angelos 32c5440147 Add necessary patch and files for SDP (Session Directory Protocol)
handling. Patches found (slightly adapted) from
1999-09-04 23:24:31 +00:00

1878 lines
70 KiB

diff -bBc sdr/src/bitmaps.c src/bitmaps.c
*** sdr/src/bitmaps.c.orig Sun Sep 6 08:41:02 1998
--- sdr/src/bitmaps.c Tue Apr 13 15:27:37 1999
*** 63,68 ****
--- 63,69 ----
#include "image_smeeting.xbm"
#include "image_stest.xbm"
#include "image_sdr.xbm"
+ #include "image_directory.xbm"
void init_bitmaps()
*** 95,98 ****
--- 96,100 ----
Tk_DefineBitmap(interp, Tk_GetUid("stest"), stest_bits, stest_width, stest_height);
Tk_DefineBitmap(interp, Tk_GetUid("secure"), secure_bits, secure_width, secure_height);
Tk_DefineBitmap(interp, Tk_GetUid("sdr"), sdr_bits, sdr_width, sdr_height);
+ Tk_DefineBitmap(interp, Tk_GetUid("directory"), directory_bits, directory_width, directory_height);
diff -bBc sdr/src/cache_crypt.tcl src/cache_crypt.tcl
*** sdr/src/cache_crypt.tcl Thu Feb 25 10:51:09 1999
--- sdr/src/cache_crypt.tcl Tue Apr 13 15:30:46 1999
*** 104,111 ****
catch {set ixnames [array names fullix]}
foreach i $ixnames {
if {$ldata($fullix($i),trust) != "sip"} {
! if {$ldata($fullix($i),list) == "norm"} {
set filename "$dirname/cache/$fullix($i)"
write_cache_entry $fullix($i) $filename clear
} else {
--- 104,110 ----
catch {set ixnames [array names fullix]}
foreach i $ixnames {
if {$ldata($fullix($i),trust) != "sip"} {
! if {[string match *norm $ldata($fullix($i),list)]} {
set filename "$dirname/cache/$fullix($i)"
write_cache_entry $fullix($i) $filename clear
} else {
diff -bBc sdr/src/cache_nocrypt.tcl src/cache_nocrypt.tcl
*** sdr/src/cache_nocrypt.tcl.orig Thu Mar 26 10:44:22 1998
--- sdr/src/cache_nocrypt.tcl Tue Apr 13 15:30:46 1999
*** 45,51 ****
set ixnames {}
catch {set ixnames [array names fullix]}
foreach i $ixnames {
! if {$ldata($fullix($i),list)=="norm"} {
set filename "$dirname/cache/$fullix($i)"
write_cache_entry $fullix($i) $filename clear
} else {
--- 45,51 ----
set ixnames {}
catch {set ixnames [array names fullix]}
foreach i $ixnames {
! if {[string match *norm $ldata($fullix($i),list)]} {
set filename "$dirname/cache/$fullix($i)"
write_cache_entry $fullix($i) $filename clear
} else {
Common subdirectories: sdr/src/html and src/html
diff -bBc sdr/src/new.tcl src/new.tcl
*** sdr/src/new.tcl.orig Thu Feb 25 13:25:49 1999
--- sdr/src/new.tcl Tue Apr 13 15:30:47 1999
*** 10,25 ****
set new_wiz_tech_panels \
"info type timing_tech scope_tech media_tech contact accept"
! proc new {aid} {
global ifstyle ldata
if {[string compare $aid "new"]!=0} {
#we need a working variable while we think about editing sessions,
#in case we don't commit the changes.
set ldata($aid,tmpmulticast) $ldata($aid,multicast)
new_wiz_init $aid $ifstyle(create)
proc new_wiz_init {aid iftype} {
global new_wiz_norm_panels new_wiz_tech_panels
--- 10,40 ----
set new_wiz_tech_panels \
"info type timing_tech scope_tech media_tech contact accept"
! proc new {aid {w .w0}} {
global ifstyle ldata
if {[string compare $aid "new"]!=0} {
#we need a working variable while we think about editing sessions,
#in case we don't commit the changes.
set ldata($aid,tmpmulticast) $ldata($aid,multicast)
+ # Hack to handle multiple directory windows:
+ # Temporarily change the available 'zones' to those that are
+ # appropriate for creating a new session in this directory:
+ global zone savedZoneData zoneDataForWindow
+ set savedZoneData [array get zone]
+ array set zone $zoneDataForWindow($w)
new_wiz_init $aid $ifstyle(create)
+ proc cleanup_after_new {} {
+ destroy .new
+ # Restore the original zone data:
+ global zone savedZoneData
+ catch {array set zone $savedZoneData}
+ }
proc new_wiz_init {aid iftype} {
global new_wiz_norm_panels new_wiz_tech_panels
*** 50,56 ****
-relief raised \
-borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0
pack .new.f.b.accept -side left -fill x -expand true
! button .new.f.b.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .new} \
-relief raised \
-borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0
pack .new.f.b.cancel -side left -fill x -expand true
--- 65,71 ----
-relief raised \
-borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0
pack .new.f.b.accept -side left -fill x -expand true
! button .new.f.b.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {cleanup_after_new} \
-relief raised \
-borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0
pack .new.f.b.cancel -side left -fill x -expand true
*** 430,436 **** configure -state disabled
.new.f.b.accept configure -state normal -command \
"if {\[create\]==1} \
! {destroy .new}"
.new.f.b.back configure -state normal -command "new_wiz_panel_[lindex $panels $back_panel] $back_panel \"$panels\" $aid"
new_mk_session_accept .new.f.f.accept .new.f.f $aid
--- 445,451 ---- configure -state disabled
.new.f.b.accept configure -state normal -command \
"if {\[create\]==1} \
! {cleanup_after_new}"
.new.f.b.back configure -state normal -command "new_wiz_panel_[lindex $panels $back_panel] $back_panel \"$panels\" $aid"
new_mk_session_accept .new.f.f.accept .new.f.f $aid
*** 1452,1464 ****
button $win.create -text [tt "Modify"] -command \
"if {\[create\]==1} \
{ do_ad_creation $aid;\
! destroy .new}"
tixAddBalloon $win.create Button [tt "Click here to advertise the modified session.
Changing the session name may result in some sites seeing duplicate announcements for a while."]
} else {
button $win.create -text [tt "Create"] -command \
! "if {\[create\]==1} {destroy .new}" \
-highlightthickness 0
tixAddBalloon $win.create Button [tt "When you've filled out all the above information, click here to create and advertise this session"]
--- 1467,1479 ----
button $win.create -text [tt "Modify"] -command \
"if {\[create\]==1} \
{ do_ad_creation $aid;\
! cleanup_after_new}"
tixAddBalloon $win.create Button [tt "Click here to advertise the modified session.
Changing the session name may result in some sites seeing duplicate announcements for a while."]
