sthen 77c1ddcd81 merge gortr into stayrtr for existing installs; development on gortr was
stopped and stayrtr is the continuation of the codebase. suggested by claudio@

sync distinfo to unbreak build while there
2023-01-26 14:25:00 +00:00

2151 lines
58 KiB

#! /usr/bin/perl
# ex:ts=8 sw=4:
# $OpenBSD:,v 1.1493 2023/01/26 14:25:00 sthen Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2009 Marc Espie <>
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
# purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
use strict;
use warnings;
use OpenBSD::PackageName;
package OpenBSD::Quirks;
sub new
my ($class, $version) = @_;
if ($version <= 5) {
return OpenBSD::Quirks5->new;
} else {
return undef;
package OpenBSD::Quirks5;
use Config;
sub new
my $class = shift;
bless {}, $class;
# ->tweak_list(\@l, $state):
# allows Quirks to do anything to the list of packages to install,
# if something is needed. Usually, it won't do anything
sub tweak_list
# packages to remove
# stem => existing file hash table
# if file exists, then it's now in base and we can remove it.
my $p5a = $Config{archlib};
my $p5 = "/usr/libdata/perl5";
my $base_exceptions = {
# 6.5
'libelf' => '/usr/lib/*',
# 6.9
'acme-client' => '/usr/sbin/acme-client',
'libexecinfo' => '/usr/include/execinfo.h',
my $stem_extensions = {
# 6.3
'ruby-arirang' => 'arirang',
'ja-mplus-ttf' => 'mixfont-mplus-ipa',
'kdirstat' => 'qdirstat',
'stem' => 'py-stem',
'arm' => 'nyx',
'luabitop' => 'lua-bitop',
'livestreamer' => 'streamlink',
'newsbeuter' => 'newsboat',
'php-fastcgi' => 'php-cgi',
'advancemess' => 'advancemame',
# 6.4
'gnome-tweak-tool' => 'gnome-tweaks',
'latexila' => 'gnome-latex',
'osh' => 'etsh',
'gnome-themes-standard' => 'gnome-themes-extra',
'open-cobol' => 'gnucobol',
'fanstasque-sans' => 'fantasque-sans',
'rope' => 'py-rope',
'py-upt-rubygems' => 'upt-rubygems',
'pygame' => 'py-game',
'py-cryptodomex' => 'py-cryptodome',
'py3-cryptodomex' => 'py3-cryptodome',
'py-crypto' => 'py-cryptodome',
'py3-crypto' => 'py3-cryptodome',
'py-link-grammar' => 'py3-link-grammar',
'py-buildbot' => 'buildbot',
'py-buildbot-www' => 'py3-buildbot-www',
'py-buildbot-pkg' => 'py3-buildbot-pkg',
'py-buildbot-grid-view' => 'py3-buildbot-grid-view',
'py-buildbot-console-view' => 'py3-buildbot-console-view',
'py-buildbot-waterfall-view' => 'py3-buildbot-waterfall-view',
'py-buildslave' => 'buildbot-worker',
'sdlmame' => 'mame',
'sdlmame-tools' => 'mame',
'sdlmess' => 'mame',
'suricata-update' => 'suricata',
# 6.5
'ValyriaTear' => 'valyriatear',
'apertium-es-ast_NO-PN' => 'apertium-es-ast',
'py-pafy' => 'py3-pafy',
'py-libmagic' => 'py-magic',
'py3-libmagic' => 'py3-magic',
'pecl-chroot' => 'pecl71-chroot',
'pecl-geoip' => 'pecl71-geoip',
'pecl-http' => 'pecl71-pecl_http',
'pecl-imagick' => 'pecl71-imagick',
'pecl-libsodium' => 'pecl71-libsodium',
'pecl-lzf' => 'pecl71-lzf',
'pecl-mailparse' => 'pecl71-mailparse',
'pecl-memcached' => 'pecl71-memcached',
'pecl-proctitle' => 'pecl71-proctitle',
'pecl-propro' => 'pecl71-propro',
'pecl-raphf' => 'pecl71-raphf',
'pecl-rar' => 'pecl71-rar',
'pecl-redis' => 'pecl71-redis',
'pecl-ssh2' => 'pecl71-ssh2',
'pecl56-chroot' => 'pecl71-chroot',
'pecl56-geoip' => 'pecl71-geoip',
'pecl56-http' => 'pecl71-pecl_http',
'pecl56-imagick' => 'pecl71-imagick',
'pecl56-libsodium' => 'pecl71-libsodium',
'pecl56-lzf' => 'pecl71-lzf',
'pecl56-mailparse' => 'pecl71-mailparse',
'pecl56-memcached' => 'pecl71-memcached',
'pecl56-proctitle' => 'pecl71-proctitle',
'pecl56-propro' => 'pecl71-propro',
'pecl56-raphf' => 'pecl71-raphf',
'pecl56-rar' => 'pecl71-rar',
'pecl56-redis' => 'pecl71-redis',
'pecl56-ssh2' => 'pecl71-ssh2',
'pecl70-chroot' => 'pecl71-chroot',
'pecl70-geoip' => 'pecl71-geoip',
'pecl70-http' => 'pecl71-pecl_http',
'pecl70-imagick' => 'pecl71-imagick',
'pecl70-libsodium' => 'pecl71-libsodium',
'pecl70-lzf' => 'pecl71-lzf',
'pecl70-mailparse' => 'pecl71-mailparse',
'pecl70-memcached' => 'pecl71-memcached',
'pecl70-proctitle' => 'pecl71-proctitle',
'pecl70-propro' => 'pecl71-propro',
'pecl70-raphf' => 'pecl71-raphf',
'pecl70-rar' => 'pecl71-rar',
'pecl70-redis' => 'pecl71-redis',
'pecl70-ssh2' => 'pecl71-ssh2',
'zh-bg5ps' => 'bg5ps',
'zh-bg5pdf' => 'bg5pdf',
'wxWidgets-gtk2' => 'wxWidgets-gtk3',
'atf-allwinner' => 'arm-trusted-firmware',
'u-boot-pinebook' => 'u-boot-aarch64',
'suricata-update' => 'suricata',
'wireshark-gtk' => 'wireshark',
'py-zeroconf' => 'py3-zeroconf',
'digikam' => 'digikam-kde4',
'apertium-sv-da' => 'apertium-swe-dan',
# 6.6
'Xonotic' => 'xonotic',
'Xonotic-data' => 'xonotic-data',
'Xonotic-server' => 'xonotic-server',
'gettext' => 'gettext-runtime',
'kwebapp' => 'openradtool',
'py-xmldiff' => 'py3-xmldiff',
'bro' => 'zeek',
'filter-rspamd' => 'opensmtpd-filter-rspamd',
'filter-senderscore' => 'opensmtpd-filter-senderscore',
