is a list of changes: - Ignore interfaces that are not listed in the configuration file: fixes an abort when trying to configure interface located in a different rdomain and doesn't look to the address of interfaces outside the configuration (otherwise it would pick the wrong interface in some cases). - Improve the routing code: use a rb-tree to store groups avoiding group duplications and having to fix hand-rolled list implementations. - Fixed some warnings and improved debug messages. As discussed with ajacoutot@, ok reyk@
550 lines
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$OpenBSD: patch-rttable_c,v 1.2 2016/12/23 13:44:31 rzalamena Exp $
--- rttable.c.orig Thu Dec 15 19:50:24 2016
+++ rttable.c Mon Dec 19 21:22:11 2016
@@ -38,15 +38,22 @@
#include "defs.h"
+#include <sys/queue.h>
+#include <sys/tree.h>
* Routing table structure definition. Double linked list...
+struct Origin {
+ TAILQ_ENTRY(Origin) next;
+ uint32 originAddr;
+ int flood;
+ uint32 pktcnt;
struct RouteTable {
- struct RouteTable *nextroute; // Pointer to the next group in line.
- struct RouteTable *prevroute; // Pointer to the previous group in line.
+ RB_ENTRY(RouteTable) entry;
uint32 group; // The group to route
- uint32 originAddr; // The origin adress (only set on activated routes)
uint32 vifBits; // Bits representing recieving VIFs.
// Keeps the upstream membership state...
@@ -56,28 +63,58 @@
uint32 ageVifBits; // Bits representing aging VIFs.
int ageValue; // Downcounter for death.
int ageActivity; // Records any acitivity that notes there are still listeners.
+ TAILQ_HEAD(originhead, Origin) originList; // The origin adresses (non-empty on activated routes)
+RB_HEAD(rtabletree, RouteTable) routing_table =
+ RB_INITIALIZER(&routing_table);
-// Keeper for the routing table...
-static struct RouteTable *routing_table;
// Prototypes
void logRouteTable(char *header);
int internAgeRoute(struct RouteTable* croute);
+int internUpdateKernelRoute(struct RouteTable *route, int activate, struct Origin *o);
-// Socket for sending join or leave requests.
-int mcGroupSock = 0;
+int rtable_cmp(struct RouteTable *, struct RouteTable *);
+struct RouteTable *rtable_add(struct RouteTable *);
+void rtable_remove(struct RouteTable *);
+RB_GENERATE(rtabletree, RouteTable, entry, rtable_cmp);
+rtable_cmp(struct RouteTable *rt, struct RouteTable *rtn)
+ if (rt->group < rtn->group)
+ return (-1);
+ return (rt->group > rtn->group);
+struct RouteTable *
+rtable_add(struct RouteTable *rt)
+ return (RB_INSERT(rtabletree, &routing_table, rt));
+rtable_remove(struct RouteTable *rt)
+ struct Origin *o;
+ while ((o = TAILQ_FIRST(&rt->originList))) {
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&rt->originList, o, next);
+ free(o);
+ }
+ RB_REMOVE(rtabletree, &routing_table, rt);
+ free(rt);
* Function for retrieving the Multicast Group socket.
int getMcGroupSock() {
- if( ! mcGroupSock ) {
- mcGroupSock = openUdpSocket( INADDR_ANY, 0 );;
+ if (MRouterFD < 0) {
+ log(LOG_ERR, errno, "no MRouterFD.");
- return mcGroupSock;
+ return MRouterFD;
@@ -87,11 +124,8 @@
unsigned Ix;
struct IfDesc *Dp;
- // Clear routing table...
- routing_table = NULL;
// Join the all routers group on downstream vifs...
