sub get_results
my $self = shift;
my $e = shift @{$self->{queue}};
my $fh = $e->{pipe};
while (<$fh>) {
my ($pkgname, $pkgpath, $path) = split(':', $_, 3);
# pkglocate will return partial results, we only care about
# exact stuff
if ($e->{h}{$path}) {
push(@{$self->{result}{$pkgname}}, $path);
$self->{bypath}{$pkgname} = $pkgpath;
sub result
my $self = shift;
while (@{$self->{params}} > 0) {
while (@{$self->{queue}}) {
return $self->{result};
sub bypath
my ($self, $pkgname) = @_;
return $self->{bypath}{$pkgname};
# This is the UpdatePlist main code proper
package UpdatePlist::State;
our @ISA = qw(OpenBSD::AddCreateDelete::State);
sub handle_options
my $state = shift;
$state->{opt} = {
'X' => sub {
my $path = shift;
$state->{ignored}{$path} = 1;
'w' => sub {
my $warn = shift;
push(@{$state->{warn_suffix}}, $warn);
'i' => sub {
my $var = shift;
push(@{$state->{dont_backsubst}}, $var);
'I' => sub {
my $var = shift;
push(@{$state->{maybe_ignored}}, $var);
'c' => sub {
my $var = shift;
if (exists $state->{maybe_comment}) {
$state->{maybe_comment} = '${'.$var.'}';
's' => sub {
my $var = shift;
push(@{$state->{start_only}}, $var);
'S' => sub {
my $var = shift;
push(@{$state->{suffix_only}}, $var);
'V' => sub {
my $var = shift;
push(@{$state->{no_version}}, $var);
'[-Fmnrvx] [-C dir] [-c comment] [-E ext] [-e ext] [-i var]',
'[-I ignored] [-j jobs] [-L logfile] [-P pkgdir] [-S var]',
'[-s var] [-V var] [-w suffix] [-X path] -- pkg_create_args ...');
$state->{pkgdir} = $state->opt('P');
$state->{scan_as_root} = $state->opt('r');
$state->{verbose} = $state->opt('v');
$state->{cache_dir} = $state->opt('C');
$state->{quiet} = $state->opt('q');
$state->{extnew} = $state->opt('E') // ".new";
$state->{extorig} = $state->opt('e') // ".orig";
$state->{logfile} = $state->opt('L');
if (exists $state->{maybe_ignored} && !exists $state->{maybe_comment}) {
package UpdatePlist;
use File::Basename;
use File::Compare;
sub new
my $class = shift;
bless {
state => UpdatePlist::State->new,
}, $class;
sub process_next_subpackage
my $self = shift;
my $r = PlistReader->process_next_subpackage($self);
# add the cwd to new list as well!!!
OpenBSD::PackingElement::Cwd->add($r->nlist, $r->{state}{prefix});
$r->add_extra_info($r->olist, $r->{state});
sub parse_args
my $self = shift;
# this handles update-plist options proper, finished with --
if (@ARGV == 0) {
# we read all plists using the exact same code as pkg_create
# e.g., ARGV is all PKG_ARGS* parameters concatenated together:
# options1 pkgname1 options2 pkgname2 ...
while (@ARGV > 0) {
sub known_objects
# let's record where each object live, including directory
# locations. As a rule, "exact" information will supersede
# deduced directory names.
my $self = shift;
for my $p (@{$self->{lists}}) {
$p->olist->known_directory($self, $p->olist);
for my $p (@{$self->{lists}}) {
sub scan_fake_dir
my $self = shift;
# XXX we assume all subpackage are under the same destdir (-B option)
my $base = $self->{lists}[0]->{state}{base};
