159 lines
4.2 KiB

# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.7 2007/09/16 00:45:13 merdely Exp $
COMMENT= Linux compatibility package based on Fedora Core 4
PKGNAME= fedora_base-4.0p3
# clean up after make plist:
# - perl -pi -e "s,^\@lib ,," pkg/PLIST
# - change the 2nd LIBXaw_version to LIBXaw7_version in pkg/PLIST
GLw 1.0 \
I810XvMC 1.0 \
ICE 6.3 \
OSMesa 4.0 \
SM 6.0 \
X11 6.2 \
XRes 1.0 \
XTrap 6.4 \
Xaw 6.1 \
Xaw7 7.0 \
Xcomposite 1.0 \
Xdamage 1.0 \
Xevie 1.0 \
Xext 6.4 \
Xfixes 3.0 \
Xfont 1.5 \
Xft 1.1 \
Xi 6.0 \
Xinerama 1.0 \
Xmu 6.2 \
Xmuu 1.0 \
Xp 6.2 \
Xpm 4.11 \
Xrandr 2.0 \
Xss 1.0 \
Xt 6.0 \
Xtst 6.1 \
Xv 1.0 \
XvMC 1.0 \
Xxf86dga 1.0 \
Xxf86misc 1.1 \
Xxf86rush 1.0 \
Xxf86vm 1.0 \
dps 1.0 \
dpstk 1.0 \
fontenc 1.0 \
form 5.4 \
formw 5.4 \
history 5.0 \
menu 5.4 \
menuw 5.4 \
ncurses 5.4 \
ncursesw 5.4 \
panel 5.4 \
panelw 5.4 \
psres 1.0 \
readline 5.0 \
xkbfile 1.0 \
xkbui 1.0
MAINTAINER= Nikolay Sturm <sturm@openbsd.org>
BUILD_DEPENDS= :gcpio-*:archivers/gcpio
RPMS= atk-1.9.1-1.i386.rpm \
bash-3.0-31.i386.rpm \
binutils- \
compat-libstdc++-296-2.96-132.fc4.i386.rpm \
compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-47.fc4.i386.rpm \
expat-1.95.8-6.i386.rpm \
file-4.16-fc4.1.i386.rpm:0 \
fontconfig-2.2.3-13.i386.rpm \
freetype-2.1.9-2.i386.rpm \
gdk-pixbuf-0.22.0-18.fc4.2.i386.rpm:0 \
glib-1.2.10-16.i386.rpm \
glib2-2.6.6-1.i386.rpm:0 \
glibc-2.3.6-3.i386.rpm:0 \
glibc-common-2.3.6-3.i386.rpm:0 \
gtk+-1.2.10-39.i386.rpm \
gtk2-2.6.10-2.fc4.4.i386.rpm:0 \
libacl-2.2.32-1.FC4.2.i386.rpm:0 \
libattr-2.4.24-1.FC4.1.i386.rpm:0 \
libgcc-4.0.2-8.fc4.i386.rpm:0 \
libjpeg-6b-34.i386.rpm \
libpng-1.2.8-2.i386.rpm \
libstdc++-4.0.2-8.fc4.i386.rpm:0 \
libtermcap-2.0.8-41.i386.rpm \
libtiff-3.7.1-6.fc4.3.i386.rpm:0 \
ncurses-5.4-19.fc4.i386.rpm:0 \
pango-1.8.1-2.i386.rpm \
readline-5.0-3.i386.rpm \
termcap-5.4-7fc4.noarch.rpm:0 \
xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-6.8.2-37.FC4.49.2.1.i386.rpm:0 \
xorg-x11-libs-6.8.2-37.FC4.49.2.1.i386.rpm:0 \
REMOVE_DIRS= usr/X11R6/man /usr/doc /usr/info /usr/man /usr/share/doc \
/usr/share/man /usr/share/zoneinfo
REMOVE_FILES= /etc/localtime
.for rpm in ${RPMS:S/:0//}
cd ${FEDORADIR}; rpm2cpio ${RPMDIR}/${rpm} | gcpio -idm --quiet
# fix gcpio -d creating dirs with mode 700
find ${FEDORADIR} -type d -perm 700 | xargs -r chmod 755
# get rid of some unnecessary files and directories
.for D in ${REMOVE_DIRS}
rm -rf ${FEDORADIR}/${D}
.for F in ${REMOVE_FILES}
rm -f ${FEDORADIR}/${F}
mkdir ${FEDORADIR}/dev; \
ln -s /dev/console ${FEDORADIR}/dev/tty0; \
ln -s /dev/ttyC0 ${FEDORADIR}/dev/tty1; \
ln -s /dev/ttyC1 ${FEDORADIR}/dev/tty2; \
ln -s /dev/ttyC2 ${FEDORADIR}/dev/tty3; \
ln -s /dev/ttyC3 ${FEDORADIR}/dev/tty4; \
ln -s /dev/ttyC4 ${FEDORADIR}/dev/tty5; \
ln -s /dev/sound ${FEDORADIR}/dev/dsp; \
ln -s /dev/null ${FEDORADIR}/dev/null
# fix up the loader
cd ${FEDORADIR} && ${PATCH} -p0 --forward --quiet -E < \
elf2olf -o linux ${FEDORADIR}/sbin/ldconfig
mv ${FEDORADIR}/sbin/ldconfig ${FEDORADIR}/sbin/ldconfig.bin
cp -p ${FEDORADIR}/lib/ld-2.3.6.so ${FEDORADIR}/usr/bin/ld-2.3.6-olf.so
elf2olf -o linux ${FEDORADIR}/usr/bin/ld-2.3.6-olf.so
perl ${FILESDIR}/fix-ldd.pl ${FEDORADIR}/usr/bin/ld-2.3.6-olf.so
# need old linuxthreads libraries
rm ${FEDORADIR}/lib/libpthread*
mv ${FEDORADIR}/lib/obsolete/linuxthreads/* ${FEDORADIR}/lib
rm -fr ${FEDORADIR}/lib/obsolete
# fix fontconfig search path
cd ${FEDORADIR}/etc/fonts && ${PATCH} -p0 --forward --quiet -E < \
# better safe than sorry
find ${FEDORADIR} -perm -4000 | xargs -r chmod u-s
find ${FEDORADIR} \( -user 37 -o -user 5041 -o -group 37 \) -print | \
xargs -r chown -h root:wheel
.include <bsd.port.mk>