2019-12-10 16:47:54 +00:00

15 lines
646 B

$OpenBSD: patch-man_Makefile_am,v 1.1 2019/12/10 16:47:54 sthen Exp $
Index: man/
--- man/
+++ man/
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ man7_MANS = $(MAN7)
# Man pages built byt a2x based on the NAMES section of the .txt file
A2X_EXTRA_PAGES = @DOLLAR_SIGN@(shell for fil in $(TXT3) ; do sed -ne '/^NAME/,/^SYNOPSIS/p;/^SYNOPSIS/q' $${fil} | \
- sed -ne '/coap_/{ s/ *, */\n/g; p }' | sed -ne 's/^\(coap_[a-zA-Z_]\+\).*$$/\1.3/p' ; done)
+ gsed -ne '/coap_/{ s/ *, */\n/g; p }' | sed -ne 's/^\(coap_[a-zA-Z_]\+\).*$$/\1.3/p' ; done)
# Extra man pages that need to be installed due to limit of 10
# names built by a2x