# now we ask the file system what exists, and fill file
# objects according to that.
$self->{state}->say("Scanning #1", $base)
unless $self->{state}{quiet};
local $> = 0 if $self->{state}{scan_as_root};
$self->{objects} = OpenBSD::FS2->fill($base, $self->{state}{ignored},
$self->{state}{logfile}, $self->{state});
sub zap_debug_files
my $self = shift;
$self->{state}->say("Removing .debug artefacts");
my $keep = {}; # hash of directories to keep
for my $path (keys %{$self->{objects}}) {
next unless $path =~ m,(.*)\/\.debug\/,;
my $dir = $1;
if ($path =~ m,\/([^\/]+)\.dbg$, or
$path =~ m,\/([^\/]+\.a)$,) {
my $p2 = "$dir/$1";
my $o = $self->{objects}{$p2};
if (defined $o && $o->can_have_debug) {
delete $self->{objects}{$path};
$keep->{$dir} = 1;
for my $path (keys %{$self->{objects}}) {
next unless $path =~ m,(.*)\/\.debug$,;
next if $keep->{path};
if ($self->{objects}{$path}->is_dir) {
delete $self->{objects}{$path};
sub add_missing_cvstags
my ($list, $base) = @_;
my $filenames = {};
$filenames->{$base} = 1;
my $existing = {};
$list->find_existing_cvstags($filenames, $existing);
for my $name (keys %$filenames) {
next if $existing->{$name};
my $o = OpenBSD::PackingElement::CVSTag->add($list,
'$'.'OpenBSD: '.basename($name).',v$');
$o->{file} = $name;
sub copy_from_old
my ($self, $e, $o, $unexec) = @_;
my $s = $e->{comesfrom};
if ($o->element_class ne ref($e) && $e->rebless_okay) {
# mark it for later (see add_delayed_objects)
if ($e->cwd ne $s->{state}{prefix}) {
push(@{$s->{badcwd}}, $e);
if (defined $unexec && $e->is_file) {
# XXX we need to unmark it so it can tag along
delete $e->{found};
} else {
sub copy_existing
my ($self, $path, $o) = @_;
if ($self->{exact}{$path}) {
# this will be re-added to multiple paths if there are
# multiple matching plists
for my $e (@{$self->{exact}{$path}}) {
$self->copy_from_old($e, $o, $self->{comes_after}{$path});
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
sub handle_annotations
my $self = shift;
# First we figure out which objects will get copied.
$self->{state}->say("Figuring out tie points")
unless $self->{state}{quiet};
for my $path (keys %{$self->{objects}}) {
my $o = $self->{objects}{$path};
if ($self->{exact}{$path}) {
for my $e (@{$self->{exact}{$path}}) {
$e->{found} = 1;
# THEN we attach annotations to the closest known object
# This is sturdy when files vanish, as we tag along with
# the nearest file
$self->{state}->say("Tieing loose objects")
unless $self->{state}{quiet};
for my $p (@{$self->{lists}}) {
sub walk_up_directory
my ($self, $path, $c) = @_;
# we didn't find it so we must create a new one
# go up dir until we find a matching approximate dir
my $d = $path;
while (1) {
$d = dirname($d);
last if $d eq '/';
next unless exists $self->{approximate}{$d};
my @l = values %{$self->{approximate}{$d}};
# if we do, we only write non ambiguous names
if (@l == 1) {
my $s = $l[0]->{comesfrom};
my $p2 = $s->strip_prefix($path);
if ($p2 =~ m/^\// && !$c->absolute_okay) {
# this will get caught as new element
# TODO list of data to build inside
# its own cwd
my $a = $c->add($s->nlist, $p2);
