Recordmydesktop produces a file(default out.ogg) that contains a video and audio recording of a desktop session. The default behavior of recording is to mark areas that have changed(through libxdamage) and update the frame. with patch from bernd@ to make sound recording work.
6 lines
338 B
6 lines
338 B
MD5 (recordmydesktop- = cFcY9ThXgdoXuRUJch5BdA==
RMD160 (recordmydesktop- = tZGcWVvj3OKUfLrHafqTZcTQPd4=
SHA1 (recordmydesktop- = CzYD+GLqtxSuF8VUmS83pvnxGLc=
SHA256 (recordmydesktop- = K/38hdAwrCCRqqYKuI2HaCdOsIvKiWuExMjlRT0Ga3Y=
SIZE (recordmydesktop- = 186550