'ilmbase' => 'OpenEXR',
'openexr-viewers' => 'OpenEXR-tools',
'libvirt-python' => 'py-libvirt',
# 6.7
'py-jaraco-functoolsjaraco.functools' => 'py-jaraco-functools',
'py3-jaraco-functoolsjaraco.functools' => 'py3-jaraco-functools',
'py-netmiko' => 'py3-netmiko',
'py-napalm' => 'py3-napalm',
'py-IOSXR' => 'py3-IOSXR',
'py-cligj' => 'py3-cligj',
'py-fiona' => 'py3-fiona',
'py-laspy' => 'py3-laspy',
'py-owslib' => 'py3-owslib',
'py-proj' => 'py3-proj',
'py-planet' => 'py3-planet',
'py-rasterio' => 'py3-rasterio',
'py-rio-cogeo' => 'py3-rio-cogeo',
'py-shapely' => 'py3-shapely',
'py-terminado' => 'py3-terminado',
'py-prometheus_client' => 'py3-prometheus_client',
'py-influxdb' => 'py3-influxdb',
'py-pandas' => 'py3-pandas',
'py-siphon' => 'py3-siphon',
'py-mlpack' => 'py3-mlpack',
'py-bottleneck' => 'py3-bottleneck',
'py-daemon' => 'py3-daemon',
'py-nbval' => 'py3-nbval',
'py-oauthlib' => 'py3-oauthlib',
'py-requests-oauthlib' => 'py3-requests-oauthlib',
'py-discogs-client' => 'py3-discogs-client',
'py-semver' => 'py3-semver',
'py-seaborn' => 'py3-seaborn',
'py-natsort' => 'py3-natsort',
'' => '',
'py-bokeh' => 'py3-bokeh',
'py-algorithm-munkres' => 'py3-algorithm-munkres',
'py-pdfminer' => 'py3-pdfminer',
'jupyter-notebook3' => 'jupyter-notebook',
'py-html2text' => 'py3-html2text',
'py-acme' => 'py3-acme',
'py-josepy' => 'py3-josepy',
'py-spyder-kernels' => 'py3-spyder-kernels',
'spyder' => 'spyder3',
'py-qtconsole' => 'py3-qtconsole',
'py-sympy' => 'py3-sympy',
'py-wurlitzer' => 'py3-wurlitzer',
'py-gunicorn' => 'py3-gunicorn',
'py-multidict' => 'py3-multidict',
'py-elasticsearch' => 'py3-elasticsearch',
'py-vmomi' => 'py3-vmomi',
'py-nbconvert' => 'py3-nbconvert',
'py-smbc' => 'py3-smbc',
'py-git2' => 'py3-git2',
'py-bencode' => 'py3-bencode',
'py-dfwinreg' => 'py3-dfwinreg',
'py-dfvfs' => 'py3-dfvfs',
'py-dfdatetime' => 'py3-dfdatetime',
'py-artifacts' => 'py3-artifacts',
'py-rope' => 'py3-rope',
'py-xlrd' => 'py3-xlrd',
'ipython' => 'ipython3',
'py-ipykernel' => 'py3-ipykernel',
'py-jupyter_client' => 'py3-jupyter_client',
'py-jupyter_core' => 'py3-jupyter_core',
'py-nbformat' => 'py3-nbformat',
'py-traitlets' => 'py3-traitlets',
'py-parso' => 'py3-parso',
'py-jedi' => 'py3-jedi',
'py-botocore' => 'py3-botocore',
'py-boto3' => 'py3-boto3',
'py-s3transfer' => 'py3-s3transfer',
'py-libpst' => 'py3-libpst',
'Clementine' => 'clementine',
'py-curtsies' => 'py3-curtsies',
'bpython3' => 'bpython',
'py-prompt_toolkit' => 'py3-prompt_toolkit',
'py-wcwidth' => 'py3-wcwidth',
'py-twitter' => 'py3-twitter',
'py-irclib' => 'py3-irclib',
'py-casttube' => 'py3-casttube',
'py-libcloud' => 'py3-libcloud',
'gegl03' => 'gegl04',
'py-mysql' => 'py-mysqlclient',
# 6.8
'py-dulwich' => 'py3-dulwich',
'py-cups' => 'py3-cups',
'py-fastimport' => 'py3-fastimport',
'py-impacket' => 'py3-impacket',
'py-pynetbox' => 'py3-pynetbox',
'py-libvirt' => 'py3-libvirt',
'py-libxml' => 'py3-libxml',
'py-rsa' => 'py3-rsa',
'py-unicorn' => 'py3-unicorn',
'prison' => 'prison-kf5',
'kdegraphics-mobipocket' => 'kdegraphics-mobipocket-kf5',
'kdegraphics-thumbnailers' => 'kdegraphics-thumbnailers-kf5',
'svgpart' => 'svgpart-kf5',
'kdenetwork-filesharing' => 'kdenetwork-filesharing-kf5',
'py-cloudpickle' => 'py3-cloudpickle',
'py-podcastparser' => 'py3-podcastparser',
'py-configargparse' => 'py3-configargparse',
'py-aiodns' => 'py3-aiodns',
'ebc' => 'bc-gh',
'py-cares' => 'py3-cares',
'py-astroid' => 'py3-astroid',
'pylint' => 'pylint3',
'pylint-gui' => 'pylint3-gui',
'py-M2Crypto' => 'py3-M2Crypto',
'sslscan-openssl' => 'sslscan',
'py-rarfile' => 'py3-rarfile',
'py-pygfm' => 'py3-pygfm',
'py-humanize' => 'py3-humanize',
'py-sabyenc' => 'py3-sabyenc',
'py-cftime' => 'py3-cftime',
'py-astral' => 'py3-astral',
'py-ropper' => 'py3-ropper',
'py-snuggs' => 'py3-snuggs',
'py-osqp' => 'py3-osqp',
'py-ecos' => 'py3-ecos',
'py-numexpr' => 'py3-numexpr',
'py-notmuch' => 'py3-notmuch',
'py-webpy' => 'py3-webpy',
'phonon-qt5' => 'phonon',
'phonon-qt5-gstreamer' => 'phonon-backend-gstreamer',
'phonon-qt5-vlc' => 'phonon-backend-vlc',
'phonon-gstreamer-icons' => 'phonon-backend-gstreamer',
'iosevka-fonts-default' => 'iosevka',
'iosevka-fonts-term' => 'iosevka',
'py-distutils-extra' => 'py3-distutils-extra',
'uqm-remix1' => 'uqm-remix',
'uqm-remix2' => 'uqm-remix',
'uqm-remix3' => 'uqm-remix',
'uqm-remix4' => 'uqm-remix',
'py-responses' => 'py3-responses',
'py-pudb' => 'py3-pudb',
'py-keyring' => 'py3-keyring',
'py-secretstorage' => 'py3-secretstorage',
'rgain' => 'rgain3',
'py-urwid' => 'py3-urwid',
'py-ply' => 'py3-ply',
'py-dtfabric' => 'py3-dtfabric',
# 6.9
'py-qscintilla' => 'py3-qscintilla',
'py-gobject3' => 'py3-gobject3',
'py-nltk' => 'py3-nltk',
'py-numpydoc' => 'py3-numpydoc',
'py-passlib' => 'py3-passlib',
'py-matplotlib' => 'py3-matplotlib',
