and application code, on a single machine (VM, cloud or native), in seconds, with a single command Because you can easily interact with your network using the Mininet CLI (and API), customize it, share it with others, or deploy it on real hardware, Mininet is useful for development, teaching, and research. This port is not connected to the build yet. OK sthen@ jasper@ phessler@
190 lines
6.7 KiB
190 lines
6.7 KiB
$OpenBSD: patch-mininet_clean_py,v 2017/08/21 18:47:12 akoshibe Exp $
Index: mininet/
--- mininet/
+++ mininet/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ code), this script may be used to get rid of unwanted
It may also get rid of 'false positives', but hopefully
nothing irreplaceable!
+from os import uname
from subprocess import ( Popen, PIPE, check_output as co,
CalledProcessError )
import time
@@ -17,27 +17,114 @@ import time
from mininet.log import info
from mininet.term import cleanUpScreens
def sh( cmd ):
"Print a command and send it to the shell"
info( cmd + '\n' )
return Popen( [ '/bin/sh', '-c', cmd ], stdout=PIPE ).communicate()[ 0 ]
-def killprocs( pattern ):
+def _coPids( pattern ):
+ try:
+ return co( [ 'pgrep', '-f', pattern ] )
+ except CalledProcessError:
+ return ''
+def _popenPids( pattern ):
+ try:
+ p1 = Popen( [ 'ps' ], stdout=PIPE )
+ pids = co( [ 'awk', '/%s/{print $1}' % pattern ], stdin=p1.stdout )
+ p1.stdout.close()
+ return pids
+ except CalledProcessError:
+ return ''
+def killprocs( pidsFunc, pattern ):
"Reliably terminate processes matching a pattern (including args)"
sh( 'pkill -9 -f %s' % pattern )
# Make sure they are gone
while True:
- try:
- pids = co( [ 'pgrep', '-f', pattern ] )
- except CalledProcessError:
- pids = ''
+ pids = pidsFunc( pattern )
if pids:
sh( 'pkill -9 -f %s' % pattern )
time.sleep( .5 )
+def killnodes( pidsFunc, pattern='[m]ininet' ):
+ "kill processes representing nodes"
+ killprocs( pidsFunc, pattern )
+ nodes = sh( 'jls name' ).split('\n')
+ for node in nodes:
+ if 'mininet:' in node:
+ sh( 'jail -r %s 2>/dev/null' % node )
+def _iplinkClean( listCmd=None ):
+ """ link cleanup using 'ip link' """
+ links = sh( "ip link show | "
+ "egrep -o '([-_.[:alnum:]]+-eth[[:digit:]]+)'"
+ ).splitlines()
+ # Delete blocks of links
+ n = 1000 # chunk size
+ for i in range( 0, len( links ), n ):
+ cmd = ';'.join( 'ip link del %s' % link
+ for link in links[ i : i + n ] )
+ sh( '( %s ) 2> /dev/null' % cmd )
+ if 'tap9' in sh( 'ip link show' ):
+ info( "*** Removing tap9 - assuming it's from cluster edition\n" )
+ sh( 'ip link del tap9' )
+def _ifClean( listCmd ):
+ links = sh( listCmd ).splitlines()
+ # Delete blocks of links
+ n = 1000 # chunk size
+ for i in range( 0, len( links ), n ):
+ cmd = ';'.join( 'ifconfig %s destroy' % link
+ for link in links[ i : i + n ] )
+ sh( '( %s ) 2> /dev/null' % cmd )
+def _ifcfgClean( listCmd ):
+ """ link cleanup with 'ifconfig'"""
+ _ifClean( listCmd )
+ if 'tap9' in sh( 'ifconfig' ):
+ info( "*** Removing tap9 - assuming it's from cluster edition\n" )
+ sh( 'ifconfig tap9 destroy' )
+def _ifcfgCleanLo( listCmd ):
+ """ link cleanup with 'ifconfig' that assumes formattable listCmd