} else {
button $win.create -text [tt "Create"] -command \
! "if {\[create\]==1} {cleanup_after_new}" \
-highlightthickness 0
tixAddBalloon $win.create Button [tt "When you've filled out all the above information, click here to create and advertise this session"]
*** 1469,1475 ****
-highlightthickness 0
tixAddBalloon $ Button [tt "Click here for more help or to turn balloon help off"]
! button $win.dismiss -text "Dismiss" -command "destroy .new" \
-highlightthickness 0
tixAddBalloon $win.dismiss Button [tt "Click here to close this window"]
pack $win.create -side left -fill x -expand true
--- 1484,1490 ----
-highlightthickness 0
tixAddBalloon $ Button [tt "Click here for more help or to turn balloon help off"]
! button $win.dismiss -text "Dismiss" -command "cleanup_after_new" \
-highlightthickness 0
tixAddBalloon $win.dismiss Button [tt "Click here to close this window"]
pack $win.create -side left -fill x -expand true
Common subdirectories: sdr/src/plugins and src/plugins
diff -bBc sdr/src/plugins.tcl src/plugins.tcl
*** sdr/src/plugins.tcl.orig Mon Feb 8 23:59:02 1999
--- sdr/src/plugins.tcl Tue Apr 13 15:30:47 1999
*** 637,648 ****
set tmp enabled
# catch {puts "$media.$proto.$fmt.[lindex $subrule 0]"}
catch {set tmp $tool_state($media.$proto.$fmt.[lindex $subrule 0])}
! if {$tmp=="enabled"} {
lappend rulelist $subrule
if {[llength $rulelist]==0} {
set toollist {}
foreach subrule $rule {
lappend toollist [lindex $subrule 0]
--- 637,655 ----
set tmp enabled
# catch {puts "$media.$proto.$fmt.[lindex $subrule 0]"}
catch {set tmp $tool_state($media.$proto.$fmt.[lindex $subrule 0])}
! if {$tmp=="enabled" && $subrule != {}} {
lappend rulelist $subrule
if {[llength $rulelist]==0} {
+ # Special case for handling SDP/SAP directory sessions:
+ if {$media=="directory" && $proto=="SAP" && $fmt=="SDP"} {
+ return [launch_directory $ldata($aid,$mnum,addr) \
+ $ldata($aid,$mnum,port) \
+ $ldata($aid,ttl) \
+ $ldata($aid,session)]
+ }
set toollist {}
foreach subrule $rule {
lappend toollist [lindex $subrule 0]
diff -bBc sdr/src/sap_crypt.tcl src/sap_crypt.tcl
*** sdr/src/sap_crypt.tcl.orig Thu Feb 11 13:44:51 1999
--- sdr/src/sap_crypt.tcl Tue Apr 13 15:30:47 1999
*** 846,851 ****
--- 846,856 ----
return 0
set sess "$sess\nc=IN IP4 [get_new_session_addr $media]/$ttl"
+ # Use a lower on-the-wire TTL if it would exceed our zone's:
+ if {[info exists zone(ttl,$zone(cur_zone))]
+ && $zone(ttl,$zone(cur_zone)) < $ttl} {
+ set ttl $zone(ttl,$zone(cur_zone))
+ }
if {$media_layers($media)>1} {
set sess "$sess/$media_layers($media)"
diff -bBc sdr/src/sd_listen.c src/sd_listen.c
*** sdr/src/sd_listen.c.orig Thu Feb 25 13:38:13 1999
--- sdr/src/sd_listen.c Tue Apr 13 15:32:58 1999
*** 135,140 ****
--- 135,141 ----
int ui_visible=TRUE;
int debug1=FALSE;
jmp_buf env;
+ unsigned initializationHasFinished = 0;
void dump(buf, buflen)
char *buf;
*** 244,249 ****
--- 245,256 ----
strcpy(rx_sock_addr[*no_of_socks], address);
+ if (initializationHasFinished) {
+ /* This socket was created after initialization, so start listening now */
+ linksocket(rxsock[*no_of_socks], TK_READABLE, (Tcl_FileProc*)recv_packets);
+ }
*** 1378,1383 ****
--- 1385,1392 ----
Tcl_CreateFileHandler(inChannel, TCL_READABLE, (Tcl_FileProc*)do_cli, (ClientData) inChannel);
+ initializationHasFinished = 1;
while ((doexit==FALSE)||(Tk_GetNumMainWindows() > 0))
diff -bBc sdr/src/sdr.tcl src/sdr.tcl
*** sdr/src/sdr.tcl.orig Tue Mar 30 03:03:28 1999
--- sdr/src/sdr.tcl Tue Apr 13 16:10:18 1999
*** 87,93 ****
--- 87,106 ----
set sdrversion "v2.7e"
set titlestr "Multicast Session Directory $sdrversion"
+ # return the 'current window' (usually ".w0", unless we're updating a subdir):
+ set lastWindowNum 0
+ set currentWindow .w[set lastWindowNum]
+ proc cw {} {
+ global currentWindow
+ return $currentWindow
+ }
+ proc setcw {w} {
+ global currentWindow
+ set currentWindow $w
+ }
proc initialise_resources {} {
+ wm withdraw .
global gui tcl_platform
if {$gui=="NO_GUI"} { return }
#Tk4.0 standard bg
*** 204,247 ****
$sessbox($list) see $i.0
! proc build_interface {first} {
global tcl_platform ifstyle gui sessbox
global logfile argv0 argv
if {$gui=="NO_GUI"} { return }
log "Sdr started by [getusername] at [getreadabletime]"
set lb $ifstyle(labels)
global titlestr
- wm title . "sdr:[getemailaddress]"
- wm iconname . "sdr:[getemailaddress]"
- wm iconbitmap . sdr
- wm group . .
- wm command . [concat $argv0 $argv]
- wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW quit
- if {$first=="first"} {
set tmpfile [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%H%M%S}]
set logfile "[glob -nocomplain [resource sdrHome]]/log$tmpfile.txt"
# puts "debug - logfile will be $logfile"
set startlogtime "[clock format [clock seconds]]"
putlogfile "logfile started at $startlogtime"
! frame .f1 -relief groove -borderwidth 2
! # label .f1.l2 -bitmap ucl
! # pack .f1.l2 -side left -fill x
! label .f1.l -text $titlestr -width 32
! pack .f1.l -side left -fill x
! frame .f2 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2
! label .f2.l -text "Public Sessions" -font [option get . infoFont Sdr] \
-relief raised -borderwidth 1
! pack .f2.l -side top -fill x
! text -width 20 -height 15 -yscroll " set" \
-relief flat -wrap none\
-selectforeground [resource activeForeground] \
-selectbackground [resource activeBackground] \
-highlightthickness 0
! init_session_list norm
! scrollbar -command " yview" \
-background [resource scrollbarForeground] \
-troughcolor [resource scrollbarBackground] \
-borderwidth 1 -relief flat \
--- 217,269 ----
$sessbox($list) see $i.0
! proc build_interface {first {dirName {}}} {
global tcl_platform ifstyle gui sessbox
global logfile argv0 argv
if {$gui=="NO_GUI"} { return }
log "Sdr started by [getusername] at [getreadabletime]"
set lb $ifstyle(labels)
global titlestr
+ if {$first=="first"} {
set tmpfile [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%H%M%S}]
set logfile "[glob -nocomplain [resource sdrHome]]/log$tmpfile.txt"
# puts "debug - logfile will be $logfile"
set startlogtime "[clock format [clock seconds]]"
putlogfile "logfile started at $startlogtime"
+ }
! set isNewWindow [expr {![info exists [cw]]}]
! if {$isNewWindow} {
! toplevel [cw]
! wm protocol [cw] WM_DELETE_WINDOW [list handleWindowClose [cw]]
! wm protocol [cw] WM_SAVE_YOURSELF [list quit [cw]]
! global sd_sess
! if {$dirName != {}} {set dirName " ($dirName)"}
! wm title [cw] "sdr[set dirName]:[getemailaddress]"
! wm iconname [cw] "sdr[set dirName]:[getemailaddress]"
! wm iconbitmap [cw] sdr
! wm group [cw] [cw]
! wm command [cw] [concat $argv0 $argv]
! frame [cw].f1 -relief groove -borderwidth 2
! # label [cw].f1.l2 -bitmap ucl
! # pack [cw].f1.l2 -side left -fill x
! label [cw].f1.l -text $titlestr -width 32
! pack [cw].f1.l -side left -fill x
! frame [cw].f2 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2
! label [cw].f2.l -text "Public Sessions" -font [option get [cw] infoFont Sdr] \
-relief raised -borderwidth 1
! pack [cw].f2.l -side top -fill x
! text [cw] -width 20 -height 15 -yscroll "[cw] set" \
-relief flat -wrap none\
-selectforeground [resource activeForeground] \
-selectbackground [resource activeBackground] \
-highlightthickness 0
! init_session_list [cw].norm [cw]
! scrollbar [cw] -command "[cw] yview" \
-background [resource scrollbarForeground] \
-troughcolor [resource scrollbarBackground] \
-borderwidth 1 -relief flat \
*** 249,352 ****
! pack -side left -fill both -expand true
! pack -side right -fill y
! frame .f4 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2
! label .f4.l -text "Private Sessions" \
! -font [option get . infoFont Sdr] \
-relief raised -borderwidth 1
! pack .f4.l -side top -fill x
! text -width 20 -height 3 -yscroll " set" \
-relief flat -wrap none \
-selectforeground [resource activeForeground] \
-selectbackground [resource activeBackground] \
-highlightthickness 0
! init_session_list priv
! scrollbar -command " yview" \
-background [resource scrollbarForeground] \
-troughcolor [resource scrollbarBackground] \
-borderwidth 1 -relief flat \
-highlightthickness 0
! pack -side left -fill both -expand true
! pack -side right -fill y
} else {
! destroy .f3
! frame .f3
! menubutton -relief raised -menu \
-padx 0 -pady 1 -borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 1
! menu -tearoff 0
! add command -label [tt "Create advertised session"] \
! -command {new new}
! add command -label [tt "Quick Call"] -command {qcall}
! button -relief raised -command {calendar} \
-padx 0 -pady 1 -borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0
! tixAddBalloon Button [tt "Display a calendar listing booked sessions"]
! button .f3.prefs -relief raised -command {preferences2} \
-padx 0 -pady 1 -borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0
! tixAddBalloon .f3.prefs Button [tt "Set the way sdr does things"]
! menubutton -relief raised -menu \
-padx 0 -pady 1 -borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 1
! menu -tearoff 0
! configure -text [tt "Help"]
! add command -label [tt "sdr Help"] \
! -command {help}
! #tixAddBalloon Button "Turn these help messages on and off"
! add command -label [tt "key setup"] -command {Help_asym asym_help}
! # button -text [tt "Help"] -relief raised -command {help} \
# -padx 0 -pady 1 -borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0
! # button -text [tt "Help"] -relief raised -command {help} \
# -padx 0 -pady 1 -borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0
! # tixAddBalloon Button "Turn these help messages on and off"
! button .f3.quit -text [tt "Quit"] -relief raised -command quit \
-padx 0 -pady 1 -borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0
! tixAddBalloon .f3.quit Button [tt "Quit from sdr. Conference tools already running will continue."]
