sthen a20fd05451 handle jdk 11 for unifi;
unifi requires javax.activation from activation.jar, which is present
and active in jdk 8, present but deprecated in 9/10 (hidden behind a
command-line flag), and removed in jdk 11.

add a FETCH_MANUALLY distfile to take this from Java Activation Framework;
this is under Oracle's binary license with an indemnity clause so you get
to download it yourself, but it's fairly straightforward. adapt the startup
script to cope.
2019-03-25 03:13:32 +00:00
2019-03-25 03:13:32 +00:00
2019-03-25 03:13:32 +00:00

$OpenBSD: README,v 1.2 2018/09/04 12:46:19 espie Exp $

| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD

If using UniFi on a system with other threaded programs, it is likely that
sysctl kern.maxthread would need to be increased from the default (usually
done in /etc/sysctl.conf)..

WARNING: UniFi admin password is available without authentication to localhost.
$ echo 'db.admin.find()' | mongo --quiet

To import your own signed SSL key/certificate:

# rcctl stop unifi
# cd ${TRUEPREFIX}/share/unifi/data
# openssl pkcs12 -export -in /etc/ssl/server.crt \
   -inkey /etc/ssl/private/server.key \
   -certfile /etc/ssl/intermediate.crt -out unifi.p12 \
   -name unifi -password pass:aircontrolenterprise
# $JAVAHOME/bin/keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore unifi.p12 \
   -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass aircontrolenterprise \
   -destkeystore -storepass aircontrolenterprise
# rcctl start unifi