AdvanceMESS is an unofficial MESS (Multi Emulator Super System) version with advanced video support. It is an emulator for the hardware of many different games consoles (e.g. Sega, NES, SNES, etc.) as well as many different old games-oriented home computers (e.g. C64, C128, ZX80, etc.) AdvanceMESS supports many special video effects to improve image quality when it's stretched. The most advanced effects add missing pixels trying to match the image patterns. OK bentley@
3 lines
119 B
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119 B
SHA256 (advancemess-1.4.tar.gz) = DXilYHWt64/8FxYgXhle5OAF2HmQZ4WNOYpOd1AVHQA=
SIZE (advancemess-1.4.tar.gz) = 9288257