$OpenBSD: README,v 1.4 2011/10/16 15:20:33 ajacoutot Exp $ +----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Running ${FULLPKGNAME} on OpenBSD +----------------------------------------------------------------------- Tikiwiki has been installed into ${INSTDIR} You should point this to the DocumentRoot of your web-server: # ln -s ../tikiwiki /var/www/htdocs/tikiwiki (make sure you use a relative symlink since Apache is chrooted) *** First install To complete the installation point your web browser to: http://<hostname>/tikiwiki/tiki-install.php *** Upgrade To complete the upgrade, you must update your database schema using the scripts under ${INSTDIR}/tikiwiki/db/. Make sure to read the official documentation at: http://tikiwiki.org/ReleaseNotes20#1_9_x_to_2_0_migration_tips The default superuser account is: admin (password: admin). * Creating a dedicated user and database for Tikiwiki: While Tikiwiki partially supports any relational databases such as PostgreSQL or SQLite, only MySQL is fully supported. Also, it is recommended to use the mysqli extension (php-mysqli) for php communication to the database. $ mysqladmin -u root -p create 'tiki' $ mysql -u root -p mysql mysql> GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, INDEX, ALTER -> ON tiki TO 'tiki'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword'; mysql> quit * Configuring your /var/www/conf/php.ini for Tikiwiki: - if you experience timeouts you may need to increase max_execution_time and max_input_time - if you want to allow trackback pings in your blogs you need to set allow_url_fopen = On - you should also set the default character encoding to utf-8 default_charset = "utf-8" * In order to use the Maps feature, please install the Mapserver PHP extension (php-mapscript). * Tikiwiki is a big piece of software, you should refer to the official documentation before using it. (http://doc.tikiwiki.org/)