The Image::Exif Perl extension allows the user to use the libexif library to extract EXIF information from JPEG files created by digital cameras. ok naddy@
13 lines
509 B
13 lines
509 B
$OpenBSD: patch-exifutil_c,v 2004/05/17 05:09:52 robert Exp $
--- exifutil.c.orig 2004-05-03 11:34:15.000000000 -0700
+++ exifutil.c 2004-05-03 11:35:12.000000000 -0700
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ finddescr(struct descrip *table, u_int16
for (i = 0; table[i].val != -1 && table[i].val != val; i++);
if (!(c = (char *)malloc(strlen(table[i].descr) + 1)))
exifdie((const char *)strerror(errno));
- strcpy(c, table[i].descr);
+ strlcpy(c, table[i].descr, (strlen(table[i].descr) + 1));
return (c);