'py-patsy' => 'py3-patsy',
'py-scs' => 'py3-scs',
'py-augeas' => 'py3-augeas',
'py-construct' => 'py3-construct',
'py-sane' => 'py3-sane',
'py-zmq' => 'py3-zmq',
'py-kiwisolver' => 'py3-kiwisolver',
'py-scipy' => 'py3-scipy',
'spidermonkey' => 'spidermonkey78',
'spidermonkey68' => 'spidermonkey78',
'py-relatorio' => 'py3-relatorio',
'py-croniter' => 'py3-croniter',
'biopython' => 'py3-biopython',
'py-rrd' => 'py-rrdtool',
'py-whisper' => 'py3-whisper',
'py-carbon' => 'py3-carbon',
'py-elftools' => 'py3-elftools',
'py-lockfile' => 'py3-lockfile',
'py-toml' => 'py3-toml',
'py-textfsm' => 'py3-textfsm',
'py-unicodecsv' => 'py3-unicodecsv',
'py-enchant' => 'py3-enchant',
'py-sqlparse' => 'py3-sqlparse',
'py-pygresql' => 'py3-pygresql',
'py-tagpy' => 'py3-tagpy',
'py-mpd2' => 'py3-mpd2',
'py-autobahn' => 'py3-autobahn',
'py-txaio' => 'py3-txaio',
'py-qrcode' => 'py3-qrcode',
'py-acoustid' => 'py3-acoustid',
'openjpeg' => 'openjp2',
'py-mysqlclient' => 'py3-mysqlclient',
'py-pyx' => 'py3-pyx',
'fvwm2+fvicons' => 'fvwm2',
'fvicons' => 'fvwm2',
'py-frozen-flask' => 'py3-frozen-flask',
'glibmm26' => 'glibmm268',
'docker' => 'docker-cli',
'py-lazy-object-proxy' => 'py3-lazy-project-proxy',
'py3-scapy' => 'scapy',
'py-sqlobject' => 'py3-sqlobject',
'pyglet' => 'py-pyglet',
'py-tzlocal' => 'py3-tzlocal',
'py-sphinx-notfound-page' => 'py3-sphinx-notfound-page',
'py-mulpyplexer' => 'py3-mulpyplexer',
'py-commonmark' => 'py3-commonmark',
'py-recommonmark' => 'py3-recommonmark',
'py-sphinx_guzzle_theme' => 'py3-sphinx_guzzle_theme',
'py-tornado' => 'py3-tornado',
'py-sphinx-intl' => 'py3-sphinx-intl',
'stegcracker' => 'stegseek',
'py-ldap3' => 'py3-ldap3',
'py-qtpy' => 'py3-qtpy',
'py-sip' => 'py3-sip',
'py-sip-qt5' => 'py3-pyqt5_sip',
'py3-sip-qt5' => 'py3-pyqt5_sip',
'py-qt5' => 'py3-qt5',
'py-ndg_httpsclient' => 'py3-ndg_httpsclient',
'py-trustme' => 'py3-trustme',
'py-mechanize' => 'py3-mechanize',
'py-ripe.atlas.cousteau' => 'py3-ripe.atlas.cousteau',
'py-ripe.atlas.sagan' => 'py3-ripe.atlas.sagan',
'py-qtawesome' => 'py3-qtawesome',
'py-twisted' => 'py3-twisted',
'py-hamcrest' => 'py3-hamcrest',
'py-automat' => 'py3-automat',
'py-constantly' => 'py3-constantly',
'py-incremental' => 'py3-incremental',
'py-zopeevent' => 'py3-zopeevent',
'py-zopeinterface' => 'py3-zopeinterface',
'py-zopetesting' => 'py3-zopetesting',
'py-zopecomponent' => 'py3-zopecomponent',
'py-service_identity' => 'py3-service_identity',
'py-hyperlink' => 'py3-hyperlink',
'py-asn1-modules' => 'py3-asn1-modules',
'py-ldap' => 'py3-ldap',
'py-ldap-examples' => 'py3-ldap-examples',
'py-pexpect' => 'py3-pexpect',
'py-gevent' => 'py3-gevent',
'py-statgrab' => 'py3-statgrab',
'py-parallel-ssh' => 'py3-parallel-ssh',
'py-geventhttpclient' => 'py3-geventhttpclient',
'py-gnupg' => 'py3-gnupg',
'py-babel' => 'py3-babel',
'py-imagesize' => 'py3-imagesize',
'py-alabaster' => 'py3-alabaster',
'py-docutils' => 'py3-docutils',
'py-pygments' => 'py3-pygments',
'py-snowballstemmer' => 'py3-snowballstemmer',
'py-stemmer' => 'py3-stemmer',
'py-sphinx' => 'py3-sphinx',
'py-sphinx_rtd_theme' => 'py3-sphinx_rtd_theme',
'py-codestyle' => 'py3-codestyle',
'pyflakes3' => 'pyflakes',
'py-dot' => 'py3-dot',
'py-last' => 'py3-last',
'py-flask-principal' => 'py3-flask-principal',
'py-flask-sqlalchemy' => 'py3-flask-sqlalchemy',
'py-flask-login' => 'py3-flask-login',
'py-flask-wtf' => 'py3-flask-wtf',
'py-pygal' => 'py3-pygal',
'py-wtforms' => 'py3-wtforms',
'py-apsw' => 'py3-apsw',
'cdiff' => 'ydiff',
'xmonad-lib' => 'xmonad',
'py-test-httpbin' => 'py3-test-httpbin',
'py-test-localserver' => 'py3-test-localserver',
'py-test-vcr' => 'py3-test-vcr',
'py-flask' => 'py3-flask',
'py-httpbin' => 'py3-httpbin',
'py-itsdangerous' => 'py3-itsdangerous',
'py-vcrpy' => 'py3-vcrpy',
'py-werkzeug' => 'py3-werkzeug',
'py-blinker' => 'py3-blinker',
'py-ifaddr' => 'py3-ifaddr',
'py-colorama' => 'py3-colorama',
'py-emoji' => 'py3-emoji',
'py-query' => 'py3-query',
'py-ofxparse' => 'py3-ofxparse',
'py-puppetboard' => 'py3-puppetboard',
'py-urlgrabber' => 'py3-urlgrabber',
'py-webob' => 'py3-webob',
'py-webtest' => 'py3-webtest',
'py-genshi' => 'py3-genshi',
'py-musicbrainzngs' => 'py3-musicbrainzngs',
'py-setproctitle' => 'py3-setproctitle',
'py-ptyprocess' => 'py3-ptyprocess',
'py-jwt' => 'py3-jwt',
'py-pg_activity' => 'pg_activity', # intentionally removing py- prefix
'py-axolotl' => 'py3-axolotl',
'py-protobuf' => 'py3-protobuf',
'py-http_ece' => 'py3-http_ece',
'yubiserve' => 'yubikeyedup',
'py-openssl' => 'py3-openssl',
'py-junos-eznc' => 'py3-junos-eznc',
'py-ncclient' => 'py3-ncclient',
'py-beautifulsoup4' => 'py3-beautifulsoup4',
'py-beautifulsoup' => 'py3-beautifulsoup4',
# 7.0
'weboob' => 'woob',
'py-talloc' => 'py3-talloc',
'py-tdb' => 'py3-tdb',
'bijiben' => 'gnome-notes',
