lebel 7696b08101 Changes in release 0.22.1:
* Restore DASL/DeltaV support (GRASE team).
* Fix to only use netrc on first attempt at authentication.
* Update to neon 0.24.5:
 - SECURITY (CVE CAN-2004-0179): fix for format string vulnerabilities

Thanks to Robert Nagy for the work.
2004-04-14 17:10:34 +00:00

4 lines
209 B

MD5 (cadaver-0.22.1.tar.gz) = 21da0cbb5fb8f753926d0628e7f734b5
RMD160 (cadaver-0.22.1.tar.gz) = c5211268d2745a9acda134a3d953b0c35e5a8e4e
SHA1 (cadaver-0.22.1.tar.gz) = dabfc2cf88684b7939dd33d59e10b491c347993f