thfr 8e10606582 update to fnaify 3.1
Release Notes:

Main change is that it no longer removes bundled Steamworks.NET.dll. If
you want to run a game that usually bundles it, but has been installed
or run with a previous version of fnaify, you may need to do this:

$ mv fnaify-backup/Steamworks.NET.dll .

Tested with most of the catalogue of FNA/fnaify supported games.
2022-12-18 18:43:04 +00:00

3 lines
107 B

SHA256 (fnaify-3.1.tar.gz) = zS9DGzA+Jr72/3rpeRZuaEzfHe5D1Wdz3coXjUFQsis=
SIZE (fnaify-3.1.tar.gz) = 26474