'connections' => 'gnome-connections',
'py-socketio-client' => 'py3-socketio-client',
'py-cycler' => 'py3-cycler',
'py-pyRFC3339' => 'py3-pyRFC3339',
'py-libarchive-c' => 'py3-libarchive-c',
'py-minimalmodbus' => 'py3-minimalmodbus',
'baresip-gtk2' => 'baresip-gtk',
'py-xlib' => 'py3-xlib',
'py-neovim' => 'py3-neovim',
'py-click-log' => 'py3-click-log',
'py-click-plugins' => 'py3-click-plugins',
'py-click-threading' => 'py3-click-threading',
'py-spark-parser' => 'py3-spark-parser',
'py-xdis' => 'py3-xdis',
'py-uncompyle6' => 'py3-uncompyle6',
'py-click' => 'py3-click',
'py-pyinotify' => 'py3-pyinotify',
'py-virtualdisplay' => 'py3-virtualdisplay',
'py-meld3' => 'py3-meld3',
'py-cryptography_vectors' => 'py3-cryptography_vectors',
'py-boto' => 'py3-boto3',
'py3-boto' => 'py3-boto3',
'py-paramiko' => 'py3-paramiko',
'py-nxos' => 'py3-nxos',
'py-scp' => 'py3-scp',
'py-bcrypt' => 'py3-bcrypt',
'py-iso8601' => 'py3-iso8601',
'py-asn1crypto' => 'py3-asn1crypto',
'py-asn1' => 'py3-asn1',
'py-snmp' => 'py3-snmp',
'py-PyNaCl' => 'py3-PyNaCl',
'py-websocket-client' => 'py3-websocket-client',
'libmesode' => 'libstrophe',
'py-stem' => 'py3-stem',
# 7.1
'py-jsonschema' => 'py3-jsonschema',
'py-CherryPy' => 'py3-CherryPy',
'py-IP' => 'py3-IP',
'py-PySMT' => 'py3-PySMT',
'py-aes' => 'py3-aes',
'py-affine' => 'py3-affine',
'py-beaker' => 'py3-beaker',
'py-betamax' => 'py3-betamax',
'py-bleach' => 'py3-bleach',
'py-bottle' => 'py3-bottle',
'py-cached-property' => 'py3-cached-property',
'py-cheroot' => 'py3-cheroot',
'py-cookies' => 'py3-cookies',
'py-country' => 'py3-country',
'py-coveralls' => 'py3-coveralls',
'py-curl' => 'py3-curl',
'py-eapi' => 'py3-eapi',
'py-fasteners' => 'py3-fasteners',
'py-feedgenerator' => 'py3-feedgenerator',
'py-fields' => 'py3-fields',
'py-formencode' => 'py3-formencode',
'py-ftpdlib' => 'py3-ftpdlib',
'py-graphviz' => 'py3-graphviz',
'py-html5lib' => 'py3-html5lib',
'py-httplib2' => 'py3-httplib2',
'py-icalendar' => 'py3-icalendar',
'py-jinja2' => 'py3-jinja2',
'py-mako' => 'py3-mako',
'py-mistune' => 'py3-mistune',
'py-mpmath' => 'py3-mpmath',
'py-netaddr' => 'py3-netaddr',
'py-netifaces' => 'py3-netifaces',
'py-num2words' => 'py3-num2words',
'py-objgraph' => 'py3-objgraph',
'py-paho-mqtt' => 'py3-paho-mqtt',
'py-parsedatetime' => 'py3-parsedatetime',
'' => '',
'py-pcapy' => 'py3-pcapy',
'py-pf' => 'py3-pf',
'py-pgpdump' => 'py3-pgpdump',
'py-polib' => 'py3-polib',
'py-portend' => 'py3-portend',
'py-potr' => 'py3-potr',
'py-prettytable' => 'py3-prettytable',
'py-pyaml' => 'py3-pyaml',
'py-pykwalify' => 'py3-pykwalify',
'py-radix' => 'py3-radix',
'py-redis' => 'py3-redis',
'py-repoze-lru' => 'py3-repoze-lru',
'py-repoze-profile' => 'py3-repoze-profile',
'py-repoze-who' => 'py3-repoze-who',
'py-requests-aws4auth' => 'py3-requests-aws4auth',
'py-requests-futures' => 'py3-requests-futures',
'py-requests-mock' => 'py3-requests-mock',
'py-requests-toolbelt' => 'py3-requests-toolbelt',
'py-rrdtool' => 'py3-rrdtool',
'py-ruamel.yaml' => 'py3-ruamel.yaml',
'py-scrypt' => 'py3-scrypt',
'py-selenium' => 'py3-selenium',
'py-simplesoap' => 'py3-simplesoap',
'py-soupsieve' => 'py3-soupsieve',
'py-spdx' => 'py3-spdx',
'py-spdx-lookup' => 'py3-spdx-lookup',
'py-tempita' => 'py3-tempita',
'py-unidecode' => 'py3-unidecode',
'py-uritemplate' => 'py3-uritemplate',
'py-vobject' => 'py3-vobject',
'py-waitress' => 'py3-waitress',
'py-webencodings' => 'py3-webencodings',
'py-xmltodict' => 'py3-xmltodict',
'py-jaraco-functools' => 'py3-jaraco-functools',
'py-logilab-common' => 'py3-logilab-common',
'py-memcached' => 'py3-memcached',
'py-tempora' => 'py3-tempora',
'py-redland' => 'py3-redland',
'py-GitPython' => 'py3-GitPython',
'py-ICU' => 'py3-ICU',
'py-MarkupSafe' => 'py3-MarkupSafe',
'py-PEG2' => 'py3-PEG2',
'py-PyPDF2' => 'py3-PyPDF2',
'py-ana' => 'py3-ana',
'py-anytree' => 'py3-anytree',
'py-appdirs' => 'py3-appdirs',
'py-argcomplete' => 'py3-argcomplete',
'py-argh' => 'py3-argh',
'py-audio' => 'py3-audio',
'py-axolotl-curve25519' => 'py3-axolotl-curve25519',
'py-backcall' => 'py3-backcall',
'py-biplist' => 'py3-biplist',
'py-bitstring' => 'py3-bitstring',
'py-blessings' => 'py3-blessings',
'py-blist' => 'py3-blist',
'py-bsddb3' => 'py3-bsddb3',
'py-cairocffi' => 'py3-cairocffi',
'py-cffi' => 'py3-cffi',
'py-characteristic' => 'py3-characteristic',
'py-cheetah' => 'py3-cheetah',
'py-clint' => 'py3-clint',
'py-colored' => 'py3-colored',
'py-configobj' => 'py3-configobj',
'py-cooldict' => 'py3-cooldict',
'py-cssutils' => 'py3-cssutils',
'py-cstruct' => 'py3-cstruct',
'py-cymruwhois' => 'py3-cymruwhois',
'py-daemonize' => 'py3-daemonize',
'py-decorator' => 'py3-decorator',
'py-defusedxml' => 'py3-defusedxml',
'py-demjson' => 'py3-demjson',
'py-dicttoxml' => 'py3-dicttoxml',
'py-discid' => 'py3-discid',