- for ( Ix = 0; Dp = getIfByIx( Ix ); Ix++ ) {
+ for ( Ix = 0; (Dp = getIfByIx( Ix )); Ix++ ) {
// If this is a downstream vif, we should join the All routers group...
if( Dp->InAdr.s_addr && ! (Dp->Flags & IFF_LOOPBACK) && Dp->state == IF_STATE_DOWNSTREAM) {
IF_DEBUG log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "Joining all-routers group %s on vif %s",
@@ -159,29 +193,24 @@
* Clear all routes from routing table, and alerts Leaves upstream.
void clearAllRoutes() {
- struct RouteTable *croute, *remainroute;
+ struct RouteTable *croute;
// Loop through all routes...
- for(croute = routing_table; croute; croute = remainroute) {
- remainroute = croute->nextroute;
+ while ((croute = RB_ROOT(&routing_table)) != NULL) {
// Log the cleanup in debugmode...
IF_DEBUG log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "Removing route entry for %s",
inetFmt(croute->group, s1));
// Uninstall current route
- if(!internUpdateKernelRoute(croute, 0)) {
+ if(!internUpdateKernelRoute(croute, 0, NULL)) {
log(LOG_WARNING, 0, "The removal from Kernel failed.");
// Send Leave message upstream.
sendJoinLeaveUpstream(croute, 0);
- // Clear memory, and set pointer to next route...
- free(croute);
+ rtable_remove(croute);
- routing_table = NULL;
// Send a notice that the routing table is empty...
log(LOG_NOTICE, 0, "All routes removed. Routing table is empty.");
@@ -192,15 +221,10 @@
* Route Descriptor.
struct RouteTable *findRoute(uint32 group) {
- struct RouteTable* croute;
+ struct RouteTable key;
- for(croute = routing_table; croute; croute = croute->nextroute) {
- if(croute->group == group) {
- return croute;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
+ = group;
+ return (RB_FIND(rtabletree, &routing_table, &key));
@@ -212,7 +236,6 @@
struct Config *conf = getCommonConfig();
struct RouteTable* croute;
- int result = 1;
// Sanitycheck the group adress...
if( ! IN_MULTICAST( ntohl(group) )) {
@@ -241,9 +264,7 @@
newroute = (struct RouteTable*)malloc(sizeof(struct RouteTable));
// Insert the route desc and clear all pointers...
newroute->group = group;
- newroute->originAddr = 0;
- newroute->nextroute = NULL;
- newroute->prevroute = NULL;
+ TAILQ_INIT(&newroute->originList);
// The group is not joined initially.
newroute->upstrState = ROUTESTATE_NOTJOINED;
@@ -260,54 +281,13 @@
BIT_SET(newroute->vifBits, ifx);
- // Check if there is a table already....
- if(routing_table == NULL) {
- // No location set, so insert in on the table top.
- routing_table = newroute;
- IF_DEBUG log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "No routes in table. Insert at beginning.");
- } else {
+ if ((croute = rtable_add(newroute)) != NULL)
+ free(newroute);
+ else {
+ // Set the new route as the current...
+ croute = newroute;
+ }
- IF_DEBUG log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "Found existing routes. Find insert location.");
- // Check if the route could be inserted at the beginning...
- if(routing_table->group > group) {
- IF_DEBUG log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "Inserting at beginning, before route %s",inetFmt(routing_table->group,s1));
- // Insert at beginning...
- newroute->nextroute = routing_table;
- newroute->prevroute = NULL;
- routing_table = newroute;
- // If the route has a next node, the previous pointer must be updated.
- if(newroute->nextroute != NULL) {
- newroute->nextroute->prevroute = newroute;
- }
- } else {
- // Find the location which is closest to the route.
- for( croute = routing_table; croute->nextroute != NULL; croute = croute->nextroute ) {
- // Find insert position.
- if(croute->nextroute->group > group) {
- break;
- }
- }
- IF_DEBUG log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "Inserting after route %s",inetFmt(croute->group,s1));
- // Insert after current...
- newroute->nextroute = croute->nextroute;
- newroute->prevroute = croute;
- if(croute->nextroute != NULL) {
- croute->nextroute->prevroute = newroute;
- }
- croute->nextroute = newroute;
- }
- }
- // Set the new route as the current...
