landry 66b16afd0c Import Term::ShellUI 0.92.
Term::ShellUI uses the history and autocompletion features of
Term::ReadLine to present a sophisticated command-line interface to the
user. It tries to make every feature that one would expect to see in a
fully interactive shell trivial to implement. You simply declare your
command set and let ShellUI take care of the heavy lifting.

ok ajacoutot@
2015-05-01 15:41:21 +00:00

3 lines
121 B

SHA256 (Term-ShellUI-0.92.tar.gz) = MnnAHHYiczXu/wkDKkD0sCsoUVGzV2wEys0VvgWUK9s=
SIZE (Term-ShellUI-0.92.tar.gz) = 30691