rsadowski e366caf917 Update OpenBSD KDE5 universe.
- Update KDE Frameworks to 5.51.0
-- Change examples handling and use @sample for all of them. Idea by
   ajacoutot@. Discussed with ajacoutot@,sthen@,naddy@.

- Update our KDE Applications to 18.08.2.
-- Nothing special except okteta. They use there own version pattern
   now. I set EPOCH.

- Update all devel/kf5 consumers there are effected by the examples handling.
-- kdevelop
-- krusader
-- tellico
-- yakuake

Thanks to landry@ for feedback and hints
2018-10-22 20:30:41 +00:00

32 lines
983 B

# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.8 2018/10/22 20:30:43 rsadowski Exp $
COMMENT = embedding of scripting into KDE applications
SHARED_LIBS = KF5KrossCore 4.2 # 5.17
SHARED_LIBS += KF5KrossUi 4.2 # 5.17
WANTLIB += ${COMPILER_LIBCXX} KF5Auth KF5Bookmarks KF5Codecs KF5Completion
WANTLIB += KF5ConfigCore KF5ConfigGui KF5ConfigWidgets KF5CoreAddons
WANTLIB += KF5I18n KF5IconThemes KF5ItemViews KF5JobWidgets KF5KIOCore
WANTLIB += KF5KIOFileWidgets KF5KIOWidgets KF5Parts KF5Service
WANTLIB += KF5Solid KF5SonnetUi KF5TextWidgets KF5WidgetsAddons
WANTLIB += KF5XmlGui Qt5Concurrent Qt5Core Qt5DBus Qt5Gui Qt5Network
WANTLIB += Qt5Script Qt5Widgets Qt5Xml c m
BUILD_DEPENDS = devel/gettext-tools
LIB_DEPENDS = devel/kf5/kcompletion \
devel/kf5/kcoreaddons \
devel/kf5/ki18n \
devel/kf5/kiconthemes \
devel/kf5/kio \
devel/kf5/kparts \
devel/kf5/kwidgetsaddons \
devel/kf5/kxmlgui \
.include <>