While this is a beta release, I'd rather get it in tree asap because upstream split all providers into their own project. So now we have one terraform and 69 terraform-providers (for now). See this URL for details: https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/upcoming-provider-changes-in-terraform-0-10/ If you miss a provider for your iac declaration you have the choice of downloading hashicorp binaries over the net or better: installing the corresponding OpenBSD package. e.g. pkg_add terraform-provider-aws cd /path/to/where/foo.tf/is/stored terraform init <- this will record the sha256 sum of the plugin
3 lines
173 B
3 lines
173 B
SHA256 (terraform/terraform-provider-rundeck-0.1.0.tar.gz) = 8syQ4rd61OjOXJb7CvxuFBxaHrYtujxkEzJfvZ9Pkfs=
SIZE (terraform/terraform-provider-rundeck-0.1.0.tar.gz) = 1370607