if {$lb=="short"} {
! configure -text [tt "New"]
! configure -text [tt "Calendar"]
! .f3.prefs configure -text [tt "Prefs"]
! } else {
! configure -text " [tt "Create Session"] "
! configure -text " [tt "Daily Listings"] "
! .f3.prefs configure -text " [tt "Preferences"] "
! configure -text " [tt Help] "
! .f3.quit configure -text " [tt Quit] "
! }
! hlfocus
! hlfocus
! hlfocus .f3.prefs
! hlfocus
! hlfocus .f3.quit
! pack -side left -fill both -pady 0 -expand true
! pack -side left -fill both -pady 0 -expand true
! pack .f3.prefs -side left -fill both -pady 0 -expand true
! pack -side left -fill both -pady 0 -expand true
! pack .f3.quit -side left -fill both -pady 0 -expand true
! if {$first=="first"} {
! pack .f3 -side top -fill x
! pack .f1 -side bottom -fill x
! pack .f2 -side top -fill both -expand true
! bind_listbox norm
! bind_listbox priv
} else {
! pack .f3 -side top -before .f2 -fill x
--- 271,374 ----
! pack [cw] -side left -fill both -expand true
! pack [cw] -side right -fill y
! frame [cw].f4 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2
! label [cw].f4.l -text "Private Sessions" \
! -font [option get [cw] infoFont Sdr] \
-relief raised -borderwidth 1
! pack [cw].f4.l -side top -fill x
! text [cw] -width 20 -height 3 -yscroll "[cw] set" \
-relief flat -wrap none \
-selectforeground [resource activeForeground] \
-selectbackground [resource activeBackground] \
-highlightthickness 0
! init_session_list [cw].priv [cw]
! scrollbar [cw] -command "[cw] yview" \
-background [resource scrollbarForeground] \
-troughcolor [resource scrollbarBackground] \
-borderwidth 1 -relief flat \
-highlightthickness 0
! pack [cw] -side left -fill both -expand true
! pack [cw] -side right -fill y
} else {
! destroy [cw].f3
! frame [cw].f3
! menubutton [cw] -relief raised -menu [cw] \
-padx 0 -pady 1 -borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 1
! menu [cw] -tearoff 0
! [cw] add command -label [tt "Create advertised session"] \
! -command [list new new [cw]]
! [cw] add command -label [tt "Quick Call"] -command {qcall}
! button [cw] -relief raised -command [list calendar [cw]] \
-padx 0 -pady 1 -borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0
! tixAddBalloon [cw] Button [tt "Display a calendar listing booked sessions"]
! button [cw].f3.prefs -relief raised -command [list preferences2 [cw]] \
-padx 0 -pady 1 -borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0
! tixAddBalloon [cw].f3.prefs Button [tt "Set the way sdr does things"]
! menubutton [cw] -relief raised -menu [cw] \
-padx 0 -pady 1 -borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 1
! menu [cw] -tearoff 0
! [cw] configure -text [tt "Help"]
! [cw] add command -label [tt "sdr Help"] \
! -command [list help [cw]]
! #tixAddBalloon [cw] Button "Turn these help messages on and off"
! [cw] add command -label [tt "key setup"] -command {Help_asym asym_help}
! # button [cw] -text [tt "Help"] -relief raised -command [list help [cw]] \
# -padx 0 -pady 1 -borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0
! # button [cw] -text [tt "Help"] -relief raised -command [list help [cw]] \
# -padx 0 -pady 1 -borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0
! # tixAddBalloon [cw] Button "Turn these help messages on and off"
! button [cw].f3.quit -text [tt "Quit"] -relief raised -command [list quit [cw]] \
-padx 0 -pady 1 -borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0
! tixAddBalloon [cw].f3.quit Button [tt "Quit from sdr. Conference tools already running will continue."]
if {$lb=="short"} {
! [cw] configure -text [tt "New"]
! [cw] configure -text [tt "Calendar"]
! [cw].f3.prefs configure -text [tt "Prefs"]
! } else {
! [cw] configure -text " [tt "Create Session"] "
! [cw] configure -text " [tt "Daily Listings"] "
! [cw].f3.prefs configure -text " [tt "Preferences"] "
! [cw] configure -text " [tt Help] "
! [cw].f3.quit configure -text " [tt Quit] "
! }
! hlfocus [cw]
! hlfocus [cw]
! hlfocus [cw].f3.prefs
! hlfocus [cw]
! hlfocus [cw].f3.quit
! pack [cw] -side left -fill both -pady 0 -expand true
! pack [cw] -side left -fill both -pady 0 -expand true
! pack [cw].f3.prefs -side left -fill both -pady 0 -expand true
! pack [cw] -side left -fill both -pady 0 -expand true
! pack [cw].f3.quit -side left -fill both -pady 0 -expand true
! if {$isNewWindow} {
! pack [cw].f3 -side top -fill x
! pack [cw].f1 -side bottom -fill x
! pack [cw].f2 -side top -fill both -expand true
! bind_listbox [cw].norm
! bind_listbox [cw].priv
} else {
! pack [cw].f3 -side top -before [cw].f2 -fill x
*** 363,369 ****
bind $lb <B2-Motion> {break}
bind $lb <B2-Leave> {break}
bind $lb <Enter> "focus $lb"
! bind $lb <Leave> "focus ."
bind $lb <KeyPress> "scroll_to_session %K $list; break"
tixAddBalloon $lb Listbox "Click button 1 on a listed session for more information on it or to participate in it.
--- 385,391 ----
bind $lb <B2-Motion> {break}
bind $lb <B2-Leave> {break}
bind $lb <Enter> "focus $lb"
! bind $lb <Leave> "focus [cw]"
bind $lb <KeyPress> "scroll_to_session %K $list; break"
tixAddBalloon $lb Listbox "Click button 1 on a listed session for more information on it or to participate in it.
*** 413,420 ****
bind $lb j {tkListboxUpDown %W 1}
! proc quit {} {
global log
give_status_msg "Writing cache files..."
update idletasks
--- 435,443 ----
bind $lb j {tkListboxUpDown %W 1}
! proc quit {w} {
global log
+ setcw $w
give_status_msg "Writing cache files..."
update idletasks
*** 424,433 ****
destroy .
proc give_status_msg {text} {
global titlestr
! .f1.l configure -text $text -font [option get . italfont Sdr]
! after 2000 .f1.l configure -text \"$titlestr\" -font [option get . font Sdr]
set fullnumitems 0
--- 447,472 ----
destroy .
+ proc handleWindowClose {w} {
+ global windowForGroupPort
+ foreach gp [array names windowForGroupPort] {
+ if {[string compare $windowForGroupPort($gp) $w] == 0} {
+ unset windowForGroupPort($gp)
+ }
+ }
+ # If there are no longer any windows open, quit
+ if {[array size windowForGroupPort] == 0} {
+ quit $w
+ }
+ catch {destroy $w}
+ }
proc give_status_msg {text} {
global titlestr
! [cw].f1.l configure -text $text -font [option get [cw] italfont Sdr]
! after 2000 [cw].f1.l configure -text \"$titlestr\" -font [option get [cw] font Sdr]
set fullnumitems 0
*** 772,778 ****
--- 812,832 ----
set ldata($aid,medianum) 0
set medianum 0
+ # Display the session, but first make sure we use the right window for it:
+ global windowForGroupPort
+ if {![catch {set w $windowForGroupPort($recvsap_addr,$recvsap_port)}]} {
+ set oldCW [cw]
+ setcw $w
display_session $aid $code
+ setcw $oldCW
+ } else {
+ # There's no window for this (group,port) now, but there may be later,
+ # so save this entry for later:
+ global entryForGroupPort
+ set entryForGroupPort($recvsap_addr,$recvsap_port,$aid) $aid
+ }
# set tfrom 0
# set tto 0
*** 809,820 ****
#actually display it
if {$ldata($aid,key)!=""} {
! add_to_display_list $aid priv
} else {
if { ($ldata($aid,enctype) == "x509")||($ldata($aid,enctype) == "pgp") } {
! add_to_display_list $aid priv
} else {
! add_to_display_list $aid norm
--- 863,874 ----
#actually display it
if {$ldata($aid,key)!=""} {
! add_to_display_list $aid [cw].priv
} else {
if { ($ldata($aid,enctype) == "x509")||($ldata($aid,enctype) == "pgp") } {
! add_to_display_list $aid [cw].priv
} else {
! add_to_display_list $aid [cw].norm
*** 838,844 ****
#check if it's already displayed
foreach index [array names ix] {
! if {[string compare "[string range $index 0 3],$ix($index)" "$list,$aid"]==0} {
debug "session already displayed - why are we here?"
return 0
--- 892,898 ----
#check if it's already displayed
foreach index [array names ix] {
! if {[string compare "[lindex [split $index ,] 0],$ix($index)" "$list,$aid"]==0} {
debug "session already displayed - why are we here?"
return 0
*** 897,902 ****
--- 951,958 ----
proc list_session {aid lastix list} {
global sessbox ldata ifstyle
+ if {![winfo exists $sessbox($list)]} return
#puts "$ldata($aid,session)"
set newname $ldata($aid,session)
if {$ldata($aid,trust)!="sip"} {
*** 923,934 ****
-bitmap [get_type_icon $ldata($aid,type) $autht $enct] \
-borderwidth 2 -relief groove
bind $sessbox($list).win$aid <Enter> \
! "highlight_tag $aid enter"
bind $sessbox($list).win$aid <Leave> \
! "highlight_tag $aid leave"
! bind $sessbox($list).win$aid <1> "toggle_popup $aid"
! bind $sessbox($list).win$aid <2> "start_all $aid"
! bind $sessbox($list).win$aid <3> "hide_session $aid"
#puts "$sessbox($list) window create ..."