'py-dispatcher' => 'py3-dispatcher',
'py-dnslib' => 'py3-dnslib',
'py-docopt' => 'py3-docopt',
'py-easyprocess' => 'py3-easyprocess',
'py-entrypoints' => 'py3-entrypoints',
'py-filebytes' => 'py3-filebytes',
'py-filelock' => 'py3-filelock',
'py-flaky' => 'py3-flaky',
'py-flexmock' => 'py3-flexmock',
'py-frozendict' => 'py3-frozendict',
'py-gitdb' => 'py3-gitdb',
'py-greenlet' => 'py3-greenlet',
'py-ipython_genutils' => 'py3-ipython_genutils',
'py-iso3166' => 'py3-iso3166',
'py-iso639' => 'py3-iso639',
'py-isodate' => 'py3-isodate',
'py-isort' => 'py3-isort',
'py-jellyfish' => 'py3-jellyfish',
'py-jmespath' => 'py3-jmespath',
'py-magic' => 'py3-magic',
'py-markdown' => 'py3-markdown',
'py-mccabe' => 'py3-mccabe',
'py-minimock' => 'py3-minimock',
'py-mox3' => 'py3-mox3',
'py-msgpack' => 'py3-msgpack',
'py-munch' => 'py3-munch',
'py-nose-warnings-filters' => 'py3-nose-warnings-filters',
'py-nosexcover' => 'py3-nosexcover',
'py-odbc' => 'py3-odbc',
'py-olefile' => 'py3-olefile',
'py-pandocfilters' => 'py3-pandocfilters',
'py-parallel' => 'py3-parallel',
'py-pathspec' => 'py3-pathspec',
'py-pbkdf2' => 'py3-pbkdf2',
'py-peewee' => 'py3-peewee',
'py-phonenumbers' => 'py3-phonenumbers',
'py-pickleshare' => 'py3-pickleshare',
'py-progress' => 'py3-progress',
'py-progressbar' => 'py3-progressbar',
'py-pyprof2calltree' => 'py3-pyprof2calltree',
'py-pyte' => 'py3-pyte',
'py-rencode' => 'py3-rencode',
'py-robotframework' => 'py3-robotframework',
'py-rfc6555' => 'py3-rfc6555',
'py-send2trash' => 'py3-send2trash',
'py-setuptools_scm_git_archive' => 'py3-setuptools_scm_git_archive',
'py-setuptools_trial' => 'py3-setuptools_trial',
'py-sh' => 'py3-sh',
'py-simpleeval' => 'py3-simpleeval',
'py-simplegeneric' => 'py3-simplegeneric',
'py-smmap' => 'py3-smmap',
'py-socks' => 'py3-socks',
'py-sql' => 'py3-sql',
'py-stdnum' => 'py3-stdnum',
'py-straight.plugin' => 'py3-straight.plugin',
'py-test-expect' => 'py3-test-expect',
'py-test-forked' => 'py3-test-forked',
'py-test-relaxed' => 'py3-test-relaxed',
'py-test-subtesthack' => 'py3-test-subtesthack',
'py-testpath' => 'py3-testpath',
'py-tld' => 'py3-tld',
'py-tox' => 'py3-tox',
'py-uv' => 'py3-uv',
'py-vcversioner' => 'py3-vcversioner',
'py-voluptuous' => 'py3-voluptuous',
'py-wrapt' => 'py3-wrapt',
'py-wstools' => 'py3-wstools',
'py-xcbgen' => 'py3-xcbgen',
'py-xlsxwriter' => 'py3-xlsxwriter',
'py-yamllint' => 'py3-yamllint',
'py-yapf' => 'py3-yapf',
'py-sqlalchemy' => 'py3-sqlalchemy',
'py-flup' => 'py3-flup',
'py-feedparser' => 'py3-feedparser',
'apertium-af-nl' => 'apertium-afr-nld',
'apertium-ca-it' => 'apertium-cat-ita',
'apertium-en-ca' => 'apertium-eng-cat',
'apertium-es-ast' => 'apertium-spa-ast',
'apertium-es-ca' => 'apertium-spa-cat',
'apertium-id-ms' => 'apertium-ind-zlm',
'apertium-is-en' => 'apertium-isl-eng',
'apertium-is-sv' => 'apertium-isl-swe',
'apertium-mk-bg' => 'apertium-mkd-bul',
'apertium-mk-en' => 'apertium-mkd-eng',
'apertium-pt-ca' => 'apertium-por-cat',
'pinentry-gtk2' => 'pinentry-gnome3',
'sxiv' => 'nsxiv',
'geoclue' => 'geoclue2',
'py-extras' => 'py3-extras',
'py-fixtures' => 'py3-fixtures',
'py-pbr' => 'py3-pbr',
'py-testtools' => 'py3-testtools',
'py-pyusb' => 'py3-pyusb',
'py-atomicwrites' => 'py3-atomicwrites',
'py-attrs' => 'py3-attrs',
'py-coverage' => 'py3-coverage',
'py-dateutil' => 'py3-dateutil',
'py-freezegun' => 'py3-freezegun',
'py-hypothesis' => 'py3-hypothesis',
'py-more-itertools' => 'py3-more-itertools',
'py-pluggy' => 'py3-pluggy',
'py-py' => 'py3-py',
'py-test' => 'py3-test',
'py-test-benchmark' => 'py3-test-benchmark',
'py-test-cov' => 'py3-test-cov',
'py-test-mock' => 'py3-test-mock',
'py-test-runner' => 'py3-test-runner',
'py-setuptools_scm' => 'py3-setuptools_scm',
'ssvnc-viewer' => 'tigervnc',
'py-tz' => 'py3-tz',
'py-pretend' => 'py3-pretend',
'py-mock' => 'py3-mock',
'gmic-qt-krita' => 'krita-gmic-plugin',
# 7.2
'tracker-miners' => 'tracker3-miners',
'tracker' => 'tracker3',
'libgweather' => 'libgweather4',
'spidermonkey78' => 'spidermonkey91',
'gmime' => 'gmime30',
'fcitx-pinyin' => 'fcitx-chinese-addons',
'py-quixote' => 'py3-quixote',
'py-requests' => 'py3-requests',
'py-chardet' => 'py3-chardet',
'chrome-gnome-shell' => 'gnome-browser-connector',
'tdesktop-qt6' => 'tdesktop',
'blocksruntime' => 'libdispatch',
'py-mongo' => 'py3-mongo',
'py-wheel' => 'py3-wheel',
'py-idna' => 'py3-idna',
'py-urllib3' => 'py3-urllib3',
'py-packaging' => 'py3-packaging',
'py-certifi' => 'py3-certifi',
'py-ecdsa' => 'py3-ecdsa',
'py-virtualenv' => 'py3-virtualenv',
'webkitgtk4' => 'webkitgtk40',
'py-llvmlite' => 'py3-llvmlite',
'py-dpkt' => 'py3-dpkt',
'py-dbus' => 'py3-dbus',
'dspy' => 'd-spy',
'i3-mousedrag' => 'i3',
# 7.3
'spidermonkey91' => 'spidermonkey102',
'dleyna-core' => 'dleyna',
'gnome-todo' => 'endeavour',
