wrapper that will need to be rewritten each time (looks like another GNU software engineering malpractice to me). Patches taken from netbsd. problem duly noted by Todd Fries.
343 lines
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343 lines
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$OpenBSD: patch-ice-9_slib_scm,v 1.1 2005/12/05 14:46:01 espie Exp $
--- ice-9/slib.scm.orig Mon Dec 5 15:33:38 2005
+++ ice-9/slib.scm Mon Dec 5 15:34:32 2005
@@ -55,336 +55,6 @@
+(load (string-append (assoc-ref %guile-build-info 'pkgdatadir)
+ "/slib/guile.init"))
-(define (eval-load <filename> evl)
- (if (not (file-exists? <filename>))
- (set! <filename> (string-append <filename> (scheme-file-suffix))))
- (call-with-input-file <filename>
- (lambda (port)
- (let ((old-load-pathname *load-pathname*))
- (set! *load-pathname* <filename>)
- (do ((o (read port) (read port)))
- ((eof-object? o))
- (evl o))
- (set! *load-pathname* old-load-pathname)))))
-(define-public slib:exit quit)
-(define-public slib:error error)
-(define-public slib:warn warn)
-(define-public slib:eval (lambda (x) (eval x slib-module)))
-(define defmacro:eval (lambda (x) (eval x (interaction-environment))))
-(define logical:logand logand)
-(define logical:logior logior)
-(define logical:logxor logxor)
-(define logical:lognot lognot)
-(define logical:ash ash)
-(define logical:logcount logcount)
-(define logical:integer-length integer-length)
-(define logical:bit-extract bit-extract)
-(define logical:integer-expt integer-expt)
-(define logical:ipow-by-squaring ipow-by-squaring)
-(define-public slib:eval-load eval-load)
-(define-public slib:tab #\tab)
-(define-public slib:form-feed #\page)
-(define slib-module (current-module))
-(define (defined? symbol)
- (module-defined? slib-module symbol))
-(define slib:features
- (append '(source
- eval
- abort
- alist
- defmacro
- delay
- dynamic-wind
- full-continuation
- hash
- hash-table
- line-i/o
- logical
- multiarg/and-
- multiarg-apply
- promise
- rev2-procedures
- rev4-optional-procedures
- string-port
- with-file)
- (if (defined? 'getenv)
- '(getenv)
- '())
- (if (defined? 'current-time)
- '(current-time)
- '())
- (if (defined? 'system)
- '(system)
- '())
- (if (defined? 'char-ready?)
- '(char-ready?)
- '())
- (if (and (string->number "0.0") (inexact? (string->number "0.0")))
- '(inexact)
- '())
- (if (rational? (string->number "1/19"))
- '(rational)
- '())
- (if (real? (string->number "0.0"))
- '(real)
- ())
- (if (complex? (string->number "1+i"))
- '(complex)
- '())
- (let ((n (string->number "9999999999999999999999999999999")))
- (if (and n (exact? n))
- '(bignum)
- '()))))
-;; The array module specified by slib 3a1 is not the same as what guile
-;; provides, so we must remove `array' from the features list.
-;; The main difference is `create-array' which is similar to
-;; `make-uniform-array', but the `Ac64' etc prototype procedures incorporate
-;; an initial fill element into the prototype.
-;; Believe the array-for-each module will need to be taken from slib when
-;; the array module is taken from there, since what the array module creates
-;; won't be understood by the guile functions. So remove `array-for-each'
-;; from the features list too.
-;; Also, slib 3a1 array-for-each specifies an `array-map' which is not in
-;; guile (but could be implemented quite easily).
-;; ENHANCE-ME: It'd be nice to implement what's necessary, since the guile
-;; functions should be more efficient than the implementation in slib.
-;; FIXME: Since the *features* variable is shared by slib and the guile
-;; core, removing these feature symbols has the unhappy effect of making it
-;; look like they aren't in the core either. Let's assume that arrays have
-;; been present unconditionally long enough that no guile-specific code will
-;; bother to test. An alternative would be to make a new separate
-;; *features* variable which the slib stuff operated on, leaving the core
-;; mechanism alone. That might be a good thing anyway.
-(set! *features* (delq 'array *features*))
-(set! *features* (delq 'array-for-each *features*))
-;;; FIXME: Because uers want require to search the path, this uses
-;;; load-from-path, which probably isn't a hot idea. slib
-;;; doesn't expect this function to search a path, so I expect to get
-;;; bug reports at some point complaining that the wrong file gets
-;;; loaded when something accidentally appears in the path before
-;;; slib, etc. ad nauseum. However, the right fix seems to involve
-;;; changing catalog:get in slib/require.scm, and I don't expect
-;;; Aubrey will integrate such a change. So I'm just going to punt
-;;; for the time being.