$sessbox($list) window create [expr $lastix+1].0 -window \
--- 979,990 ----
-bitmap [get_type_icon $ldata($aid,type) $autht $enct] \
-borderwidth 2 -relief groove
bind $sessbox($list).win$aid <Enter> \
! "setcw [cw]; highlight_tag $aid enter"
bind $sessbox($list).win$aid <Leave> \
! "setcw [cw]; highlight_tag $aid leave"
! bind $sessbox($list).win$aid <1> "setcw [cw]; toggle_popup $aid"
! bind $sessbox($list).win$aid <2> "setcw [cw]; start_all $aid"
! bind $sessbox($list).win$aid <3> "setcw [cw]; hide_session $aid"
#puts "$sessbox($list) window create ..."
$sessbox($list) window create [expr $lastix+1].0 -window \
*** 941,971 ****
# PCs will crash here if the scrollbar is being used at the same time.....
$sessbox($list) tag add t$aid [expr $lastix+1].0 [expr $lastix+1].end
! $sessbox($list) tag bind t$aid <1> "toggle_popup $aid"
! $sessbox($list) tag bind t$aid <2> "start_all $aid"
! $sessbox($list) tag bind t$aid <3> "hide_session $aid"
$sessbox($list) tag bind t$aid <Enter> \
! "highlight_tag $aid enter"
$sessbox($list) tag bind t$aid <Leave> \
! "highlight_tag $aid leave"
if {[ispopped $aid]==1} {
$sessbox($list) tag configure t$aid \
! -foreground [option get . background Sdr] \
! -background [option get . foreground Sdr]
catch {$sessbox($ldata($aid,list)).win$aid configure \
! -foreground [option get . background Sdr] \
! -background [option get . foreground Sdr] }
} elseif {[listing_criteria $aid future]==1} {
$sessbox($list) tag configure t$aid \
! -foreground [option get . disabledForeground Sdr] \
! -background [option get . background Sdr]
catch {$sessbox($list).win$aid configure \
! -foreground [option get . disabledForeground Sdr] \
! -background [option get . background Sdr] }
} else {
$sessbox($list) tag configure t$aid \
! -foreground [option get . foreground Sdr] \
! -background [option get . background Sdr]
--- 997,1027 ----
# PCs will crash here if the scrollbar is being used at the same time.....
$sessbox($list) tag add t$aid [expr $lastix+1].0 [expr $lastix+1].end
! $sessbox($list) tag bind t$aid <1> "setcw [cw]; toggle_popup $aid"
! $sessbox($list) tag bind t$aid <2> "setcw [cw]; start_all $aid"
! $sessbox($list) tag bind t$aid <3> "setcw [cw]; hide_session $aid"
$sessbox($list) tag bind t$aid <Enter> \
! "setcw [cw]; highlight_tag $aid enter"
$sessbox($list) tag bind t$aid <Leave> \
! "setcw [cw]; highlight_tag $aid leave"
if {[ispopped $aid]==1} {
$sessbox($list) tag configure t$aid \
! -foreground [option get [cw] background Sdr] \
! -background [option get [cw] foreground Sdr]
catch {$sessbox($ldata($aid,list)).win$aid configure \
! -foreground [option get [cw] background Sdr] \
! -background [option get [cw] foreground Sdr] }
} elseif {[listing_criteria $aid future]==1} {
$sessbox($list) tag configure t$aid \
! -foreground [option get [cw] disabledForeground Sdr] \
! -background [option get [cw] background Sdr]
catch {$sessbox($list).win$aid configure \
! -foreground [option get [cw] disabledForeground Sdr] \
! -background [option get [cw] background Sdr] }
} else {
$sessbox($list) tag configure t$aid \
! -foreground [option get [cw] foreground Sdr] \
! -background [option get [cw] background Sdr]
*** 1005,1056 ****
enter {
if {[ispopped $aid]==1} {
$win tag configure t$aid \
! -foreground [option get . activeBackground Sdr]
catch {$icon configure \
! -foreground [option get . activeBackground Sdr]}
} else {
$win tag configure t$aid -background \
! [option get . activeBackground Sdr]
catch {$icon configure -background \
! [option get . activeBackground Sdr]}
leave {
if {[ispopped $aid]==1} {
$win tag configure t$aid \
! -foreground [option get . background Sdr]
catch {$icon configure \
! -foreground [option get . background Sdr]}
} else {
$win tag configure t$aid \
! -background [option get . background Sdr]
catch {$icon configure \
! -background [option get . background Sdr]}
popup {
$win tag configure t$aid \
! -foreground [option get . background Sdr] \
! -background [option get . foreground Sdr]
catch {$icon configure \
! -foreground [option get . background Sdr] \
! -background [option get . foreground Sdr]}
popdown {
if {[listing_criteria $aid future]==1} {
$win tag configure t$aid \
! -foreground [option get . disabledForeground Sdr] \
! -background [option get . background Sdr]
catch {$icon configure \
! -foreground [option get . disabledForeground Sdr] \
! -background [option get . background Sdr]}
} else {
$win tag configure t$aid \
! -foreground [option get . foreground Sdr] \
! -background [option get . background Sdr]
catch {$icon configure \
! -foreground [option get . foreground Sdr] \
! -background [option get . background Sdr]}
--- 1061,1112 ----
enter {
if {[ispopped $aid]==1} {
$win tag configure t$aid \
! -foreground [option get [cw] activeBackground Sdr]
catch {$icon configure \
! -foreground [option get [cw] activeBackground Sdr]}
} else {
$win tag configure t$aid -background \
! [option get [cw] activeBackground Sdr]
catch {$icon configure -background \
! [option get [cw] activeBackground Sdr]}
leave {
if {[ispopped $aid]==1} {
$win tag configure t$aid \
! -foreground [option get [cw] background Sdr]
catch {$icon configure \
! -foreground [option get [cw] background Sdr]}
} else {
$win tag configure t$aid \
! -background [option get [cw] background Sdr]
catch {$icon configure \
! -background [option get [cw] background Sdr]}
popup {
$win tag configure t$aid \
! -foreground [option get [cw] background Sdr] \
! -background [option get [cw] foreground Sdr]
catch {$icon configure \
! -foreground [option get [cw] background Sdr] \
! -background [option get [cw] foreground Sdr]}
popdown {
if {[listing_criteria $aid future]==1} {
$win tag configure t$aid \
! -foreground [option get [cw] disabledForeground Sdr] \
! -background [option get [cw] background Sdr]
catch {$icon configure \
! -foreground [option get [cw] disabledForeground Sdr] \
! -background [option get [cw] background Sdr]}
} else {
$win tag configure t$aid \
! -foreground [option get [cw] foreground Sdr] \
! -background [option get [cw] background Sdr]
catch {$icon configure \
! -foreground [option get [cw] foreground Sdr] \
! -background [option get [cw] background Sdr]}
*** 1069,1076 ****
proc show_session_list {list} {
debug "show_session_list $list"
! if {$list=="priv"} {
! catch {pack .f4 -side top -fill both -expand true -after .f2}
debug "done"
--- 1125,1132 ----
proc show_session_list {list} {
debug "show_session_list $list"
! if {$list=="[cw].priv"} {
! catch {pack [cw].f4 -side top -fill both -expand true -after [cw].f2}
debug "done"
*** 1153,1158 ****
--- 1209,1216 ----
proc reshow_sessions {spec} {
global ldata fullnumitems fullix items ix sessbox sesslists ifstyle
foreach box [array names sessbox] {
+ if {![winfo exists sessbox($box)]} continue
if {$ifstyle(list)=="normal"} {
$sessbox($box) configure -spacing1 4
} else {
*** 1380,1386 ****
for {set i 1} {$i <= $tagnum} {incr i} {
$win tag configure url$i \
! -foreground [option get . hotForeground Sdr]
$win tag configure url$i -relief raised
if {$inbrowser} {
$win tag bind url$i <1> \
--- 1438,1444 ----
for {set i 1} {$i <= $tagnum} {incr i} {
$win tag configure url$i \
! -foreground [option get [cw] hotForeground Sdr]
$win tag configure url$i -relief raised
if {$inbrowser} {
$win tag bind url$i <1> \
*** 1389,1409 ****
webdisp [set url$i]"
$win tag bind url$i <Enter> \
"$win tag configure url$i \
! -foreground [option get . activehotForeground Sdr];\
overhref [set url$i]"
$win tag bind url$i <Leave> \
"$win tag configure url$i \
! -foreground [option get . hotForeground Sdr];\
} else {
$win tag bind url$i <1> \
"get_uri [set url$i]"
$win tag bind url$i <Enter> \
"$win tag configure url$i \
! -foreground [option get . activehotForeground Sdr]"