'go-ipfs' => 'kubo',
'py-zc-lockfilezc.lockfile' => 'py3-zc-lockfile',
'py3-zc-lockfilezc.lockfile' => 'py3-zc-lockfile',
'py-elfesteem' => 'py3-miasm', # merged
'py-miasm' => 'py3-miasm',
'py-cssselect' => 'py3-cssselect',
'py-cparser' => 'py3-cparser',
'py-authres' => 'py3-authres',
'py-policyd-spf' => 'py3-policyd-spf',
'py-spf' => 'py3-spf',
'py-nose' => 'py3-nose',
'py-xdg' => 'py3-xdg',
'i3-gaps' => 'i3',
'rebar' => 'rebar3',
'gortr' => 'stayrtr',
my $obsolete_reason = {};
my $obsolete_regexp = [];
sub setup_obsolete_reason
while (@_ >= 2) {
my ($i, $stem) = (shift, shift);
if (ref $stem eq 'Regexp') {
push (@$obsolete_regexp, [$stem, $i]);
} else {
$obsolete_reason->{$stem} = $i;
# this list is put in the "wrong" order (index => stem) because we
# want to put regexps as well in there (see the terraform or hs entries
# for instance)
# 6.3
5 => 'puppet-dashboard',
3 => 'dnsfilter',
6 => 'empathy',
3 => 'telepathy-salut',
3 => 'telepthy-haze',
3 => 'telepathy-gabble',
3 => 'telepathy-qt',
3 => 'telepathy-farstream',
3 => 'farstream',
5 => 'ardour',
5 => 'aubio',
5 => 'liblo',
5 => 'libgnomecanvasmm',
2 => 'mixmaster',
0 => 'xscorch',
5 => 'libwbxml',
6 => 'haskell-platform',
0 => 'gnokii',
5 => 'dee',
6 => 'pidgin-tlen',
5 => 'pep8',
6 => 'gnuvd',
5 => 'gtkhtml4',
6 => 'livestreamer-curses',
6 => 'xdmchoose',
0 => 'vomit',
6 => 'p5-WWW-YouTube-Download',
6 => 'oggtag',
6 => 'aimsniff',
6 => 'pork',
3 => 'ntimed',
2 => 'man2web',
6 => 'decss',
6 => 'libgcal',
6 => 'akonadi-googledata',
3 => 'arora',
6 => 'powerdns-ldap',
6 => 'p5-Net-LDNS',
0 => 'sirc',
6 => 'hgview',
5 => 'xerces',
# 6.4
2 => 'mozjs17',
3 => 'qvwm',
3 => 'prepop',
3 => 'centerim',
3 => 'gpgmepp',
0 => 'xnc',
3 => 'nepenthes',
6 => 'mongrel2',
6 => 'ja-groff',
3 => 'gtkglextmm',
3 => 'goocanvas',
6 => 'osm2go',
6 => 'kedpm',
3 => 'mediatomb',
6 => 'apache-couchdb',
6 => 'py-couchdb',
3 => 'chive',
3 => 'opengroupware',
3 => 'git-bz',
3 => 'hot-babe',
0 => 'wmgrabimage',
0 => 'wmphoto',
0 => 'wmminichess',
0 => 'wmifinfo',
0 => 'wmnet',
0 => 'wmwave',
0 => 'wmcb',
0 => 'wmpinboard',
0 => 'wmbiff',
0 => 'wmmail',
0 => 'wmtimer',
3 => 'py-crypto',
3 => 'py3-crypto',
5 => 'tremor',
5 => 'tremor-tools',
2 => 'webkit',
5 => 'py-test-capturelog',
5 => 'py3-test-capturelog',
3 => 'snapdl',
6 => 'ccnet',
10 => 'dkim-milter',
11 => 'aircontrol',
3 => 'corebird',
5 => 'py-pcs',
5 => 'ifmcstat',
6 => 'suricata-update',
# 6.5
5 => 'py-dtopt',
5 => 'py3-dtopt',
0 => 'memtest86+',
5 => 'py-reat',
12 => 'dovecot-antispam',
3 => 'py-hgtools',
3 => 'py3-hgtools',
3 => 'py-hgsubversion',
5 => 'py-hgnested',
6 => 'py-keyczar',
5 => 'py-hg-git',
3 => 'py-czmq',
13 => 'p5-Math-Pari',
13 => 'p5-Math-BigInt-Pari',
13 => 'p5-Crypt-Random',
13 => 'p5-Crypt-DH',
13 => 'p5-Crypt-Primes',
13 => 'p5-Crypt-RSA',
0 => 'directoryassistant',
3 => 'x-pack',
5 => 'libepc',
0 => 'dysnomia-en',
3 => 'casperjs',
3 => 'phantomjs',
6 => 'owncloud',
13 => 'php-librdf',
13 => 'nedi',
13 => 'xcache',
13 => 'pecl-memcache',
13 => 'pecl56-memcache',
13 => 'pecl-swish',
13 => 'pecl56-swish',
13 => 'pecl-uploadprogress',
13 => 'pecl56-uploadprogress',
3 => 'sickbeard',
2 => 'nxssh',
3 => 'opennx',
3 => 'iaxcomm',
0 => 'pinot',
0 => 'gaia',
0 => 'openafs',
3 => 'emerillon',
5 => 'mplex',
0 => 'gromit',
3 => 'discwrapper',
6 => 'libhttpseverywhere',
3 => 'poppler-qt4',
3 => 'ushare',
6 => 'ffmpeg2theora',
3 => 'p5-WWW-Google-SiteMap',
3 => 'p5-YAML-Perl',
5 => 'py-nevow',
3 => 'gupnp-ui',
6 => 'suricata-update',
1 => 'exploitdb-papers',
3 => 'nautilus-sendto',
2 => 'ghostview',
7 => 'libcudf',
7 => 'ocaml-cudf',
7 => 'ocaml-cmdliner',
7 => 'ocaml-cppo',
7 => 'ocaml-dose',
7 => 'ocaml-extlib',
7 => 'ocaml-jsonm',
7 => 'ocaml-re',
7 => 'omake',
7 => 'ounit',
5 => 'obc',
3 => 'mlbviewer',
3 => 'upsd',
0 => 'vagalume',
7 => 'ocaml-uutf',
3 => 'xbat',
3 => 'xripple',
3 => 'sliderule',
3 => 'swisswatch',
3 => 'xaniroc',
3 => 'xmascot',
3 => 'xmold',
3 => 'xsnow',
3 => 'xtattr',
1 => 'ruby25-akami',
1 => 'ruby25-gyoku',
1 => 'ruby25-httpclient',
1 => 'ruby25-httpi',
1 => 'ruby25-nori',
1 => 'ruby25-savon',
1 => 'ruby25-sonos',
1 => 'ruby25-wasabi',
6 => 'linuxdoc',
3 => 'luna',
3 => 'rsynth',
3 => 'agm',
3 => 'connect4',
3 => 'xchomp',
3 => 'xdeblock',
3 => 'xzip',
3 => 'jive',
3 => 'compface',
3 => 'mirror',
3 => 'dclock',
3 => 'xfishtank',
6 => 'mpeg_play',
# 6.6
5 => 'py-async',
5 => 'py3-async',
5 => 'py3-funcsigs',
1 => 'rust-doc',
6 => 'glib-openssl',
5 => 'gcj',
5 => 'classpath',
5 => 'jamvm',
3 => 'gnome-code-assistance',
3 => 'gedit-code-assistance',
5 => 'py3-backports-abc',
0 => 'libkgeomap',
1 => 'piwik',
5 => 'wml',
1 => 'junit',
6 => 'jeoip',
0 => 'gnaughty',
5 => 'mysql++',
3 => 'mysqlcc',
6 => 'relayd-updateconf',
1 => 'java-getopt',
5 => 'avidemux',
5 => 'OGIlexicon',
5 => 'festival',