# and match the file
$a->{file} = $s->{file};
# unsubst is used as a hint in reversesubst, so we
# can use the directory part BUT we need to figure
# it out. Delay it until we need it
$a->{hint_dir} = $d;
$a->{hint_obj} = $l[0];
return 1;
return 0;
sub last_resort
my ($self, $path, $c) = @_;
# try all lists in order, until we find one with
# the right prefix
for my $p (@{$self->{lists}}) {
my $p2 = $p->strip_prefix($path);
if ($p2 =~ m|^/| && !$c->absolute_okay) {
my $a = $c->add($p->nlist, $p2);
# and match the file
$a->{file} = $p->{file};
return 1;
return 0;
# somewhat devious: that file was created by the fake install, BUT we
# install a sample instead. Make sure the sample is copied over in some
# plist, though
sub is_a_sample
my ($self, $path) = @_;
return 0 unless defined $self->{sample}{$path};
for my $e (@{$self->{sample}{$path}}) {
return 1 if $e->{tagged};
return 0;
sub copy_object
my ($self, $path) = @_;
my $o = $self->{objects}{$path};
return if $self->copy_existing($path, $o);
my $c = $o->element_class;
return if $self->walk_up_directory($path, $c);
return if $self->last_resort($path, $c);
return if $self->is_a_sample($path);
# TODO this is where we should figure @cwd stuff
# though it's generally better to have distinct plists
# for several prefixes
push(@{$self->{orphan_paths}}, $path);
sub copy_objects
my $self = shift;
$self->{state}->say("Copying objects")
unless $self->{state}{quiet};
for my $path (sort keys %{$self->{objects}}) {
sub add_delayed_objects
my $self = shift;
# now we can handle stuff outside of cwd, if that applies
for my $p (@{$self->{lists}}) {
my $cwd = $p->{state}{prefix};
# we destate the cwd to try to minimize dir changes
# note that these items are sorted, so it won't switch
# all over the place.
for my $e (@{$p->{badcwd}}) {
if ($e->cwd ne $cwd) {
$cwd = $e->cwd;
sub strip_dependency_directories
my $self = shift;
# so we read everything, let's figure out common directories
my $cache = {};
my $portsdir = $ENV{PORTSDIR};
for my $p (@{$self->{lists}}) {
$p->{directory_register} = {};
for my $p (@{$self->{lists}}) {
if (%{$p->{directory_register}}) {
$p->figure_out_dependencies($cache, $portsdir);
# replace the cache entries from disk with cache entries from new plists
for my $p (@{$self->{lists}}) {
my $pkgpath = $p->olist->fullpkgpath;
# optimisation: it's not a dependency, so we don't care
next if !defined $cache->{$pkgpath};
$cache->{$pkgpath} = {};
$self->{state}->say("Stripping directories from #1 (trying harder)",
$pkgpath) unless $self->{state}{quiet};
# and redo the zapping all over again, now that we fudged the cache
for my $p (@{$self->{lists}}) {
if (%{$p->{directory_register}}) {
$p->figure_out_dependencies($cache, $portsdir);
sub add_missing_tags
my $self = shift;
for my $p (@{$self->{lists}}) {
my $h = { should => {}, has => {}};
for my $k (keys %{$h->{should}}) {
next if $h->{has}{$k};
OpenBSD::PackingElement::Tag->add($p->nlist, $k);
sub adjust_final
my $self = shift;
for my $p (@{$self->{lists}}) {
$p->nlist->{name}{DONT} = 1;