$win tag bind url$i <Leave> \
"$win tag configure url$i \
! -foreground [option get . hotForeground Sdr]"
--- 1447,1467 ----
webdisp [set url$i]"
$win tag bind url$i <Enter> \
"$win tag configure url$i \
! -foreground [option get [cw] activehotForeground Sdr];\
overhref [set url$i]"
$win tag bind url$i <Leave> \
"$win tag configure url$i \
! -foreground [option get [cw] hotForeground Sdr];\
} else {
$win tag bind url$i <1> \
"get_uri [set url$i]"
$win tag bind url$i <Enter> \
"$win tag configure url$i \
! -foreground [option get [cw] activehotForeground Sdr]"
$win tag bind url$i <Leave> \
"$win tag configure url$i \
! -foreground [option get [cw] hotForeground Sdr]"
*** 1612,1618 ****
wm iconname $wname "Sdr: Incoming call from $msgsrc"
frame $win.inv -borderwidth 2 -relief groove
pack $win.inv -side top -fill x -expand true
! label $win.inv.l -text "Incoming Call" -font [option get . largeFont Sdr]
pack $win.inv.l -side top
frame $win.inv.f -borderwidth 0
pack $win.inv.f -side top -fill x -expand true
--- 1670,1676 ----
wm iconname $wname "Sdr: Incoming call from $msgsrc"
frame $win.inv -borderwidth 2 -relief groove
pack $win.inv -side top -fill x -expand true
! label $win.inv.l -text "Incoming Call" -font [option get [cw] largeFont Sdr]
pack $win.inv.l -side top
frame $win.inv.f -borderwidth 0
pack $win.inv.f -side top -fill x -expand true
*** 1652,1659 ****
-highlightthickness 0
! # -activeforeground [option get . scrollbarActiveForeground Sdr] \
! # -foreground [option get . scrollbarForeground Sdr]
# $win.f0.desc insert 0.0 [text_wrap $ldata($aid,desc) 40]
$win.f0.desc insert 0.0 $ldata($aid,desc)
$win.f0.desc configure -state disabled
--- 1710,1717 ----
-highlightthickness 0
! # -activeforeground [option get [cw] scrollbarActiveForeground Sdr] \
! # -foreground [option get [cw] scrollbarForeground Sdr]
# $win.f0.desc insert 0.0 [text_wrap $ldata($aid,desc) 40]
$win.f0.desc insert 0.0 $ldata($aid,desc)
$win.f0.desc configure -state disabled
*** 1664,1670 ****
highlight_url $win.f0.desc
! set mf [option get . mediumFont Sdr]
pack [frame $win.hidden1 -width 1 -height 1] -side top -padx 0 -pady 0
if {$ldata($aid,tfrom)!=0} {
# if {($ldata($aid,no_of_times)>1)||($ldata($aid,time0,no_of_rpts)>0)} {
--- 1722,1728 ----
highlight_url $win.f0.desc
! set mf [option get [cw] mediumFont Sdr]
pack [frame $win.hidden1 -width 1 -height 1] -side top -padx 0 -pady 0
if {$ldata($aid,tfrom)!=0} {
# if {($ldata($aid,no_of_times)>1)||($ldata($aid,time0,no_of_rpts)>0)} {
*** 1723,1729 ****
iconbutton $ -text $str -bitmap www -relief raised \
-borderwidth 1 -command "get_uri $ldata($aid,uri)" \
! -font [option get . mediumFont Sdr] -pad $pad
tixAddBalloon $ Frame [tt "Click here for more \
information about the session. The information will be in the \
--- 1781,1787 ----
iconbutton $ -text $str -bitmap www -relief raised \
-borderwidth 1 -command "get_uri $ldata($aid,uri)" \
! -font [option get [cw] mediumFont Sdr] -pad $pad
tixAddBalloon $ Frame [tt "Click here for more \
information about the session. The information will be in the \
*** 1743,1755 ****
iconbutton $ -text $str -bitmap phone -relief raised \
-borderwidth 1 -command "contact $win $aid" \
! -font [option get . mediumFont Sdr] -pad $pad
tixAddBalloon $ Frame [tt "Display the name, email address, and phone number of the person who is responsible for this session."]
incr $win.visible
pack $ -side left -fill x -expand true
# if {($ldata($aid,no_of_times)>1)||($ldata($aid,time0,no_of_rpts)>0)} {
# iconbutton $win.buttons.times -text "Detailed times" -bitmap clock -relief raised \
! # -borderwidth 1 -command "show_times $win $aid" -font [option get . mediumFont Sdr]
# tixAddBalloon $win.buttons.times Button [tt "Display detailed information about when this session is active."]
# incr $win.visible
# pack $win.buttons.times -side left -fill x -expand true
--- 1801,1813 ----
iconbutton $ -text $str -bitmap phone -relief raised \
-borderwidth 1 -command "contact $win $aid" \
! -font [option get [cw] mediumFont Sdr] -pad $pad
tixAddBalloon $ Frame [tt "Display the name, email address, and phone number of the person who is responsible for this session."]
incr $win.visible
pack $ -side left -fill x -expand true
# if {($ldata($aid,no_of_times)>1)||($ldata($aid,time0,no_of_rpts)>0)} {
# iconbutton $win.buttons.times -text "Detailed times" -bitmap clock -relief raised \
! # -borderwidth 1 -command "show_times $win $aid" -font [option get [cw] mediumFont Sdr]
# tixAddBalloon $win.buttons.times Button [tt "Display detailed information about when this session is active."]
# incr $win.visible
# pack $win.buttons.times -side left -fill x -expand true
*** 1757,1763 ****
if {$ifstyle=="norm"} {
iconbutton $ -text "Media\nDetails" -command \
"popup $aid tech $msgsrc;break" -borderwidth 1 -relief raised \
! -bitmap tools -font [option get . mediumFont Sdr] -pad 0
tixAddBalloon $ Frame [tt "Click here for information \
about the media used in the session and their formats, and to start up the \
media tools individually."]
--- 1815,1821 ----
if {$ifstyle=="norm"} {
iconbutton $ -text "Media\nDetails" -command \
"popup $aid tech $msgsrc;break" -borderwidth 1 -relief raised \
! -bitmap tools -font [option get [cw] mediumFont Sdr] -pad 0
tixAddBalloon $ Frame [tt "Click here for information \
about the media used in the session and their formats, and to start up the \
media tools individually."]
*** 1882,1892 ****
if {$ifstyle=="tech"} {
label $win.heard -text \
"[tt "Heard from"] $ldata($aid,heardfrom) [tt at] $ldata($aid,theard)" \
! -font [option get . infoFont Sdr]
pack $win.heard -side top
if {$ldata($aid,source)!=$ldata($aid,heardfrom)} {
label $win.src -text "[tt "Originally announced from"] $ldata($aid,source)" \
! -font [option get . infoFont Sdr]
pack $win.src -side top
--- 1940,1950 ----
if {$ifstyle=="tech"} {
label $win.heard -text \
"[tt "Heard from"] $ldata($aid,heardfrom) [tt at] $ldata($aid,theard)" \
! -font [option get [cw] infoFont Sdr]
pack $win.heard -side top
if {$ldata($aid,source)!=$ldata($aid,heardfrom)} {
label $win.src -text "[tt "Originally announced from"] $ldata($aid,source)" \
! -font [option get [cw] infoFont Sdr]
pack $win.src -side top
*** 2033,2039 ****
set code 0
catch {set code [$fname.d6 delete 0 end;$fname.d6 insert 0 $vars]}
if {$code==0} {
! set infofont "[option get . infoFont Sdr]"
label $fname.l6 -text "Vars:" -font $infofont
entry $fname.d6 -relief sunken -borderwidth 1\
-font $infofont
--- 2091,2097 ----
set code 0
catch {set code [$fname.d6 delete 0 end;$fname.d6 insert 0 $vars]}
if {$code==0} {
! set infofont "[option get [cw] infoFont Sdr]"
label $fname.l6 -text "Vars:" -font $infofont
entry $fname.d6 -relief sunken -borderwidth 1\
-font $infofont
*** 2091,2097 ****
incr $win.visible -1
if {[set $win.visible]==0} {pack forget $win.buttons}
frame $win.cinfo -borderwidth 2 -relief groove
! set mf [option get . mediumFont Sdr]
pack $win.cinfo -side top -fill x -after $win.hidden2
label $win.cinfo.created -text "Created by: $ldata($aid,creator)@$ldata($aid,createaddr)" -font $mf
pack $win.cinfo.created -side top
--- 2149,2155 ----
incr $win.visible -1
if {[set $win.visible]==0} {pack forget $win.buttons}
frame $win.cinfo -borderwidth 2 -relief groove
! set mf [option get [cw] mediumFont Sdr]
pack $win.cinfo -side top -fill x -after $win.hidden2
label $win.cinfo.created -text "Created by: $ldata($aid,creator)@$ldata($aid,createaddr)" -font $mf
pack $win.cinfo.created -side top
*** 2240,2246 ****
} else {
! if {$ldata($aid,endtime) == 0} {
set timestr [format "%sstarting at %s %s %s" $timestr\
[croptime $ldata($aid,tfrom,$i)]\
[croptz $ldata($aid,tfrom,$i)]\
--- 2298,2312 ----
} else {
! # NOTE TO UCL: There was a bug in your original code here.
