Using nut package in OpenBSD environment:

1. Edit /etc/rc.conf.local file:
   nut_upshost="localhost"	# name of host to connect to for ups status
   nut_upstype="bestpower"	# name of your ups (corresponds to progname)
   nut_upsflags=""		# flags for your ups
   nut_upsdev="/dev/cua01"	# device ups is attached to
   nut_log="/var/log/ups.log"	# logfile name if logging
   nut_loginterval="300"	# logging interval if logging
   nut_upsd=NO		# run the nut upsd
   nut_upsmon=NO	# run ups monitoring
   nut_upslog=NO	# run ups logging

2. Edit /etc/rc.local file:
   echo -n 'starting local daemons:'
   if [ X"${nut_upsd}" = X"YES" -a -f /etc/nut/upsd.conf \
        -a -x /usr/local/sbin/$nut_upstype -a -x /usr/local/sbin/upsd ]; then
       echo -n ' upsd'
       /usr/local/sbin/$nut_upstype $nut_upsflags $nut_upsdev
   if [ X"${nut_upsmon}" = X"YES" -a -f /etc/nut/upsmon.conf \
        -a -x /usr/local/sbin/upsmon ]; then
       echo -n ' upsmon'
       /usr/local/sbin/upsmon $nut_upshost
   if [ X"${nut_upslog}" = X"YES" -a -x /usr/local/sbin/upslog ]; then
       echo -n ' upslog'
       /usr/local/sbin/upslog $nut_upshost $nut_log $nut_loginterval
   echo '.'

$OpenBSD: README.OpenBSD,v 2001/02/06 22:24:03 nate Exp $