ajacoutot 540c1f4f5f Import ptlib-2.6.5
PTLib is a moderately large C++ class library that originated many years
ago as a method to produce applications that run on both Microsoft
Windows and Unix X-Windows systems. It also was to have a Macintosh port
as well, but this never eventuated. In those days it was called the
PWLib the Portable Windows Library.

Since then, the availability of multi-platform GUI toolkits such as KDE
and wxWindows, and the development of the OpenH323 and OPAL projects as
primary user of the library, has emphasised the focus on networking, I/O
portability, multi-threading and protocol portability. Mostly, the
library is used to create high performance and highly portable
network-centric applications. So all the GUI abstractions ahave been
dropped and it was renamed the Portable Tools Library that you see
2010-03-23 21:10:17 +00:00

14 lines
621 B

$OpenBSD: patch-ptlib_m4,v 2010/03/23 21:10:17 ajacoutot Exp $
--- ptlib.m4.orig Mon Nov 3 07:24:34 2008
+++ ptlib.m4 Mon Nov 3 07:26:52 2008
@@ -375,6 +375,9 @@ AC_DEFUN([PTLIB_FIND_OPENLDAP],
dnl posix4 is required by libldap_r on Solaris
+ openbsd*)
+ ptlib_openldap_libs="-llber -lldap_r -pthread"
+ ;;
* )
ptlib_openldap_libs="-llber -lldap_r"