- Switch from python2/Qt4 to python3/Qt5 (note that a handful of plugins
arent ported yet..)
- overhaul post-install for proper icons/desktop files, mostly taken
from debian packaging
- lots of patches merged upstream (github PRs #6169 & 6171 among others)
- still a nasty bug with file dialogs when running inside a gtk desktop
environment, being investigated (upstream ticket #17825).
See http://blog.qgis.org/2018/02/23/qgis-3-0-girona-is-released/ &
https://qgis.org/en/site/forusers/visualchangelog30 for user-facing details.
Mostly worked on at a HAM and then at p2k18, been using various
snapshots of master at work since some months, and playing with 3d features...