# CWD that we added manually... this sucks a bit!!!
$p->nlist->{items}[0]{DONT} = 1;
for my $i (@{$p->{base_plists}}) {
add_missing_cvstags($p->nlist, $i);
$p->nlist->last_check($p, $self->{state});
sub report_per_list
my ($self, $key, $msg) = @_;
for my $p (@{$self->{lists}}) {
next unless exists $p->{$key};
$self->{state}->say($msg, $p->nlist->pkgname);
for my $e (@{$p->{$key}}) {
$self->{state}->say(" #1", $e);
sub report_issues
my $self = shift;
if (exists $self->{orphan_paths}) {
print "Can't put into any plist (no applicable prefix):\n";
for my $p (@{$self->{orphan_paths}}) {
print "\t$p\n";
# let's show a quick summary of stuff we couldn't figure out
for my $p (@{$self->{lists}}) {
"Warning: entries NOT added to #1:");
"Warning: possible problematic entries in #1:");
$self->report_per_list("oldcomments", "Warning: #1 still contains:");
sub write_new_files
my $self = shift;
for my $p (@{$self->{lists}}) {
# default is the last content we have, thanks ruby :(
$p->{tracker} = TrackFile->new($p->{base_plists}->[-1],
# TODO old make-plist noticed libraries with a
# LIB*_VERSION but no matching file
sub display_stripped_info
my $self = shift;
return unless $self->{state}{verbose};
for my $p (@{$self->{lists}}) {
next unless exists $p->{stripped};
print "Directories stripped from ", $p->nlist->pkgname, ":\n";
for my $d (sort keys %{$p->{stripped}}) {
print " ", $p->strip_prefix($d),
" ($p->{stripped}{$d})\n";
sub short_list
my ($self, $l) = @_;
if (@$l > 10) {
return join(' ', splice(@$l, 0, 10))."...";
} else {
return join(' ', @$l);
sub locate_list
my ($self, $p) = @_;
my $locator = OpenBSD::Pkglocate->new($p->{state});
my $l = $p->nlist->conflict_list;
my $r = $locator->result;
for my $pkgname (sort keys %$r) {
next if $l->conflicts_with($pkgname);
my $path = $locator->bypath($pkgname);
my $portsdir = $ENV{PORTSDIR};
my $plist = OpenBSD::Dependencies::CreateSolver->ask_tree(
$self->{state}, $path, $portsdir,
# XXX pkglocate does not include default flavors
my $myname = $p->nlist->pkgname;
# Cheat in case ask_tree didn't work anyhow.
if (!defined $plist->pkgname) {
next if $plist->conflict_list->conflicts_with($myname);
print "Warning: ", $myname, " conflicts with ", $pkgname, " (",
$path, "):", $self->short_list($r->{$pkgname}), "\n";
sub try_pkglocate
my $self = shift;
# hardcode the location for now
if (-x '/usr/local/bin/pkg_locate') {
$self->{state}->say("Looking for unregistered conflicts")
unless $self->{state}{quiet};
for my $p (@{$self->{lists}}) {
} else {
$self->{state}->say("Can't look for conflicts, pkglocatedb not installed");
my $self = UpdatePlist->new;
# XXX check the order of delayed objects (cwd) vs extra files (no actual cwd)?
# TODO we should try to match new items (with no unsubst) to the closest
# directory with unsubst material, so that we get better hints at substitution
if (!$self->{state}->opt('F')) {
# switch to ports owner
if (defined $ports_gid) {
$> = 0;
$) = $ports_gid;
$> = $ports_uid;
# this is the step responsible for adjusting mode AND backsubstituting
# variables!
# and now, we figure out where to move the new files
my @towrite = ();
my $cantmove = 0;
my $exitcode = 0;
my $new = $self->{state}{extnew};
my $orig = $self->{state}{extorig};
# let's see if we want to update things
for my $p (@{$self->{lists}}) {
for my $k (sort keys %{$p->{tracker}{known}}) {
if (-f $k) {
if (!-f "$k$new") {
print STDERR "No $k$new written\n";
$exitcode = 1;
# TODO get common code out of register-plist
# to figure out what discrepancies don't really matter
} elsif (compare($k, "$k$new") == 0) {
unlink("$k$new") unless $self->{state}->not;
} else {
print "$k changed";
push(@towrite, $k);
if (-f "$k$orig") {
print " but $k$orig exists\n";
$cantmove = 1;
} else {
print "\n";
} else {
print "$k is new\n";
push(@towrite, $k);
if ($cantmove) {
if ($self->{state}->not) {
for my $k (@towrite) {
if (-f $k) {
rename($k, "$k$orig") or
die "can't rename $k to $k$orig: $!";
rename("$k$new", $k) or
die "can't rename $k$new to $k: $!";