World War II German submarine simulator with advanced sound and graphics, multilanguage support, and multiplatform support. This game is planned as tactical simulation and will be as realistic as the developers' time and knowledge of physics allows. ok landry@
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$OpenBSD: README,v 2013/06/07 03:41:45 bentley Exp $
| Running ${FULLPKGNAME} on OpenBSD
F1 Gauges
F2 Periscope
F4 Bridge
F5 Map
F6 Torpedo loading control
F7 Damage control
F8 Log book
F9 Success records
F10 Free view
Cursor keys Rudder left/right/up/down
Cursor k.+shift Turn faster
Return Center rudders
1,2,3,4,5,6 Throttle slow,half,full,flank,stop,reverse
SHIFT 1...6 Fire torpedo in tube 1...6 (bow/stern tube number position
relation depends on sub type: as first all bow tubes are
enumerated, then the stern tubes)
Space Select target
0 (zero) Scope up/down
c Crash dive (to 150 meters)
d Snorkel depth
f Snorkel up/down
h Set heading to view
i identify target
p Periscope depth
s Surface
t Fire torpedo (automatic selection of bow/stern tubes)
g + SHIFT Man/unman deck gun
g Fire deck gun
v Set view to heading
z Zoom view (glasses, bridge and periscope view)
+ - Zoom/unzoom map
, . turn view
; : turn view fast
F11/F12 time scale faster/slower
Pause (Un)pause game
ESC quit
PRINT Take screenshot (uncompressed ppm)
Numpad 8,4,6,2,1,3 step forward/left/right/backward/up/down in freeview