v1.13.1: [BUGFIX] Handle from prefix correctly on mv (#2110, #2079) [BUGFIX] Handle unencoded secret on cat v1.14.0: [BUGFIX] Always re-encrypt when fsck is invoked with --decrypt. (#2119, #2015) [BUGFIX] Body only entries are detected now by show -o (#2109) [BUGFIX] Do not hide git error messages (#2118, #1959) [BUGFIX] Fix completion when password name contains (#2150) [BUGFIX] Fix template func arg order (#2117, #2116) [BUGFIX] Fixes an issue where recipients remove may fail (#2147, #1964) [BUGFIX] Handle from prefix correctly on mv (#2110, #2079) [BUGFIX] Handle unencoded secret on cat (#2105) [BUGFIX] Make man page consistent with other docs (#2133) [BUGFIX] Reject invalid salt with MD5Crypt templates (#2128) [BUGFIX] depend *.deb on gnupg instead of dummy (#2050) [CLEANUP] Deprecate gopasspw/pinentry (#2095) [CLEANUP] Use Go 1.18 (#2156) [CLEANUP] Use debug.ReadBuildInfo (#2032) [DOCUMENTATION] Fixed link to passwordstore.org (#2129) [DOCUMENTATION] document 'gopass cat' (#2051) [DOCUMENTATION] improve 'gopass cat' (#2070) [DOCUMENTATION] improve 'gopass show -revision -' (#2070) [ENHANCEMENT] Add --chars option to print subset of secrets (#2155, #2068) [ENHANCEMENT] Add age subcommand (#2103, #2098) [ENHANCEMENT] Add gopass audit --expiry (#2067) [ENHANCEMENT] Add gopass process (#2066, #1913) [ENHANCEMENT] Allow overriding GPG path (#2153) [ENHANCEMENT] Automatically export creators key to the (#2159, #1919) [ENHANCEMENT] Bump to Go 1.18 (#2058) [ENHANCEMENT] Enforce TLSv1.3 (#2085) [ENHANCEMENT] Generics (#2034, #2030) [ENHANCEMENT] Hide password on MacOS clipboards (#2065) [ENHANCEMENT] Passage compat improvements (#2060, #2060) [ENHANCEMENT] gopass git invokes git directly (#2102) [ENHANCEMENT] Template support for the create wizard (#2064) [ENHANCEMENT] Check for MacOS Keychain storing the GPG (#2144) [EXPERIMENTAL] Support the Fossil SCM (#2092, #2022) [FEATURE] Add env variables for custom clipboard commands. (#2091, #2042) [FEATURE] only accept keys with "encryption" key capability (#2047, #1917, #1917) [TESTING] Improve two line test ambiguity. (#2091, #2042) [TESTING] Use a helper to unset env vars in clipboard tests. (#2091, #2042) [UX] OTP code now runs in loop until canceled or used with -o (#2041) v1.14.2: [BUGFIX] Do not print missing public key for age. (#2166) [BUGFIX] Improve convert output (#2171) [BUGFIX] fix errors in zsh completions (#2005) [CLEANUP] Migrating to a maintained version of openpgp (#2193) [ENHANCEMENT] Avoid decryption on move or copy (#2183, #2181) [UX] Upgrade xkcdpwgen to a new version that removes German (#2187) v1.14.3: [BUGFIX] Fix gpg identity detection (#2218, #2179) [BUGFIX] Handle different line breaks in recipient (#2221, #2220) [BUGFIX] Stop eating secrets on move (#2211, #2210) [ENHANCEMENT] Add flag to keep env variable capitalization (#2226, #2225) [ENHANCEMENT] Environment variable GOPASS_PW_DEFAULT_LENGTH can be used to overwrite default password length of 24 characters. (#2219) v1.14.4: [BREAKING] gopass otp will automatically update the counter key in HTOP secrets! (#2278) [BUGFIX] Allow removing unknown recipients with --force (#2253) [BUGFIX] Honor PASSWORD_STORE_DIR (#2272) [BUGFIX] Honor OTP key period from URL (#2278) [BUGFIX] Wizard: Enforce min and max length. (#2293) [CLEANUP] Use Go 1.19 (#2296) [ENHANCEMENT] Automatically sync once a week (#2191) [ENHANCEMENT] Scan for vulnerabilities and add SBOM on (#2268) [ENHANCEMENT] Use packages.gopass.pw for APT packages (#2261) v1.14.5: [BUGFIX] Fix fsck progress bar. Mostly. (#2303) [DOCUMENTATION] fix in recommended vim setting (#2318) v1.14.6: [BUGFIX] Do not show setup message on version (#2327) [BUGFIX] Remove exported public keys of removed (#2328, #2315) [ENHANCEMENT] Document extension model. (#2329, #2290) v1.14.7: [BUGFIX] Do not ignore symlinks when listing (#2344, #2173) [BUGFIX] Do not shadow entries behind folders. (#2341, #2338) [BUGFIX] Fix updater on Windows. (#2345, #2011) [BUGFIX] Handle Ctrl+C in TOTP (#2342, #2320) [ENHANCEMENT] Set vim options instead of sniffing (#2343, #2317) v1.14.8: [BUGFIX] Ignore not-existing .ssh dir (#2347, #2333) [BUGFIX] Use Wait() to avoid Zombies (#2354, #1666) [ENHANCEMENT] Allow modifying default create templates (#2349, #2291) [ENHANCEMENT] Improve passage support (#2352, #2059) [ENHANCEMENT] Use OS keychain for age passphrase caching (new config option, off by default). (#2351, #2350) v1.14.9: [ENHANCEMENT] Make DBus notifications transient (#2364, #2358) v1.14.10: [BUGFIX] Correctly handle key removal on Windows (#2372, #2371) [DOCUMENTATION] (#1878) [ENHANCEMENT] Ignore comments in recipient files. (#2394, #2393) [ENHANCEMENT] Improve key expiration handling (#2383, #2369) [ENHANCEMENT] allow re-encrypting entire directory when (#2373) OK sthen, op
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