- croute = newroute;
// Log the cleanup in debugmode...
log(LOG_INFO, 0, "Inserted route table entry for %s on VIF #%d",
inetFmt(croute->group, s1),ifx);
@@ -325,10 +305,10 @@
inetFmt(croute->group, s1), ifx);
// If the route is active, it must be reloaded into the Kernel..
- if(croute->originAddr != 0) {
+ if(!TAILQ_EMPTY(&croute->originList)) {
// Update route in kernel...
- if(!internUpdateKernelRoute(croute, 1)) {
+ if(!internUpdateKernelRoute(croute, 1, NULL)) {
log(LOG_WARNING, 0, "The insertion into Kernel failed.");
return 0;
@@ -351,7 +331,7 @@
* activated, it's reinstalled in the kernel. If
* the route is activated, no originAddr is needed.
-int activateRoute(uint32 group, uint32 originAddr) {
+int activateRoute(uint32 group, uint32 originAddr, int downIf) {
struct RouteTable* croute;
int result = 0;
@@ -369,21 +349,42 @@
if(croute != NULL) {
+ struct Origin *o = NULL;
+ int found = 0;
// If the origin address is set, update the route data.
- if(originAddr > 0) {
- if(croute->originAddr > 0 && croute->originAddr!=originAddr) {
- log(LOG_WARNING, 0, "The origin for route %s changed from %s to %s",
- inetFmt(croute->group, s1),
- inetFmt(croute->originAddr, s2),
- inetFmt(originAddr, s3));
- }
- croute->originAddr = originAddr;
- }
+ if(originAddr > 0) {
- // Only update kernel table if there are listeners !
- if(croute->vifBits > 0) {
- result = internUpdateKernelRoute(croute, 1);
- }
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(o, &croute->originList, next) {
+ log(LOG_INFO, 0, "Origin for route %s have %s, new %s",
+ inetFmt(croute->group, s1),
+ inetFmt(o->originAddr, s2),
+ inetFmt(originAddr, s3));
+ if (o->originAddr==originAddr) {
+ found++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ log(LOG_NOTICE, 0, "New origin for route %s is %s, flood %d",
+ inetFmt(croute->group, s1),
+ inetFmt(originAddr, s3), downIf);
+ o = malloc(sizeof(*o));
+ o->originAddr = originAddr;
+ o->flood = downIf;
+ o->pktcnt = 0;
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&croute->originList, o, next);
+ } else {
+ log(LOG_INFO, 0, "Have origin for route %s at %s, pktcnt %d",
+ inetFmt(croute->group, s1),
+ inetFmt(o->originAddr, s3),
+ o->pktcnt);
+ }
+ }
+ // Only update kernel table if there are listeners, but flood upstream!
+ if(croute->vifBits > 0 || downIf >= 0)
+ result = internUpdateKernelRoute(croute, 1, o);
IF_DEBUG logRouteTable("Activate Route");
@@ -401,11 +402,7 @@
IF_DEBUG log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "Aging routes in table.");
// Scan all routes...
- for( croute = routing_table; croute != NULL; croute = nroute ) {
- // Keep the next route (since current route may be removed)...
- nroute = croute->nextroute;
+ RB_FOREACH_SAFE(croute, rtabletree, &routing_table, nroute) {
// Run the aging round algorithm.
if(croute->upstrState != ROUTESTATE_CHECK_LAST_MEMBER) {
// Only age routes if Last member probe is not active...
@@ -443,7 +440,6 @@
* route is not found, or not in this state, 0 is returned.
int lastMemberGroupAge(uint32 group) {
- struct Config *conf = getCommonConfig();
struct RouteTable *croute;
croute = findRoute(group);
@@ -477,7 +473,7 @@
// Uninstall current route from kernel
- if(!internUpdateKernelRoute(croute, 0)) {
+ if(!internUpdateKernelRoute(croute, 0, NULL)) {
log(LOG_WARNING, 0, "The removal from Kernel failed.");
result = 0;
@@ -489,24 +485,8 @@
sendJoinLeaveUpstream(croute, 0);
- // Update pointers...
