- remove subpackages, it makes no sense to have -docs fetching its distfile from a separate tarball. If really needed one can make a standalone port. - remove handmade nspr.pc.in, upstream provides one - remove handrolled install target and use the one upstream provides. - merge PFRAG.shared back into PLIST Tested on amd64/i386/powerpc and in a bulk build. Needed by firefox 18. ok sthen@ ajacoutot@ jasper@
3 lines
109 B
3 lines
109 B
SHA256 (nspr-4.9.3.tar.gz) = nKPzC1rmeE+YILMpOShKfxT2cjCpFsV1Ks2N2s5y88U=
SIZE (nspr-4.9.3.tar.gz) = 1174317