$OpenBSD: README,v 1.6 2020/05/01 02:56:11 kn Exp $ +----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD +----------------------------------------------------------------------- Google API key ============== An API key is required in order to access the YouTube Data web services. Go to https://console.developers.google.com/ Log in using your Google account Click on "Create Project" Enter a Project name (e.g.: "Minitube") On the left side bar, expand the "APIs & auth" drop-down menu and click on "Credentials" Click on "Create new Key" and then on "Browser key" Click on "Create" You should get an output like the one below: Key for browser applications API key AIzaSyD7zlL9sAC6-IcwU7Bpds8lZNzmqQTmALQ Referers Any referer allowed Activation date Apr 28, 2015, 2:02:00 AM Activated by johndoe@gmail.com (you) Be sure that "YouTube Data API v3" is enabled under "APIs & auth" -> "APIs" -> "Enabled APIs" If not, go to "APIs & auth" -> "APIs" -> "API Library", click on "YouTube Data API" and then on "Enable API" to enable it. Add the environment variable containing your newly generated key to your ~/.profile or ~/.xsession: GOOGLE_API_KEY="AIzaSyD7zlL9sAC6-IcwU7Bpds8lZNzmqQTmALQ" export GOOGLE_API_KEY