Extract from RELEASE_NOTES:
Major changes with snapshot-20001217
This release involves little change in functionality and a lot of
small changes to lots of files. The code is put out as a separate
snapshot release so that I have a tested baseline for further work.
All time-related configuration parameters now accept a one-letter
suffix to indicate the time unit (s: second, m: minute, h: hour,
d: day, w: week). The exceptions are the LDAP and MYSQL modules
which are maintained separately.
The mysql client was partially rewritten in order to elimimate some
memory allocation/deallocation problems. The code needs more work,
and needs to be tested in a real production environment.
The local_transport and default_transport configuration parameters
can now be specified in transport:destination notation, just like
the mailbox_transport and fallback_transport parameters. The
:destination part is optional. However, these parameters take only
one destination, unlike relayhost and fallback-relay which take
any number of destinations.