! # If you create an "advertised session" and choose the default
! # settings throughout the creation dialog, "ldata(new,endtime)"
! # does not exist at this point. To overcome this bug, I've added
! # the "![info exists ..." line below.
! # Ross Finlayson (
! if {
! ![info exists ldata($aid,endtime)] ||
! $ldata($aid,endtime) == 0} {
set timestr [format "%sstarting at %s %s %s" $timestr\
[croptime $ldata($aid,tfrom,$i)]\
[croptz $ldata($aid,tfrom,$i)]\
*** 2328,2335 ****
-highlightthickness 0
! # -foreground [option get . scrollbarForeground Sdr] \
! # -activeforeground [option get . scrollbarActiveForeground Sdr]
foreach i [exec ls -a] { insert end $i
--- 2394,2401 ----
-highlightthickness 0
! # -foreground [option get [cw] scrollbarForeground Sdr] \
! # -activeforeground [option get [cw] scrollbarActiveForeground Sdr]
foreach i [exec ls -a] { insert end $i
*** 2463,2470 ****
! proc preferences2 {} {
global showwhich balloonHelp binder_tags prefprocs
catch {destroy .prefs}
sdr_toplevel .prefs "Preferences"
posn_win .prefs
--- 2529,2537 ----
! proc preferences2 {w} {
global showwhich balloonHelp binder_tags prefprocs
+ setcw $w
catch {destroy .prefs}
sdr_toplevel .prefs "Preferences"
posn_win .prefs
*** 2485,2491 ****
frame .prefs.f0
pack .prefs.f0 -side top
canvas .prefs.f0.c -width 600 -height 300
! #-background [option get . prefsBackground Sdr]
pack .prefs.f0.c -side top
set xpos 20
--- 2552,2558 ----
frame .prefs.f0
pack .prefs.f0 -side top
canvas .prefs.f0.c -width 600 -height 300
! #-background [option get [cw] prefsBackground Sdr]
pack .prefs.f0.c -side top
set xpos 20
*** 2502,2508 ****
bind .prefs.f3.mode <Tab> "focus $binder_tags(show,button)"
post_binder .prefs.f0.c show
label -relief raised -borderwidth 1 \
! -font [option get . infoFont Sdr]
pack -side top -fill x -expand true
frame .prefs.f1
button .prefs.f1.cancel -text [tt "Cancel"] -command {destroy .prefs}
--- 2569,2575 ----
bind .prefs.f3.mode <Tab> "focus $binder_tags(show,button)"
post_binder .prefs.f0.c show
label -relief raised -borderwidth 1 \
! -font [option get [cw] infoFont Sdr]
pack -side top -fill x -expand true
frame .prefs.f1
button .prefs.f1.cancel -text [tt "Cancel"] -command {destroy .prefs}
*** 2817,2823 ****
-highlightthickness 0 \
-variable prefs(web_webtype) -value startmosaic -relief flat
bind_help $win.f.f.r2 [tt "Select this to start a new copy of the web browser for each URL."]
! entry $win.f.f.wwwname -width 10 -relief sunken -background [option get . entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(web_webclient)
frame $win.f.f2
radiobutton $win.f.f2.r4 -text [tt "Use sdr's built in web browser"] \
--- 2884,2890 ----
-highlightthickness 0 \
-variable prefs(web_webtype) -value startmosaic -relief flat
bind_help $win.f.f.r2 [tt "Select this to start a new copy of the web browser for each URL."]
! entry $win.f.f.wwwname -width 10 -relief sunken -background [option get [cw] entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(web_webclient)
frame $win.f.f2
radiobutton $win.f.f2.r4 -text [tt "Use sdr's built in web browser"] \
*** 2827,2834 ****
frame $win.f.f2.f
label $win.f.f2.f.l1 -text [tt " Proxy:"]
label $win.f.f2.f.l2 -text [tt "in the form \"host:port\""] \
! -font [option get . infoFont Sdr]
! entry $win.f.f2.f.wwwproxy -width 25 -relief sunken -background [option get . entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(web_webproxy)
bind_help $win.f.f2.f.wwwproxy [tt "Enter your web proxy in the form ``host:port''. This is optional."]
tixAddBalloon $win.f.f2 Frame [tt "Enter your web proxy in the form \"host:port\"."]
--- 2894,2901 ----
frame $win.f.f2.f
label $win.f.f2.f.l1 -text [tt " Proxy:"]
label $win.f.f2.f.l2 -text [tt "in the form \"host:port\""] \
! -font [option get [cw] infoFont Sdr]
! entry $win.f.f2.f.wwwproxy -width 25 -relief sunken -background [option get [cw] entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(web_webproxy)
bind_help $win.f.f2.f.wwwproxy [tt "Enter your web proxy in the form ``host:port''. This is optional."]
tixAddBalloon $win.f.f2 Frame [tt "Enter your web proxy in the form \"host:port\"."]
*** 3074,3108 ****
pack $win.f.n -side top -fill x -expand true -pady 5
label $win.f.n.l -text [tt "Name:"]
pack $win.f.n.l -side left
! entry $win.f.n.e -width 30 -relief sunken -background [option get . entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(pers_name)
pack $win.f.n.e -side right
frame $win.f.e
pack $win.f.e -side top -fill x -expand true -pady 5
label $win.f.e.l -text [tt "Email:"]
pack $win.f.e.l -side left
! entry $win.f.e.e -width 30 -relief sunken -background [option get . entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(pers_email)
pack $win.f.e.e -side right
frame $win.f.p
pack $win.f.p -side top -fill x -expand true -pady 5
label $win.f.p.l -text [tt "Phone:"]
pack $win.f.p.l -side left
! entry $win.f.p.e -width 30 -relief sunken -background [option get . entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(pers_phone)
pack $win.f.p.e -side right
! message $win.f.sipa -aspect 400 -font [option get . infoFont Sdr] -text \
"A SIP alias is a name people can put in a session invitation to call you. Normally they will use your username, but if you want sdr to answer calls addressed to a more human-readable name, you can add it here. You cannot add another valid username."
pack $win.f.sipa -side top
frame $win.f.a
pack $win.f.a -side top -fill x -expand true -pady 5
label $win.f.a.l -text [tt "SIP Alias:"]
pack $win.f.a.l -side left
! entry $win.f.a.e -width 30 -relief sunken -background [option get . entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(pers_alias)
pack $win.f.a.e -side right
frame $
pack $ -side top -fill x -expand true -pady 5
label $ -text [tt "SIP Server URL:"]
pack $ -side left
! entry $ -width 30 -relief sunken -background [option get . entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(pers_sipserv)
pack $ -side right
frame $win.f2 -borderwidth 0 -relief flat -width 1 -height \
--- 3141,3175 ----
pack $win.f.n -side top -fill x -expand true -pady 5
label $win.f.n.l -text [tt "Name:"]
pack $win.f.n.l -side left
! entry $win.f.n.e -width 30 -relief sunken -background [option get [cw] entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(pers_name)
pack $win.f.n.e -side right
frame $win.f.e
pack $win.f.e -side top -fill x -expand true -pady 5
label $win.f.e.l -text [tt "Email:"]
pack $win.f.e.l -side left
! entry $win.f.e.e -width 30 -relief sunken -background [option get [cw] entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(pers_email)
pack $win.f.e.e -side right
frame $win.f.p
pack $win.f.p -side top -fill x -expand true -pady 5
label $win.f.p.l -text [tt "Phone:"]
pack $win.f.p.l -side left
! entry $win.f.p.e -width 30 -relief sunken -background [option get [cw] entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(pers_phone)
pack $win.f.p.e -side right
! message $win.f.sipa -aspect 400 -font [option get [cw] infoFont Sdr] -text \
"A SIP alias is a name people can put in a session invitation to call you. Normally they will use your username, but if you want sdr to answer calls addressed to a more human-readable name, you can add it here. You cannot add another valid username."