- if(croute->prevroute == NULL) {
- // Topmost node...
- if(croute->nextroute != NULL) {
- croute->nextroute->prevroute = NULL;
- }
- routing_table = croute->nextroute;
+ rtable_remove(croute);
- } else {
- croute->prevroute->nextroute = croute->nextroute;
- if(croute->nextroute != NULL) {
- croute->nextroute->prevroute = croute->prevroute;
- }
- }
- // Free the memory, and set the route to NULL...
- free(croute);
- croute = NULL;
IF_DEBUG logRouteTable("Remove route");
return result;
@@ -551,6 +531,36 @@
+ {
+ struct Origin *o, *nxt;
+ struct sioc_sg_req sg_req;
+ sg_req.grp.s_addr = croute->group;
+ for (o = TAILQ_FIRST(&croute->originList); o; o = nxt) {
+ nxt = TAILQ_NEXT(o, next);
+ sg_req.src.s_addr = o->originAddr;
+ if (ioctl(MRouterFD, SIOCGETSGCNT, (char *)&sg_req) < 0) {
+ log(LOG_WARNING, errno, "%s (%s %s)",
+ "age_table_entry: SIOCGETSGCNT failing for",
+ inetFmt(o->originAddr, s1),
+ inetFmt(croute->group, s2));
+ /* Make sure it gets deleted below */
+ sg_req.pktcnt = o->pktcnt;
+ }
+ log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "Aging Origin %s Dst %s PktCnt %d -> %d",
+ inetFmt(o->originAddr, s1), inetFmt(croute->group, s2),
+ o->pktcnt, sg_req.pktcnt);
+ if (sg_req.pktcnt == o->pktcnt) {
+ /* no traffic, remove from kernel cache */
+ internUpdateKernelRoute(croute, 0, o);
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&croute->originList, o, next);
+ free(o);
+ } else {
+ o->pktcnt = sg_req.pktcnt;
+ }
+ }
+ }
// If the aging counter has reached zero, its time for updating...
if(croute->ageValue == 0) {
// Check for activity in the aging process,
@@ -560,7 +570,7 @@
// Just update the routing settings in kernel...
- internUpdateKernelRoute(croute, 1);
+ internUpdateKernelRoute(croute, 1, NULL);
// We append the activity counter to the age, and continue...
croute->ageValue = croute->ageActivity;
@@ -586,34 +596,58 @@
* Updates the Kernel routing table. If activate is 1, the route
* is (re-)activated. If activate is false, the route is removed.
+* if 'origin' is given, only the route with 'origin' will be
+* updated, otherwise all MFC routes for the group will updated.
-int internUpdateKernelRoute(struct RouteTable *route, int activate) {
+int internUpdateKernelRoute(struct RouteTable *route, int activate, struct Origin *origin) {
struct MRouteDesc mrDesc;
struct IfDesc *Dp;
unsigned Ix;
+ struct Origin *o;
- if(route->originAddr>0) {
+ if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&route->originList)) {
+ log(LOG_NOTICE, 0, "Route is not active. No kernel updates done.");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(o, &route->originList, next) {
+ if (origin && origin != o)
+ continue;
// Build route descriptor from table entry...
// Set the source address and group address...
mrDesc.McAdr.s_addr = route->group;
- mrDesc.OriginAdr.s_addr = route->originAddr;
+ mrDesc.OriginAdr.s_addr = o->originAddr;
// clear output interfaces
memset( mrDesc.TtlVc, 0, sizeof( mrDesc.TtlVc ) );
- IF_DEBUG log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "Vif bits : 0x%08x", route->vifBits);
+ IF_DEBUG log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "Origin %s Vif bits : 0x%08x", inetFmt(o->originAddr, s1), route->vifBits);
// Set the TTL's for the route descriptor...
