sthen 8d58512de6 update to 3.2.5; fixes LP64 problems making fonts unusable on amd64.
Thanks oga@ and Jonathan Armani for testing.

Add (previously missing) license comment; the license for 3.2.5 has
reverted to MIT-like.

patches/patch-w_intersect_c includes a reimplementation of some
complex math functions, not yet in our libm.
2008-08-26 14:32:20 +00:00

101 lines
3.3 KiB

$OpenBSD: patch-Imakefile,v 1.9 2008/08/26 14:32:20 sthen Exp $
--- Imakefile.pat.orig Wed Oct 11 00:19:22 2006
+++ Imakefile Wed Aug 20 12:32:32 2008
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ XCOMM to the full path of the directory where you want
XCOMM Also, you may have to uncomment and redefine MKDIRHIER because "make" looks
XCOMM for it relative to the BINDIR variable.
-BINDIR = /usr/bin
+XCOMM BINDIR = /usr/bin
XCOMM MKDIRHIER = /bin/sh /usr/bin/X11/mkdirhier -p
MKDIRHIER = mkdirhier
@@ -64,16 +64,16 @@ XCOMM #define XAW3D1_5E
XAW_SRC = w_menuentry.c SmeCascade.c SmeBSB.c SimpleMenu.c
XAW_OBJ = w_menuentry.o SmeCascade.o SmeBSB.o SimpleMenu.o
# ifdef XAW3D
- XAWLIB = -lXaw3d
+ XAWLIB = -lXaw3d
# endif /* XAW3D */
#endif /* XAW3D1_5E */
XCOMM Redefine the following if your PNG library, zlib library and/or include file
XCOMM are in different places
-PNGINC = -I/usr/local/include
+PNGINC = -I${DEPBASE}/include/libpng
XCOMM If don't want JPEG support, comment out the #define USEJPEG line
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ XCOMM You must have version 5b or newer of the jpeg li
#ifdef USEJPEG
-JPEGLIBDIR = /usr/local/lib
-JPEGINC = -I/usr/include/X11
+JPEGINC = -I${DEPBASE}/include
JPEGLIBDIR = ../jpeg
@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ XCOMM Change XPMINC if necessary to point to the inclu
#ifdef USEXPM
-XPMLIBDIR = /usr/local/lib
-XPMINC = -I/usr/local/include/X11
+XPMINC = -I${X11BASE}/include/X11
XCOMM Uncomment the following definiton if you want to use the small icons
@@ -151,14 +151,16 @@ XCOMM #define I18N
XCOMM If using an input tablet uncomment the following
+#if BuildInputExt == YES
XCOMM uncomment the following line if your compiler supports
XCOMM inline functions. With the "INLINE" keyword, you should notice that
XCOMM the display will be a bit faster in complex figures
XCOMM use (and change) the following if you want the multi-key data base file
XCOMM somewhere other than the standard X11 library directory
@@ -175,7 +177,7 @@ XFIGDOCDIR = /usr/local/xfig/doc
XCOMM MANDIR tells where the standard man pages should go (no need to change it
XCOMM if you want the man pages installed in the standard place on your system
-MANDIR = /usr/local/xfig/man
+XCOMM MANDIR = /usr/local/xfig/man
XCOMM If your system doesn't have strstr undefine the following definition
@@ -241,7 +243,7 @@ DEPLIBJPEG = $(JPEGLIBDIR)/libjpeg.a
#endif /* USEJPEG */
#ifdef I18N
I18N_SRC = w_i18n.c
I18N_OBJ = w_i18n.o
@@ -440,7 +442,7 @@ install.libs::
@if [ -d $(DESTDIR)$(OBJLIBDIR) ]; then set +x; \
else (set -x; $(MKDIRHIER) $(DESTDIR)$(OBJLIBDIR) ; set +x; ); fi
@if [ -d Libraries ]; then \
- (cd Libraries ; tar cf - */. ) | ( cd $(DESTDIR)$(OBJLIBDIR) ; tar xf - ) ; \
+ (cd Libraries ; tar cf - [A-Z]* ) | ( cd $(DESTDIR)$(OBJLIBDIR) ; tar xf - ) ; \
else echo No Object Libraries to install ; \