naddy 939a18fbbc SECURITY update to 3.5.9:
MFSA 2010-24  XMLDocument::load() doesn't check nsIContentPolicy
MFSA 2010-23 Image src redirect to mailto: URL opens email editor
MFSA 2010-22 Update NSS to support TLS renegotiation indication
MFSA 2010-20 Chrome privilege escalation via forced URL drag and drop
MFSA 2010-19 Dangling pointer vulnerability in nsPluginArray
MFSA 2010-18 Dangling pointer vulnerability in nsTreeContentView
MFSA 2010-17 Remote code execution with use-after-free in nsTreeSelection
MFSA 2010-16 Crashes with evidence of memory corruption
2010-03-31 15:56:44 +00:00

6 lines
330 B

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SHA1 (firefox-3.5.9.source.tar.bz2) = 8g8Gp4PugewdfW96dbOKJdxY8OE=
SHA256 (firefox-3.5.9.source.tar.bz2) = xxV8pcX8T9zC8fpEED35mj7ch+ovkCeSSoo2Fgzulhs=
SIZE (firefox-3.5.9.source.tar.bz2) = 47461927