sthen 6aff27894f imports devel/p5-MooseX-NonMoose, ok landry, from Andreas Voegele's repo
MooseX::NonMoose allows for easily subclassing non-Moose classes with
Moose, taking care of the annoying details connected with doing this,
such as setting up proper inheritance from Moose::Object and installing
(and inlining, at make_immutable time) a constructor that makes sure
things like BUILD methods are called.
2012-04-08 21:04:36 +00:00

6 lines
322 B

MD5 (MooseX-NonMoose-0.22.tar.gz) = CGJ7hXWDXmS0ToJCTfJ6jw==
RMD160 (MooseX-NonMoose-0.22.tar.gz) = CB6xGICNIUc0j3QQx9kw6egAGiw=
SHA1 (MooseX-NonMoose-0.22.tar.gz) = 4zzwoSjdtP0GGd0uoFjMn18N6J8=
SHA256 (MooseX-NonMoose-0.22.tar.gz) = t91FGec1eayAim+f+tYttsnfJn0OHh7qfHYaV95SHlY=
SIZE (MooseX-NonMoose-0.22.tar.gz) = 23807