- for ( Ix = 0; Dp = getIfByIx( Ix ); Ix++ ) {
- if(Dp->state == IF_STATE_UPSTREAM) {
- //IF_DEBUG log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "Identified VIF #%d as upstream.", Dp->index);
- mrDesc.InVif = Dp->index;
- }
- else if(BIT_TST(route->vifBits, Dp->index)) {
- IF_DEBUG log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "Setting TTL for Vif %d to %d", Dp->index, Dp->threshold);
- mrDesc.TtlVc[ Dp->index ] = Dp->threshold;
- }
+ for ( Ix = 0; (Dp = getIfByIx( Ix )); Ix++ ) {
+ if (o->flood >= 0) {
+ if(Ix == o->flood) {
+ IF_DEBUG log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "Identified Input VIF #%d as DOWNSTREAM.", Dp->index);
+ mrDesc.InVif = Dp->index;
+ }
+ else if(Dp->state == IF_STATE_UPSTREAM) {
+ IF_DEBUG log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "Setting TTL for UPSTREAM Vif %d to %d", Dp->index, Dp->threshold);
+ mrDesc.TtlVc[ Dp->index ] = Dp->threshold;
+ }
+ else if(BIT_TST(route->vifBits, Dp->index)) {
+ IF_DEBUG log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "Setting TTL for DOWNSTREAM Vif %d to %d", Dp->index, Dp->threshold);
+ mrDesc.TtlVc[ Dp->index ] = Dp->threshold;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(Dp->state == IF_STATE_UPSTREAM) {
+ IF_DEBUG log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "Identified VIF #%d as upstream.", Dp->index);
+ mrDesc.InVif = Dp->index;
+ }
+ else if(BIT_TST(route->vifBits, Dp->index)) {
+ IF_DEBUG log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "Setting TTL for Vif %d to %d", Dp->index, Dp->threshold);
+ mrDesc.TtlVc[ Dp->index ] = Dp->threshold;
+ }
+ }
// Do the actual Kernel route update...
@@ -625,9 +659,6 @@
// Delete the route from Kernel...
delMRoute( &mrDesc );
- } else {
- log(LOG_NOTICE, 0, "Route is not active. No kernel updates done.");
return 1;
@@ -639,29 +670,27 @@
void logRouteTable(char *header) {
- struct RouteTable* croute = routing_table;
+ struct RouteTable* croute = RB_ROOT(&routing_table);
unsigned rcount = 0;
log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "\nCurrent routing table (%s);\n-----------------------------------------------------\n", header);
if(croute==NULL) {
log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "No routes in table...");
} else {
- do {
- /*
- log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "#%d: Src: %s, Dst: %s, Age:%d, St: %s, Prev: 0x%08x, T: 0x%08x, Next: 0x%08x",
- rcount, inetFmt(croute->originAddr, s1), inetFmt(croute->group, s2),
- croute->ageValue,(croute->originAddr>0?"A":"I"),
- croute->prevroute, croute, croute->nextroute);
- */
- log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "#%d: Src: %s, Dst: %s, Age:%d, St: %s, OutVifs: 0x%08x",
- rcount, inetFmt(croute->originAddr, s1), inetFmt(croute->group, s2),
- croute->ageValue,(croute->originAddr>0?"A":"I"),
- croute->vifBits);
- croute = croute->nextroute;
+ RB_FOREACH(croute, rtabletree, &routing_table) {
+ log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "#%d: Dst: %s, Age:%d, St: %s, OutVifs: 0x%08x",
+ rcount, inetFmt(croute->group, s2),
+ croute->ageValue,(TAILQ_EMPTY(&croute->originList)?"I":"A"),
+ croute->vifBits);
+ {
+ struct Origin *o;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(o, &croute->originList, next) {
+ log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "#%d: Origin: %s floodIf %d pktcnt %d",
+ rcount, inetFmt(o->originAddr, s1), o->flood, o->pktcnt);
+ }
+ }
- } while ( croute != NULL );
+ }
log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "\n-----------------------------------------------------\n");