alek 3d5f66d6f7 Import scheme48 1.3
Scheme 48 is an implementation of the Scheme programming language as
described in the Revised5 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme.
It is based on a compiler and interpreter for a virtual Scheme
machine.  Scheme 48 tries to be faithful to the Revised5 Scheme
Report, providing neither more nor less in the initial user
environment. It is based on a byte-code interpreter and is designed to
be used as a testbed for experiments in implementation techniques and
as an expository tool.

From Aaron Hsu <>
2006-08-01 14:34:33 +00:00

5 lines
228 B

MD5 (scheme48-1.3.tgz) = c436e4c7ba0820e591458804eb8aec5a
RMD160 (scheme48-1.3.tgz) = 25cbf7ddda946ffe114264c3cb4818817eeeb440
SHA1 (scheme48-1.3.tgz) = be1704893b5932fc304b8a2e2279ec753a49f15b
SIZE (scheme48-1.3.tgz) = 2322178