- merged from openbsd-wip and dlg@ diffs. Rasqal is a C library that handles Resource Description Framework (RDF) query language syntaxes, query construction and execution of queries returning results as bindings, boolean, RDF graphs/triples or syntaxes. The supported query languages are SPARQL 1.0, RDQL, Draft SPARQL Query 1.1, Update 1.1 Syntax and Experimental SPARQL extensions (LAQRS). Rasqal can write binding query results in the SPARQL XML, SPARQL JSON, CSV, TSV, HTML, ASCII tables, RDF/XML and Turtle / N3 and read them in SPARQL XML, RDF/XML and Turtle / N3. Rasqal was designed to work closely with the Redland RDF library and the Raptor RDF Syntax Library but is entirely separate from both.
3 lines
115 B
3 lines
115 B
SHA256 (rasqal-0.9.29.tar.gz) = iyGNxRt3uZ8zEDqSUSGKRDl0j3PuMPqO5UmrbRUOfFM=
SIZE (rasqal-0.9.29.tar.gz) = 1550144