pack $win.f.sipa -side top
frame $win.f.a
pack $win.f.a -side top -fill x -expand true -pady 5
label $win.f.a.l -text [tt "SIP Alias:"]
pack $win.f.a.l -side left
! entry $win.f.a.e -width 30 -relief sunken -background [option get [cw] entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(pers_alias)
pack $win.f.a.e -side right
frame $
pack $ -side top -fill x -expand true -pady 5
label $ -text [tt "SIP Server URL:"]
pack $ -side left
! entry $ -width 30 -relief sunken -background [option get [cw] entryBackground Sdr] -textvariable prefs(pers_sipserv)
pack $ -side right
frame $win.f2 -borderwidth 0 -relief flat -width 1 -height \
*** 3309,3316 ****
give_status_msg [tt "Preferences Saved"]
! proc help {} {
global balloonHelp
catch {destroy .help}
sdr_toplevel .help "Help"
posn_win .help
--- 3376,3384 ----
give_status_msg [tt "Preferences Saved"]
! proc help {w} {
global balloonHelp
+ setcw $w
catch {destroy .help}
sdr_toplevel .help "Help"
posn_win .help
*** 3397,3404 ****
-highlightthickness 0
! # -foreground [option get . scrollbarForeground Sdr] \
! # -activeforeground [option get . scrollbarActiveForeground Sdr]
foreach aid $prefs(show_aids) {
$win.f1.l1 insert end $ldata($aid,session)
if {$prefs(show_aid_$aid)==1} {
--- 3465,3472 ----
-highlightthickness 0
! # -foreground [option get [cw] scrollbarForeground Sdr] \
! # -activeforeground [option get [cw] scrollbarActiveForeground Sdr]
foreach aid $prefs(show_aids) {
$win.f1.l1 insert end $ldata($aid,session)
if {$prefs(show_aid_$aid)==1} {
*** 3443,3453 ****
proc pref_sess_enable {win} {
global prefs
if {$prefs(show_showwhich)=="pref"} {
! $win.f1.l1 configure -foreground [option get . foreground Sdr]
! $win.f1.l2 configure -foreground [option get . foreground Sdr]
} else {
! $win.f1.l1 configure -foreground [option get . disabledForeground Sdr]
! $win.f1.l2 configure -foreground [option get . disabledForeground Sdr]
--- 3511,3521 ----
proc pref_sess_enable {win} {
global prefs
if {$prefs(show_showwhich)=="pref"} {
! $win.f1.l1 configure -foreground [option get [cw] foreground Sdr]
! $win.f1.l2 configure -foreground [option get [cw] foreground Sdr]
} else {
! $win.f1.l1 configure -foreground [option get [cw] disabledForeground Sdr]
! $win.f1.l2 configure -foreground [option get [cw] disabledForeground Sdr]
*** 3474,3480 ****
#note this must be done after all admin scope zones have been added.
#this must not be called more than once!
! global zone
set no_of_zones $zone(no_of_zones)
set zone(sap_addr,$no_of_zones) $sap_addr
set zone(sap_port,$no_of_zones) $sap_port
--- 3542,3549 ----
#note this must be done after all admin scope zones have been added.
#this must not be called more than once!
! global windowForGroupPort zone
! set windowForGroupPort($sap_addr,$sap_port) [cw]
set no_of_zones $zone(no_of_zones)
set zone(sap_addr,$no_of_zones) $sap_addr
set zone(sap_port,$no_of_zones) $sap_port
*** 3490,3496 ****
#an old one.
#to remove one, specify its name and set sap_addr to ""
! global zone
set no_of_zones $zone(no_of_zones)
for {set i 0} {$i < $no_of_zones} {incr i} {
if {$zone(name,$i)==$name} {
--- 3559,3566 ----
#an old one.
#to remove one, specify its name and set sap_addr to ""
! global windowForGroupPort zone
! set windowForGroupPort($sap_addr,$sap_port) [cw]
set no_of_zones $zone(no_of_zones)
for {set i 0} {$i < $no_of_zones} {incr i} {
if {$zone(name,$i)==$name} {
*** 3527,3532 ****
--- 3597,3657 ----
proc sdr_delete_session_hook {advert} {
+ proc launch_directory {addr port ttl dirName} {
+ global windowForGroupPort
+ # If we don't yet have a window open for the directory's (group,port),
+ # then open one now:
+ if {![info exists windowForGroupPort($addr,$port)]} {
+ set oldCW [cw]
+ global lastWindowNum
+ set newWindow .w[incr lastWindowNum]
+ set windowForGroupPort($addr,$port) $newWindow
+ # Create the new window:
+ setcw $newWindow
+ build_interface again $dirName
+ # Enter any members that we saw earlier, but couldn't enter back then:
+ global entryForGroupPort
+ foreach gpa [array names entryForGroupPort [set addr],[set port],*] {
+ set aid $entryForGroupPort($gpa)
+ display_session $aid 0
+ }
+ setcw $oldCW
+ # Set up the 'zone' information for this directory, to be used when
+ # new sessions are created in it.
+ # Begin with the original set of zones:
+ global zone; array set newZoneData [array get zone]
+ # Then, remove all zones that don't enclose this dir's SAP addr ($addr)
+ # Then, replace each remaining zone's SAP address and port with ours:
+ foreach a [array names newZoneData sap_addr,*] {
+ set newZoneData($a) $addr
+ }
+ foreach p [array names newZoneData sap_port,*] {
+ set newZoneData($p) $port
+ }
+ # Set each zone's TTL to be no larger than ours:
+ for {set i 0} {$i <= $newZoneData(no_of_zones)} {incr i} {
+ if {![info exists newZoneData(ttl,$i)]
+ || $newZoneData(ttl,$i) > $ttl} {
+ set newZoneData(ttl,$i) $ttl
+ }
+ }
+ # Remember this new zone data:
+ global zoneDataForWindow
+ set zoneDataForWindow($newWindow) [array get newZoneData]
+ # Finally, start listening to the directory:
+ sd_listen $addr $port
+ }
+ return 1
+ }
set fh [font metrics -adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1 -linespace]
set fw [font measure -adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1 m]
set font -adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1
*** 3552,3559 ****
set ending($i) "rd"
! proc calendar {} {
global ldata fullix fullnumitems daysinmonth taglist fh fw font ifstyle
catch {destroy .cal}
catch {unset taglist}
sdr_toplevel .cal "Daily Listings" "Calendar"
--- 3677,3685 ----
set ending($i) "rd"
! proc calendar {w} {
global ldata fullix fullnumitems daysinmonth taglist fh fw font ifstyle
+ setcw $w
catch {destroy .cal}
catch {unset taglist}
sdr_toplevel .cal "Daily Listings" "Calendar"
*** 3561,3567 ****
frame .cal.f0 -borderwidth 2 -relief groove
if {$ifstyle(labels)=="long"} {
label .cal.f0.l -text "Click on a day to show what's on." \
! -anchor w -font [option get . infoFont Sdr]
pack .cal.f0.l -side top -fill x -expand true
--- 3687,3693 ----
frame .cal.f0 -borderwidth 2 -relief groove
if {$ifstyle(labels)=="long"} {
label .cal.f0.l -text "Click on a day to show what's on." \
! -anchor w -font [option get [cw] infoFont Sdr]
pack .cal.f0.l -side top -fill x -expand true
*** 3572,3578 ****
have sessions scheduled. Click on a date to get the listing for that \
! set fg [option get . foreground Sdr]
set tstr [gettimenow]
set daynow [fixint [lindex $tstr 2]]
set monnow [fixint [lindex $tstr 1]]
--- 3698,3704 ----
have sessions scheduled. Click on a date to get the listing for that \
! set fg [option get [cw] foreground Sdr]
set tstr [gettimenow]
set daynow [fixint [lindex $tstr 2]]
set monnow [fixint [lindex $tstr 1]]
*** 3671,3677 ****
set eom [lindex $daysinmonth [expr $mon - 1]]
for {set day $som} {$day <= $eom} {incr day} {
! catch { highlight_day $day $mon $syear $first([expr $mon+0]) $monnow [option get . activeBackground Sdr] [option get . hotForeground Sdr] \"$aid\" $t -1 -1}
} else {
--- 3797,3803 ----
set eom [lindex $daysinmonth [expr $mon - 1]]
for {set day $som} {$day <= $eom} {incr day} {