5 => 'festlex_CMU',
5 => 'festlex_OALD',
5 => 'festlex_POSLEX',
5 => 'festvox_cmu_us_awb_arctic_hts',
5 => 'festvox_cmu_us_bdl_arctic_hts',
5 => 'festvox_cmu_us_jmk_arctic_hts',
5 => 'festvox_cmu_us_slt_arctic_hts',
5 => 'festvox_cstr_us_awb_arctic_multisyn',
5 => 'festvox_cstr_us_jmk_arctic_multisyn',
5 => 'festvox_don',
5 => 'festvox_ellpc11k',
5 => 'festvox_kallpc16k',
5 => 'festvox_kedlpc16k',
5 => 'festvox_rablpc16k',
5 => 'voice_aec_di',
5 => 'voice_jph_di',
5 => 'voice_mwm_di',
5 => 'voice_tll_di',
3 => 'proxy-suite',
6 => 'py-amf',
3 => 'lam',
6 => 'gxml',
3 => 'nulib',
3 => 'py-turbocheetah',
3 => 'py-turbokid',
3 => 'py-addons',
3 => 'py-peak-rules',
3 => 'py-prioritized_methods',
3 => 'py-extremes',
3 => 'py-kid',
3 => 'py-Chart',
3 => 'py-id3',
3 => 'py-tagger',
3 => 'py-zhCodecs',
3 => 'py-iconvcodec',
3 => 'py-cjkcodecs',
3 => 'py-cdb',
3 => 'py-pgsql',
3 => 'pgworksheet',
3 => 'py-HappyDoc',
3 => 'py-Rijndael',
3 => 'py-adns',
3 => 'py-cherrypy2',
3 => 'py-clientform',
3 => 'py-crack',
3 => 'py-cryptkit',
3 => 'py-epydoc',
3 => 'py-flowd',
3 => 'py-flowtools',
3 => 'py-gnuplot',
3 => 'py-htmltmpl',
3 => 'py-jaxml',
3 => 'py-kiwi',
3 => 'py-medusa',
3 => 'py-monthdelta',
3 => 'py-optik',
3 => 'py-osd',
3 => 'py-probstat',
3 => 'py-protocols',
3 => 'py-rtf',
3 => 'py-ruledispatch',
3 => 'py-silc',
3 => 'py-tpg',
3 => 'py-unit',
3 => 'pybugz',
3 => 'pymissile',
6 => 'arm-elf-binutils',
6 => 'arm-elf-gcc',
6 => 'arm-elf-gdb',
6 => 'arm-elf-newlib',
5 => 'g77',
5 => 'libf2c',
3 => 'p5-WWW-Curl',
5 => 'java-tanukiwraper',
6 => 'opencv-docs',
6 => 'p5-Device-USB',
0 => 'p5-Crypt-GpgME',
6 => 'p5-HTTP-BrowserDetect',
# 6.7
3 => 'awless',
3 => 'mousetweaks',
6 => 'py-ioflo',
6 => 'py3-ioflo',
5 => 'postgresql-plv8',
6 => 'py-GeoIP',
3 => 'cvsync',
6 => 'pecl-geoip',
5 => 'clive',
6 => 'aws-shell',
5 => 'aqsis',
3 => 'gtk-xfce-engine',
0 => 'firewalk',
5 => 'goffice08',
3 => 'py-webdav',
6 => 'yabause',
5 => 'py-elementtidy',
5 => 'py-gd',
5 => 'py-oauth2',
6 => 'afm',
6 => 'p5-Geo-IP',
3 => 'py-libnacl',
5 => 'py3-typing',
3 => 'p5-Net-IRC',
0 => 'pangox-compat',
5 => 'tmake',
5 => 'qt3-sqlite3',
5 => 'eigen',
5 => 'eigen2',
5 => 'qt-gstreamer',
3 => 'qsynergy',
5 => 'kqoauth',
3 => 'valknut',
3 => 'dclib',
3 => 'luma',
3 => 'qhacc',
17 => 'nginx-geoip',
3 => 'qgo',
3 => 'qrfcview',
3 => 'mutella',
5 => 'erl-bcrypt',
5 => 'erl-mochiweb',
5 => 'rebar18',
5 => 'rebar17',
3 => 'bouml',
3 => 'beediff',
3 => 'php-mcrypt',
3 => 'sqliteman',
3 => 'entomologist',
6 => 'fcitx-qt4',
3 => 'partiwm',
2 => 'ejabberd',
5 => 'rebar16',
5 => 'tortoisehg',
3 => 'cjc',
3 => 'spectrum',
3 => 'py-xmpp',
0 => 'mirage',
0 => 'rpm',
3 => 'oggconvert',
3 => 'radiotray',
0 => 'xevil',
3 => 'py-vatnumber',
6 => 'nap',
5 => 'qucs',
1 => 'py-chai',
1 => 'py3-chai',
1 => 'py-binaryornot',
1 => 'py3-binaryornot',
1 => 'py-whichcraft',
1 => 'py3-whichcraft',
20 => 'celt07',
1 => qr{^terraform-provider-},
6 => 'radare2-bindings',
1 => 'py3-django',
1 => 'py3-django-lts',
3 => 'dspam',
3 => 'dspam-mysql',
3 => 'dspam-pgsql',
5 => 'py-iniparse',
3 => 'qt5-declarative-xmllistmodel',
3 => 'jabberd',
22 => 'GeoIP',
2 => 'akpop3d',
6 => 'gtk+4-cloudprint',
21 => qr{^drupal},
# 6.8
3 => 'planner',
3 => 'gnome-recipes',
6 => 'shared-color-targets',
6 => 'argyll',
3 => 'libcroco',
23 => 'libnipper',
23 => 'nipper',
13 => 'bg5pdf',
23 => 'pdflib',
3 => 'pop3gwd',
3 => 'tircd',
6 => 'gtksourceviewmm3',
3 => 'hpodder',
5 => 'py-gstreamer',
3 => 'py-libxslt',
3 => 'gconf-editor',
3 => 'amide',
3 => 'xmedcon',
3 => 'gq',
3 => 'gnome-doc-utils',
3 => 'rarian',
3 => 'qtcanvas3d',
3 => 'qtcanvas3d-examples',
3 => 'gtkparasite',
3 => 'gutenpy',
3 => 'klogic',
3 => 'soprano',
3 => 'automoc',
3 => 'qimageblitz',
3 => 'cagibi',
3 => 'libkvkontakte',
3 => 'libkfbapi',
3 => 'libkgapi',
3 => 'attica',
3 => 'kwebkitpart',
3 => 'grantlee',
3 => 'libkscreen',
3 => 'polkit-qt',
3 => 'phonon-gstreamer',
3 => 'phonon-gstreamer-icons',
3 => 'phonon-vlc',
3 => 'kde4-minimal',
3 => 'kde4',
3 => 'kde4-extras',
3 => 'kdeadmin',
3 => 'kdegames',
3 => 'kdenetwork',
3 => 'kdesdk',
3 => 'kdetoys',
3 => 'kdeadmin',
3 => 'kdegames',
3 => 'kdenetwork',
3 => 'kdesdk',
3 => 'kdetoys',
3 => qr{^kde-l10n-},
3 => 'amor',
3 => 'audiocd-kio',
3 => 'baloo-widgets',
3 => 'ffmpegthumbs',
3 => 'jovie',
3 => 'kaccessible',
3 => 'kactivities',
3 => 'kde-base-artwork',
3 => 'kde-emoticons',
3 => 'kde-runtime',
3 => 'kde-shared-data',
3 => 'kde-wallpapers',
3 => 'kde-workspace',
3 => 'kde4-kopete-sounds',
3 => 'kde4-langlist',
3 => 'kde4-locale',
3 => 'kde4-locale-en_US',
3 => 'kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer',
3 => 'kdelibs',
3 => 'kdenetwork',
3 => 'kdenetwork-strigi-analyzers',
3 => 'kdepim',
3 => 'kdepim-runtime',
3 => 'kdepimlibs',
