remove REVISIONs - bump SO_VERSION of e_dbus to 4.0, because of API changes - modify license marker for edje, where the epp binary is GPLv2 - add EFL libraries elementary, emotion and ethumb leaving out eeze which is based on udev which does not exist in OpenBSD to have a complete base for other e17 apps/libs, e.g. terminology - bump REVISION for x11/e17/e because of new dependencies and remove EXTRACT_SUFX, because the distfile is available as tar.gz - correct LIB_DEPENDS (pkgpaths instead of bogus libversions), adjust/simplify LIB_DEPENDS according to the EFL structure and regen WANTLIBs accordingly with feedback and ok ajacoutot@ sthen@
3 lines
114 B
3 lines
114 B
SHA256 (e17/eio-1.7.5.tar.gz) = 5bDHL+n26p21w8aWYzj+cYz1PEpLfZt6kAog5zQc8Fo=
SIZE (e17/eio-1.7.5.tar.gz) = 445757