71 lines
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71 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
module Plugins.Monitors.Batt.Binding (
ApmPowerInfo (..),
AcState (..), BatteryState(..)
) where
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
#include <machine/apmvar.h>
type CApmPowerInfo = ()
foreign import ccall "apm.h get_power_info"
c_getPowerInfo :: Ptr CApmPowerInfo -> IO CInt
data BatteryState = BatHigh | BatLow | BatCritical | BatCharging | BatAbsent | BatUnknown
deriving (Show,Eq)
data AcState = AcOnline | AcOffline | AcBackup | AcUnknown
deriving (Eq)
instance Show AcState where
show AcOnline = "online"
show AcOffline = "offline"
show AcBackup = "backup"
show AcUnknown = "unknown"
data ApmPowerInfo = ApmPowerInfo {
apmBatteryState :: BatteryState,
apmAcState :: AcState,
apmBatteryPercent :: Int,
apmMinutesLeft :: Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
getApmPowerInfo :: IO (Maybe ApmPowerInfo)
getApmPowerInfo =
allocaBytes (#size struct apm_power_info) $ \powerinfo -> do
res <- c_getPowerInfo powerinfo
if res == -1 then return Nothing
else do
bstate <- (#peek struct apm_power_info, battery_state) powerinfo
acstate <- (#peek struct apm_power_info, ac_state) powerinfo
blife <- (#peek struct apm_power_info, battery_life) powerinfo
minleft <- (#peek struct apm_power_info, minutes_left) powerinfo
return $ Just ApmPowerInfo
apmBatteryState = transBatState (bstate :: CUChar),
apmAcState = transAcState (acstate :: CUChar),
apmBatteryPercent = fromIntegral (blife :: CUChar),
apmMinutesLeft = fromIntegral (minleft :: CUInt)
transBatState :: Integral a => a -> BatteryState
transBatState s = case s of
(#const APM_BATT_HIGH) -> BatHigh
(#const APM_BATT_LOW) -> BatLow
(#const APM_BATT_CRITICAL) -> BatCritical
(#const APM_BATT_CHARGING) -> BatCharging
(#const APM_BATTERY_ABSENT) -> BatAbsent
_ -> BatUnknown
transAcState :: Integral a => a -> AcState
transAcState s = case s of
(#const APM_AC_ON) -> AcOnline
(#const APM_AC_OFF) -> AcOffline
(#const APM_AC_BACKUP) -> AcBackup
_ -> AcUnknown
{- vim: set filetype=haskell : -}