! catch { highlight_day $day $mon $syear $first([expr $mon+0]) $monnow [option get [cw] activeBackground Sdr] [option get [cw] hotForeground Sdr] \"$aid\" $t -1 -1}
} else {
*** 3737,3743 ****
set eom [lindex $daysinmonth [expr $mon - 1]]
for {set day $som} {$day <= $eom} {incr day} {
! catch { highlight_day $day $mon $syear $first([expr $mon+0]) $monnow [option get . activeBackground Sdr] [option get . hotForeground Sdr] \"$aid\" $t $r $rctr $o}
set starttime [expr $starttime + $ldata($aid,time$t,interval$r)]
--- 3863,3869 ----
set eom [lindex $daysinmonth [expr $mon - 1]]
for {set day $som} {$day <= $eom} {incr day} {
! catch { highlight_day $day $mon $syear $first([expr $mon+0]) $monnow [option get [cw] activeBackground Sdr] [option get [cw] hotForeground Sdr] \"$aid\" $t $r $rctr $o}
set starttime [expr $starttime + $ldata($aid,time$t,interval$r)]
*** 3774,3790 ****
.cal.f0.c addtag $day.$mon withtag \
[.cal.f0.c create rectangle [expr $xpos - 2] $ypos \
[expr $xpos + ($fw*2) +2] [expr $ypos + $fh - 1] -fill $col \
! -outline [option get . foreground Sdr]]
.cal.f0.c addtag t.$day.$mon withtag \
[.cal.f0.c create text $xpos $ypos -anchor nw \
! -fill [option get . hotForeground Sdr] -font $font \
-text "$daystr"]
set taglist($day.$mon) "$aid $tindex $rindex $rctr $off"
.cal.f0.c bind t.$day.$mon <1> \
"display_bookings $dow $day $mon $yr \$taglist($day.$mon)"
.cal.f0.c bind t.$day.$mon <Enter> \
".cal.f0.c itemconfigure t.$day.$mon -fill \
! [option get . activehotForeground Sdr]"
.cal.f0.c bind t.$day.$mon <Leave> \
".cal.f0.c itemconfigure t.$day.$mon -fill $fgcol"
} else {
--- 3900,3916 ----
.cal.f0.c addtag $day.$mon withtag \
[.cal.f0.c create rectangle [expr $xpos - 2] $ypos \
[expr $xpos + ($fw*2) +2] [expr $ypos + $fh - 1] -fill $col \
! -outline [option get [cw] foreground Sdr]]
.cal.f0.c addtag t.$day.$mon withtag \
[.cal.f0.c create text $xpos $ypos -anchor nw \
! -fill [option get [cw] hotForeground Sdr] -font $font \
-text "$daystr"]
set taglist($day.$mon) "$aid $tindex $rindex $rctr $off"
.cal.f0.c bind t.$day.$mon <1> \
"display_bookings $dow $day $mon $yr \$taglist($day.$mon)"
.cal.f0.c bind t.$day.$mon <Enter> \
".cal.f0.c itemconfigure t.$day.$mon -fill \
! [option get [cw] activehotForeground Sdr]"
.cal.f0.c bind t.$day.$mon <Leave> \
".cal.f0.c itemconfigure t.$day.$mon -fill $fgcol"
} else {
*** 3801,3809 ****
set title \
"[tt "Sessions on"] $dow $day$ending($day) [getmonname $mon -long]"
set blist [split $bookings "\n"]
! set fg [option get . foreground Sdr]
! set hotfg [option get . hotForeground Sdr]
! set ahotfg [option get . activehotForeground Sdr]
set booknum 0
set aid ""
foreach booking $blist {
--- 3927,3935 ----
set title \
"[tt "Sessions on"] $dow $day$ending($day) [getmonname $mon -long]"
set blist [split $bookings "\n"]
! set fg [option get [cw] foreground Sdr]
! set hotfg [option get [cw] hotForeground Sdr]
! set ahotfg [option get [cw] activehotForeground Sdr]
set booknum 0
set aid ""
foreach booking $blist {
*** 3822,3828 ****
pack $win.f.f -side top -fill x -expand true
label $win.f.f.l -text $title
pack $win.f.f.l -side left
! label $win.f.f.exp -font [option get . infoFont Sdr] -text "" \
-justify l -anchor w
pack $win.f.f.exp -side left -fill x -expand true
if {$ifstyle(labels)=="long"} {
--- 3948,3954 ----
pack $win.f.f -side top -fill x -expand true
label $win.f.f.l -text $title
pack $win.f.f.l -side left
! label $win.f.f.exp -font [option get [cw] infoFont Sdr] -text "" \
-justify l -anchor w
pack $win.f.f.exp -side left -fill x -expand true
if {$ifstyle(labels)=="long"} {
*** 3833,3839 ****
for {set t 0} {$t < 24} {incr t} {
$win.f.c addtag hour$t withtag \
[$win.f.c create text [expr ($t * 20)+10] 5 -anchor n\
! -fill $fg -font [option get . font Sdr]]
$win.f.c create line [expr ($t * 20) +20 ] 20\
[expr ($t * 20) +20 ] 30 -fill $fg
$win.f.c create line [expr ($t * 20) +10 ] 20\
--- 3959,3965 ----
for {set t 0} {$t < 24} {incr t} {
$win.f.c addtag hour$t withtag \
[$win.f.c create text [expr ($t * 20)+10] 5 -anchor n\
! -fill $fg -font [option get [cw] font Sdr]]
$win.f.c create line [expr ($t * 20) +20 ] 20\
[expr ($t * 20) +20 ] 30 -fill $fg
$win.f.c create line [expr ($t * 20) +10 ] 20\
*** 3953,3959 ****
$win.f.c addtag t$lnum withtag \
[$win.f.c create text 495 \
[expr 25+$lnum] -anchor w\
! -fill $hotfg -font [option get . font Sdr]]
$win.f.c insert t$lnum 0 $ldata($aid,session)
$win.f.c bind t$lnum <1> "popup $aid \$ifstyle(view) advert"
$win.f.c bind t$lnum <Enter> \
--- 4079,4085 ----
$win.f.c addtag t$lnum withtag \
[$win.f.c create text 495 \
[expr 25+$lnum] -anchor w\
! -fill $hotfg -font [option get [cw] font Sdr]]
$win.f.c insert t$lnum 0 $ldata($aid,session)
$win.f.c bind t$lnum <1> "popup $aid \$ifstyle(view) advert"
$win.f.c bind t$lnum <Enter> \
*** 3967,3973 ****
button $win.f.f.dismiss -text "[tt Hide] $day [getmonname $mon -long]" \
! -command "destroy $win" -font [option get . infoFont Sdr] \
-borderwidth 1 -relief raised -pady 0 -padx 1 \
-highlightthickness 0
pack $win.f.f.dismiss -side right
--- 4093,4099 ----
button $win.f.f.dismiss -text "[tt Hide] $day [getmonname $mon -long]" \
! -command "destroy $win" -font [option get [cw] infoFont Sdr] \
-borderwidth 1 -relief raised -pady 0 -padx 1 \
-highlightthickness 0
pack $win.f.f.dismiss -side right
*** 4248,4254 ****
incr $win.visible -1
if {[set $win.visible]==0} {pack forget $win.buttons}
frame $win.authinfo -borderwidth 2 -relief groove
! set mf [option get . mediumFont Sdr]
pack $win.authinfo -side top -fill x -after $win.hidden2
message $win.authinfo.authmsg -aspect 600 -text "Authentication Information: $authm " -font $mf -bg $bgcolour
pack $win.authinfo.authmsg -side top -expand true
--- 4374,4380 ----
incr $win.visible -1
if {[set $win.visible]==0} {pack forget $win.buttons}
frame $win.authinfo -borderwidth 2 -relief groove
! set mf [option get [cw] mediumFont Sdr]
pack $win.authinfo -side top -fill x -after $win.hidden2
message $win.authinfo.authmsg -aspect 600 -text "Authentication Information: $authm " -font $mf -bg $bgcolour
pack $win.authinfo.authmsg -side top -expand true
*** 4260,4266 ****
incr $win.visible -1
if {[set $win.visible]==0} {pack forget $win.buttons}
frame $win.encinfo -borderwidth 2 -relief groove
! set mf [option get . mediumFont Sdr]
pack $win.encinfo -side top -fill x -after $win.hidden2
message $win.encinfo.encmsg -aspect 800 -text "Encryption Information: $encm " -font $mf -bg $bgcolour
pack $win.encinfo.encmsg -side top -expand true
--- 4386,4392 ----
incr $win.visible -1
if {[set $win.visible]==0} {pack forget $win.buttons}
frame $win.encinfo -borderwidth 2 -relief groove
! set mf [option get [cw] mediumFont Sdr]
pack $win.encinfo -side top -fill x -after $win.hidden2
message $win.encinfo.encmsg -aspect 800 -text "Encryption Information: $encm " -font $mf -bg $bgcolour
pack $win.encinfo.encmsg -side top -expand true
*** 4353,4358 ****
--- 4479,4485 ----
add_admin "World (ttl 127)" 9875 17 127
# add_admin sap_addr sap_port base_addr netmask ttl
add_ttl_scope 9875 17
+ set zoneDataForWindow([cw]) [array get zone]
#create the interface
build_interface first