2022-03-11 19:45:43 +00:00

| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD

Modify configuration files

In order to run Vger, you need to modify /etc/inetd.conf and /etc/relayd.conf.

---------- stream tcp nowait _vger ${TRUEPREFIX}/bin/vger vger


	log connection
	tcp protocol "gemini" {
		tls keypair hostname.example

	relay "gemini" {
	listen on hostname.example port 1965 tls
	protocol "gemini"
	forward to port 11965

Enable respective services

You need to enable and start inetd and relayd.

$ rcctl enable relayd inetd
$ rcctl start relayd inetd

Firewall configuration

Enable TCP port 1965.


Vger will serve files named index.gmi if no explicit filename is given.
If this file doesn't exist and auto index is enabled, an index file
with a link to every file in the directory will be served.