sturm a0dfeaa0c2 Initial import of scite 1.54
SciTE is short for SCIntillla based Text Editor. It is a very
flexible but still small and fast editor providing block folding,
syntax highlighting, regular expression search & replace etc.


from Joerg Sonnenberger <> with patches from Andrew Dalgleish
2003-08-14 18:27:25 +00:00

148 lines
5.5 KiB

$OpenBSD: patch-src_SciTEBase_cxx,v 2003/08/14 18:27:26 sturm Exp $
--- src/SciTEBase.cxx.orig 2003-08-14 01:31:52.000000000 +1000
+++ src/SciTEBase.cxx 2003-08-14 01:31:52.000000000 +1000
@@ -1874,7 +1874,7 @@ bool SciTEBase::StartInsertAbbreviation(
char *expbuf = new char[dataLength + 1];
- strcpy(expbuf, data.c_str());
+ strlcpy(expbuf, data.c_str(), dataLength + 1);
size_t expbuflen = strlen(expbuf);
int caret_pos = SendEditor(SCI_GETSELECTIONEND);
@@ -1966,7 +1966,7 @@ bool SciTEBase::StartExpandAbbreviation(
char *expbuf = new char[dataLength + 1];
- strcpy(expbuf, data.c_str());
+ strlcpy(expbuf, data.c_str(), dataLength + 1);
size_t expbuflen = strlen(expbuf);
int caret_pos = -1; // caret position
@@ -2361,17 +2361,17 @@ void SciTEBase::SetTextProperties(
int eolMode = SendEditor(SCI_GETEOLMODE);
ps.Set("EOLMode", eolMode == SC_EOL_CRLF ? "CR+LF" : (eolMode == SC_EOL_LF ? "LF" : "CR"));
- sprintf(temp, "%d", LengthDocument());
+ snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%d", LengthDocument());
ps.Set("BufferLength", temp);
ps.SetInteger("NbOfLines", SendEditor(SCI_GETLINECOUNT));
CharacterRange crange = GetSelection();
- sprintf(temp, "%ld", crange.cpMax - crange.cpMin);
+ snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%ld", crange.cpMax - crange.cpMin);
ps.Set("SelLength", temp);
int selFirstLine = SendEditor(SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION, crange.cpMin);
int selLastLine = SendEditor(SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION, crange.cpMax);
- sprintf(temp, "%d", selLastLine - selFirstLine + 1);
+ snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%d", selLastLine - selFirstLine + 1);
ps.Set("SelHeight", temp);
@@ -2389,7 +2389,7 @@ void SciTEBase::UpdateStatusBar(bool bUp
propsStatus.Set("OverType", SendEditor(SCI_GETOVERTYPE) ? "OVR" : "INS");
char sbKey[32];
- sprintf(sbKey, "statusbar.text.%d", sbNum);
+ snprintf(sbKey, sizeof(sbKey), "statusbar.text.%d", sbNum);
SString msg = propsStatus.GetExpanded(sbKey);
if (msg.size() && sbValue != msg) { // To avoid flickering, update only if needed
@@ -3754,7 +3754,7 @@ void SciTEBase::Notify(SCNotification *n
char message[200];
if (INVALID_POSITION == notification->position) {
- sprintf(message, "%0d (%0d,%0d)", notification->position, notification->x, notification->y);
+ snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "%0d (%0d,%0d)", notification->position, notification->x, notification->y);
} else {
int lengthDoc = SendEditor(SCI_GETLENGTH);
RangeExtendAndGrab(wEditor, message, sizeof(message),
@@ -4040,11 +4040,11 @@ void SciTEBase::SendOneProperty(const ch
size_t keysize = strlen(kind) + 1 + strlen(key) + 1 + strlen(val) + 1;
char *m = new char[keysize];
if (m) {
- strcpy(m, kind);
- strcat(m, ":");
- strcat(m, key);
- strcat(m, "=");
- strcat(m, val);
+ strlcpy(m, kind, keysize);
+ strlcat(m, ":", keysize);
+ strlcat(m, key, keysize);
+ strlcat(m, "=", keysize);
+ strlcat(m, val, keysize);
delete []m;
@@ -4082,12 +4082,14 @@ bool SciTEBase::RecordMacroCommand(SCNot
t = (char*)(notification->lParam);
if (t != NULL) {
//format : "<message>;<wParam>;1;<text>"
- szMessage = new char[50 + strlen(t) + 4];
- sprintf(szMessage, "%d;%ld;1;%s", notification->message, notification->wParam, t);
+ size_t szMessage_size = 50 + strlen(t) + 4;
+ szMessage = new char[szMessage_size];
+ snprintf(szMessage, szMessage_size, "%d;%ld;1;%s", notification->message, notification->wParam, t);
} else {
//format : "<message>;<wParam>;0;"
- szMessage = new char[50];
- sprintf(szMessage, "%d;%ld;0;", notification->message, notification->wParam);
+ size_t szMessage_size = 50;
+ szMessage = new char[szMessage_size];
+ snprintf(szMessage, szMessage_size, "%d;%ld;0;", notification->message, notification->wParam);
handled = extender->OnMacro("macro:record", szMessage);
delete []szMessage;
@@ -4177,7 +4179,7 @@ void SciTEBase::ExecuteMacroCommand(cons
//extract message,wParam ,lParam
uptr_t message = ReadNum(nextarg);
- strncpy(params, nextarg, 3);
+ strlcpy(params, nextarg, sizeof(params));
nextarg += 4;
if (*(params + 1) == 'R') {
// in one function wParam is a string : void SetProperty(string key,string name)
@@ -4187,7 +4189,7 @@ void SciTEBase::ExecuteMacroCommand(cons
int lstring1 = nextarg - s1;
string1 = new char[lstring1 + 1];
if (lstring1 > 0)
- strncpy(string1, s1, lstring1);
+ strlcpy(string1, s1, lstring1+1);
*(string1 + lstring1) = '\0';
wParam = reinterpret_cast<uptr_t>(string1);
@@ -4234,15 +4236,16 @@ void SciTEBase::ExecuteMacroCommand(cons
size_t alen = strlen(answercmd);
- char *tbuff = new char[l + alen + 1];
- strcpy(tbuff, answercmd);
+ size_t tbuff_size = l + alen + 1;
+ char *tbuff = new char[tbuff_size];
+ strlcpy(tbuff, answercmd, tbuff_size);
if (*params == 'S')
lParam = reinterpret_cast<sptr_t>(tbuff + alen);
if (l > 0)
rep = SendEditor(message, wParam, lParam);
if (*params == 'I')
- sprintf(tbuff + alen, "%0d", rep);
+ snprintf(tbuff + alen, tbuff_size, "%0d", rep);
extender->OnMacro("macro", tbuff);
delete []tbuff;
@@ -4361,9 +4364,10 @@ void SciTEBase::Trace(const char *s) {
char *SciTEBase::Property(const char *key) {
SString value = props.GetExpanded(key);
- char *retval = new char[value.length() + 1];
+ size_t retval_size = value.length() + 1;
+ char *retval = new char[retval_size];
if (retval)
- strcpy(retval, value.c_str());
+ strlcpy(retval, value.c_str(), retval_size);
return retval;