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# $OpenBSD: README,v 1.17 2018/09/04 12:46:10 espie Exp $
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# | Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Original author: Jolan Luff <jolan@openbsd.org>
# In order to make CVSweb operate in a chroot environment, it is
# necessary to copy all of the relevant tools, libraries, and perl modules
# that CVSweb employs into /var/www.
# NOTE: You can run this README directly with sh(1).
# First, create the basic directory structure:
cd /var/www
mkdir -p tmp usr dev
chown www:www tmp # needs to be writeable for the www user
cd /var/www/usr
mkdir -p bin lib libdata/perl5 libexec
cd /var/www/usr/libdata/perl5
mkdir -p File IPC Time warnings `arch -s`-openbsd/auto/Fcntl unicore
# The "annotate" function requires this empty file:
# NOTE: You can create an actual null device instead, but that will
# not work if the filesystem is mounted with the nodev option, and
# it is not required for cvsweb.
cd /var/www/dev
touch null
# Now, the required binaries:
cd /var/www/usr/bin
cp -p /usr/bin/{co,cvs,diff,perl,rcsdiff,rlog,uname} .
# Next, the libraries that the binaries are linked to:
# NOTE: Wildcards will, of course, copy any old, unused libraries that are
# lurking around (for example, from an upgrade):
cd /var/www/usr/lib
cp -p /usr/lib/lib{c,m,perl,pthread,util,z}.so* .
# Now, the run-time link-editor:
cd /var/www/usr/libexec
cp -p /usr/libexec/ld.so .
# And finally, the perl modules:
cd /var/www/usr/libdata/perl5
cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/{Carp,Exporter,Symbol,base,integer}.pm .
cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/{strict,warnings,vars,constant,utf8}.pm .
cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/utf8_heavy.pl .
cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/unicore/Heavy.pl ./unicore/
cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/File/Basename.pm ./File/
cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/IPC/Open{2,3}.pm ./IPC/
cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/Time/Local.pm ./Time/
cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/warnings/register.pm ./warnings/
cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/XSLoader.pm .
cd /var/www/usr/libdata/perl5/`arch -s`-openbsd
cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/`arch -s`-openbsd/{Config,Cwd}.pm .
cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/`arch -s`-openbsd/Config_{git,heavy}.pl .
cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/`arch -s`-openbsd/DynaLoader.pm .
cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/`arch -s`-openbsd/Fcntl.pm .
cp -p /usr/libdata/perl5/`arch -s`-openbsd/auto/Fcntl/Fcntl.so ./auto/Fcntl/
# You also need to enable slowcgi(8):
rcctl enable slowcgi
rcctl start slowcgi
# Editing cvsweb and cvsweb.conf
# ------------------------------
# The cvsweb program itself and cvsweb.conf both assume httpd is not
# running in a chroot environment, so we need to change some default paths
# so they are relative to /var/www.
# In /var/www/cgi-bin/cvsweb:
# for ("$mydir/cvsweb.conf", '/var/www/conf/cvsweb/cvsweb.conf') {
# for ("$mydir/cvsweb.conf", '/conf/cvsweb/cvsweb.conf') {
# In /var/www/conf/cvsweb/cvsweb.conf:
# Change CVSrepositories to reflect the location of the directories which
# contain CVSROOT. This example shows a local repository NFS mounted over
# loopback into /var/www/cvs, since the directory must be relative to
# /var/www, we use /cvs.
# @CVSrepositories = (
# 'local' => ['Local Repository', '/home/cvs'], (default)
# 'local' => ['Local Repository', '/cvs'], (chroot)
# And the same idea for $mimetypes:
# $mime_types = '/var/www/conf/mime.types'; (default)
# $mime_types = '/conf/mime.types'; (chroot)
# Example httpd.conf(5) for cvsweb
# --------------------------------
# server "domain.tld" {
# listen on * port 80
# #listen on egress tls port 443
# #tls {
# #certificate "/etc/ssl/domain.tld_fullchain.pem"
# #key "/etc/ssl/private/domain.tld_private.pem"
# #}
# location "/cgi-bin/*" {
# fastcgi
# root "/"
# }
# }