Submission by Kaashif Hymabaccus <kaashif AT kaashif DOT co DOT uk>, who takes MAINTAINER, thanks! ok bentley@ wmutils is a set of tools for X windows manipulation. Each tool only has one purpose, to make it as flexible and reliable as possible. This package includes tools to list, kill, move, teleport, focus and resize windows, and more. wmutils opt contains programs to move windows with the mouse, control window borders, and view a window's events and title. These programs rely on wmutils-core to be useful, but can be run without it if you have another method of getting window IDs to operate on.
3 lines
119 B
3 lines
119 B
SHA256 (wmutils-core-1.4.tar.gz) = ROFldrf24fEmwssklEmrfhD9ZSia/3dP+vJ9LBWnsro=
SIZE (wmutils-core-1.4.tar.gz) = 10333