+ that takes an interface unit name (see args for OpenBSD)"""
+ _ifClean( listCmd % 'switch' )
+ _ifcfgClean( listCmd % 'pair' )
+ los = sh( listCmd % 'lo' ).splitlines()
+ n = 256 # chunk size - can only have 256 max, per rdomain(4)
+ for i in range( 1, len( los ), n ):
+ cmd = ';'.join( 'ifconfig %s rdomain 0 destroy' % lo
+ for lo in los[ i : i + n ] )
+ sh( '( %s ) 2> /dev/null' % cmd )
+platform = uname()[ 0 ]
+if platform == 'FreeBSD':
+ cleanLinks = _ifcfgClean
+ args = "ifconfig -l | egrep -o '([-_.[:alnum:]]+-eth[[:digit:]]+)'"
+ pidsFunc = _popenPids
+ cleanNodes = killnodes
+ zkill_cmd = ( 'killall -9 ping mnexec ryu-manager' )
+elif platform == 'Linux':
+ cleanLinks, args = _iplinkClean, None
+ pidsFunc = _coPids
+ cleanNodes = killprocs
+ zkill_cmd = ( 'killall -9 controller ofprotocol ofdatapath ping nox_core'
+ 'lt-nox_core ovs-openflowd ovs-controller'
+ 'ovs-testcontroller udpbwtest mnexec ivs ryu-manager' )
+else: # OpenBSD
+ cleanLinks = _ifcfgCleanLo
+ args = "ifconfig %s | sed -n 's|\(^[a-z]\{1,\}[0-9]\{1,\}\):.*|\\1| p'"
+ pidsFunc = _coPids
+ cleanNodes = killprocs
+ zkill_cmd = ( 'pkill -9 ping mnexec switchd' )
class Cleanup( object ):
"Wrapper for cleanup()"
@@ -50,19 +137,16 @@ class Cleanup( object ):
info( "*** Removing excess controllers/ofprotocols/ofdatapaths/"
"pings/noxes\n" )
- zombies = ( 'controller ofprotocol ofdatapath ping nox_core'
- 'lt-nox_core ovs-openflowd ovs-controller'
- 'ovs-testcontroller udpbwtest mnexec ivs ryu-manager' )
# Note: real zombie processes can't actually be killed, since they
# are already (un)dead. Then again,
# you can't connect to them either, so they're mostly harmless.
# Send SIGTERM first to give processes a chance to shutdown cleanly.
- sh( 'killall ' + zombies + ' 2> /dev/null' )
+ sh( zkill_cmd + ' 2> /dev/null' )
time.sleep( 1 )
- sh( 'killall -9 ' + zombies + ' 2> /dev/null' )
+ sh( zkill_cmd + ' 2> /dev/null' )
# And kill off sudo mnexec
- sh( 'pkill -9 -f "sudo mnexec"')
+ sh( 'pkill -9 -f "mnexec"')
info( "*** Removing junk from /tmp\n" )
sh( 'rm -f /tmp/vconn* /tmp/vlogs* /tmp/*.out /tmp/*.log' )
@@ -88,26 +172,14 @@ class Cleanup( object ):
sh( 'ovs-vsctl del-br ' + dp )
info( "*** Removing all links of the pattern foo-ethX\n" )
- links = sh( "ip link show | "
- "egrep -o '([-_.[:alnum:]]+-eth[[:digit:]]+)'"
- ).splitlines()
- # Delete blocks of links
- n = 1000 # chunk size
- for i in range( 0, len( links ), n ):
- cmd = ';'.join( 'ip link del %s' % link
- for link in links[ i : i + n ] )
- sh( '( %s ) 2> /dev/null' % cmd )
+ cleanLinks( args )
- if 'tap9' in sh( 'ip link show' ):
- info( "*** Removing tap9 - assuming it's from cluster edition\n" )
- sh( 'ip link del tap9' )
info( "*** Killing stale mininet node processes\n" )
- killprocs( 'mininet:' )
+ cleanNodes( pidsFunc, '[m]ininet:' )
info( "*** Shutting down stale tunnels\n" )
- killprocs( 'Tunnel=Ethernet' )
- killprocs( '.ssh/mn')
+ killprocs( pidsFunc, '[T]unnel=Ethernet' )
+ killprocs( pidsFunc, '.ssh\/mn' )
sh( 'rm -f ~/.ssh/mn/*' )
# Call any additional cleanup code if necessary