-(define (slib:load name)
- (save-module-excursion
- (lambda ()
- (set-current-module slib-module)
- (let ((errinfo (catch 'system-error
- (lambda ()
- (load-from-path name)
- #f)
- (lambda args args))))
- (if (and errinfo
- (catch 'system-error
- (lambda ()
- (load-from-path
- (string-append name ".scm"))
- #f)
- (lambda args args)))
- (apply throw errinfo))))))
-(define-public slib:load-source slib:load)
-(define defmacro:load slib:load)
-(define slib-parent-dir
- (let* ((path (%search-load-path "slib/require.scm")))
- (if path
- (substring path 0 (- (string-length path) 17))
- (error "Could not find slib/require.scm in " %load-path))))
-(define (implementation-vicinity)
- (string-append slib-parent-dir "/"))
-(define (library-vicinity)
- (string-append (implementation-vicinity) "slib/"))
-(define home-vicinity
- (let ((home-path (getenv "HOME")))
- (lambda () home-path)))
-(define (scheme-implementation-type) 'guile)
-(define (scheme-implementation-version) "")
-;; legacy from r3rs, but slib says all implementations provide these
-;; ("Legacy" section of the "Miscellany" node in the manual)
-(define-public t #t)
-(define-public nil #f)
-(define-public (output-port-width . arg) 80)
-(define-public (output-port-height . arg) 24)
-(define (identity x) x)
-;; slib 3a1 and up, straight from Template.scm
-(define-public (call-with-open-ports . ports)
- (define proc (car ports))
- (cond ((procedure? proc) (set! ports (cdr ports)))
- (else (set! ports (reverse ports))
- (set! proc (car ports))
- (set! ports (reverse (cdr ports)))))
- (let ((ans (apply proc ports)))
- (for-each close-port ports)
- ans))
-;; slib (version 3a1) requires open-file accept a symbol r, rb, w or wb for
-;; MODES, so extend the guile core open-file accordingly.
-;; slib (version 3a1) also calls open-file with strings "rb" or "wb", not
-;; sure if that's intentional, but in any case this extension continues to
-;; accept strings to make that work.
-(define-public open-file
- (let ((guile-core-open-file open-file))
- (lambda (filename modes)
- (if (symbol? modes)
- (set! modes (symbol->string modes)))
- (guile-core-open-file filename modes))))
-;; returning #t/#f instead of throwing an error for failure
-(define-public delete-file
- (let ((guile-core-delete-file delete-file))
- (lambda (filename)
- (catch 'system-error
- (lambda () (guile-core-delete-file filename) #t)
- (lambda args #f)))))
-;; Nothing special to do for this, so straight from Template.scm. Maybe
-;; "sensible-browser" for a debian system would be worth trying too (and
-;; would be good on a tty).
-(define-public (browse-url url)
- (define (try cmd end) (zero? (system (string-append cmd url end))))
- (or (try "netscape-remote -remote 'openURL(" ")'")
- (try "netscape -remote 'openURL(" ")'")
- (try "netscape '" "'&")
- (try "netscape '" "'")))
-;;; {Random numbers}
-(define (make-random-state . args)
- (let ((seed (if (null? args) *random-state* (car args))))
- (cond ((string? seed))
- ((number? seed) (set! seed (number->string seed)))
- (else (let ()
- (require 'object->string)
- (set! seed (object->limited-string seed 50)))))
- (seed->random-state seed)))
-;;; {rev2-procedures}
-(define <? <)
-(define <=? <=)
-(define =? =)
-(define >? >)
-(define >=? >=)
-;;; {system}
-;; If the program run is killed by a signal, the shell normally gives an
-;; exit code of 128+signum. If the shell itself is killed by a signal then
-;; we do the same 128+signum here.
-;; "stop-sig" shouldn't arise here, since system shouldn't be calling
-;; waitpid with WUNTRACED, but allow for it anyway, just in case.
-(if (defined? 'system)
- (define-public system
- (let ((guile-core-system system))
- (lambda (str)
- (let ((st (guile-core-system str)))
- (or (status:exit-val st)
- (+ 128 (or (status:term-sig st)
- (status:stop-sig st)))))))))
-;;; {Time}
-(define-public difftime -)
-(define-public offset-time +)
-(define %system-define define)
-(define define
- (procedure->memoizing-macro
- (lambda (exp env)
- (if (= (length env) 1)
- `(define-public ,@(cdr exp))
- `(%system-define ,@(cdr exp))))))
-;;; Hack to make syncase macros work in the slib module
-(if (nested-ref the-root-module '(app modules ice-9 syncase))
- (set-object-property! (module-local-variable (current-module) 'define)
- '*sc-expander*
- '(define)))
-(define (software-type)
- "Return a symbol describing the current platform's operating system.
-This may be one of AIX, VMS, UNIX, COHERENT, WINDOWS, MS-DOS, OS/2,
-Note that most varieties of Unix are considered to be simply \"UNIX\".
-That is because when a program depends on features that are not present
-on every operating system, it is usually better to test for the presence
-or absence of that specific feature. The return value of
-@code{software-type} should only be used for this purpose when there is
-no other easy or unambiguous way of detecting such features."
- 'UNIX)
-(slib:load (in-vicinity (library-vicinity) "require.scm"))
-(define require require:require)
-;; {Extensions to the require system so that the user can add new
-;; require modules easily.}
-(define *vicinity-table*
- (list
- (cons 'implementation (implementation-vicinity))
- (cons 'library (library-vicinity))))
-(define (install-require-vicinity name vicinity)
- (let ((entry (assq name *vicinity-table*)))
- (if entry
- (set-cdr! entry vicinity)
- (set! *vicinity-table*
- (acons name vicinity *vicinity-table*)))))
-(define (install-require-module name vicinity-name file-name)
- (if (not *catalog*) ;Fix which loads catalog in slib
- (catalog:get 'random)) ;(doesn't load the feature 'random)
- (let ((entry (assq name *catalog*))
- (vicinity (cdr (assq vicinity-name *vicinity-table*))))
- (let ((path-name (in-vicinity vicinity file-name)))
- (if entry
- (set-cdr! entry path-name)
- (set! *catalog*
- (acons name path-name *catalog*))))))
-(define (make-exchanger obj)
- (lambda (rep) (let ((old obj)) (set! obj rep) old)))