3 => 'kdeplasma-addons',
3 => 'kdesdk-strigi-analyzers',
3 => 'kdewebdev',
3 => 'kfilemetadata',
3 => 'kgamma',
3 => 'kgpg',
3 => 'kimono',
3 => 'kopete',
3 => 'korundum',
3 => 'kpat',
3 => 'kppp',
3 => 'kremotecontrol',
3 => 'kross-java',
3 => 'kscd',
3 => 'ktux',
3 => 'kuser',
3 => 'libkcddb',
3 => 'libkcompactdisc',
3 => 'libkdeedu',
3 => 'libkdegames',
3 => 'libkexiv2',
3 => 'mplayerthumbs',
3 => 'nepomuk-core',
3 => 'nepomuk-widgets',
3 => 'p5-kde',
3 => 'p5-qt',
3 => 'pairs',
3 => 'parley',
3 => 'py-kde',
3 => 'qyoto',
3 => 'ruby26-qt4',
3 => 'smokegen',
3 => 'smokekde',
3 => 'smokeqt',
3 => 'superkaramba',
3 => 'gbirthday',
4 => 'wireguard-go',
4 => 'wiresep',
4 => 'wireless',
6 => 'sisctrl',
0 => 'vteplugin',
5 => 'p5-Net-GPSD',
0 => 'mozplugger',
3 => 'ajaxterm',
1 => 'uim-kde',
1 => 'uim-qt',
1 => 'uim-qt4',
5 => 'dbusmenu-qt',
3 => 'qlandkartegt',
3 => 'qca',
3 => 'qca-gnupg',
3 => 'qca-ossl',
26 => 'keepassx',
7 => 'go-xlsx',
7 => 'go-check-v1',
6 => 'freemat',
6 => 'scim-qtimm',
6 => 'gambatte-qt',
3 => 'liblxqt-l10n',
3 => 'lxqt-about-l10n',
3 => 'lxqt-config-l10n',
3 => 'lxqt-notificationd-l10n',
3 => 'lxqt-openssh-askpass-l10n',
3 => 'lxqt-panel-l10n',
3 => 'lxqt-policykit-l10n',
3 => 'lxqt-powermanagement-l10n',
3 => 'lxqt-runner-l10n',
3 => 'lxqt-session-l10n',
3 => 'lxqt-sudo-l10n',
3 => 'lximage-l10n',
3 => 'compton-conf-l10n',
3 => 'obconf-l10n',
3 => 'libfm-qt-l10n',
3 => 'pavucontrol-qt-l10n',
3 => 'pcmanfm-qt-l10n',
3 => 'qtermwidget-l10n',
3 => 'qterminal-l10n',
6 => 'gmc4cc',
5 => 'py-sockjs-tornado',
5 => 'apache-activemq',
5 => 'libgda-ui',
6 => 'ocrfeeder',
5 => 'goocanvas2',
5 => 'py-termcolor',
5 => 'py3-termcolor',
3 => 'py-carddav',
5 => 'py-rdflib',
5 => 'py3-rdflib',
3 => 'fookebox',
5 => 'py-pylons',
5 => 'py-routes',
5 => 'py-weberror',
5 => 'py-webhelpers',
0 => 'hedgewars',
0 => 'lazarus',
13 => 'exaile',
3 => 'instead-launcher',
3 => qr{^(ruby(19|2[0-7])-|^ruby-[^0-9])},
# 6.9
3 => 'py-notify',
3 => 'glimpse',
3 => 'py-metlog',
3 => 'pdfmod',
5 => 'hyena',
5 => 'mono-taglib',
3 => 'spatialite_gis',
3 => 'librewms',
3 => 'libgaiagraphics',
3 => 'librasterlite',
5 => 'dbus-sharp',
5 => 'dbus-sharp-glib',
5 => 'mono-gdata',
5 => 'mono-notify',
5 => 'ndesk-dbus',
5 => 'ndesk-dbus-glib',
5 => 'mono-xsp',
3 => 'py-Numeric',
3 => 'k3dsurf',
3 => 'spacehulk',
3 => 'taxipilot',
3 => 'pympd',
5 => 'py-vte',
5 => 'vte',
6 => 'keybinder',
3 => 'vinagre',
5 => 'gnome-getting-started-docs',
3 => 'py-poppler',
3 => 'pdfshuffler',
27 => 'colord',
27 => 'colord-gtk',
5 => 'gnome-color-manager',
3 => 'zeya',
3 => 'py-trollius',
3 => qr{^kde-i18n-},
3 => 'kde-shared-data',
3 => 'kde3-langlist',
3 => 'kde3-locale',
3 => 'kde3-locale-en_US',
3 => 'kdeaccessibility',
3 => 'kdebase',
3 => 'kdegames',
3 => 'kdelibs',
3 => 'kdesamba',
3 => 'qt3-examples',
3 => 'qt3-html',
3 => 'qt3-mt',
3 => 'qt3-mysql',
3 => 'qt3-postgresql',
3 => 'qt3-sqlite2',
6 => 'gtk3mm-documentation',
5 => 'libxml++3',
3 => 'xfce4-statusnotifier',
3 => 'pylint3-gui',
3 => 'e_dbus',
3 => 'ecore',
3 => 'edje',
3 => 'eet',
3 => 'efreet',
3 => 'eina',
3 => 'eio',
3 => 'elementary',
3 => 'embryo',
3 => 'emotion',
3 => 'enlightenment',
3 => 'ethumb',
3 => 'evas',
3 => 'qtstyleplugins',
0 => 'p5-Regexp-Copy',
28 => 'mcollective-puppet-agent',
3 => 'kdepim-apps-libs',
29 => 'gns3',
3 => 'py-qt4',
3 => 'py-qt4-docs',
29 => 'hitch',
30 => 'xtraceroute',
31 => 'py-vorbis',
31 => 'py-ogg',
32 => 'sattrack',
33 => 'sattrack',
34 => 'packit',
34 => 'nemesis',
6 => 'lxnb',
35 => 'siphon',
6 => 'avinfo',
0 => 'xfed',
36 => 'www6to4',
37 => 'gimmix',
3 => 'xhippo',
0 => 'hnb',
38 => 'icinga',
38 => 'icinga-web',
38 => 'icinga-cgi',
38 => 'icinga-idoutils',
39 => 'swftools',
39 => 'swfmill',
39 => 'ming',
39 => 'quvi',
39 => 'libquvi',
39 => 'libquvi-scripts',
6 => 'cclive',
4 => 'viz',
40 => 'driftnet',
6 => 'enjoympeg',
6 => 'trac-ldapplugin',
0 => 'xboing',
3 => 'beaver',
3 => 'tracnav',
39 => 'flasm',
31 => 'mpd-add-similar',
31 => 'py-mpd',
3 => 'abs',
3 => 'arena',
3 => 'teagtk',
5 => 'tempwatch',
29 => 'avenger',
41 => 'mk',
1 => 'sabredav',
3 => 'mollify',
3 => 'seyon',
6 => 'mingw',
3 => 'bsd-airtools',
3 => 'gtkpod',
0 => 'golem',
3 => 'wmmultipop3',
3 => 'wmpop3',
3 => 'angst',
3 => 'audiopreview',
3 => 'pcsxr',
41 => 'libbio',
41 => 'libfmt',
41 => 'libregexp9',
41 => 'libutf',
5 => qr{^hs-},
6 => 'gstreamer',
6 => 'gstreamer-ffmpeg',
6 => 'gstreamer-plugins-bad',
6 => 'gstreamer-plugins-base',
6 => 'gstreamer-plugins-gl',
6 => 'gstreamer-plugins-good',
6 => 'gstreamer-plugins-ugly',
29 => 'lives',
5 => 'py-wsgiproxy',
5 => 'py-sqlite',
43 => 'upt',
43 => 'upt-cpan',
43 => 'upt-openbsd',
43 => 'upt-pypi',
43 => 'upt-rubygems',
3 => 'p5-VCP-autrijus',
# 7.0
3 => 'mailpile',
7 => 'p5-Geo-GDAL',
3 => 'gnome-latex',
3 => 'p5-Puppet-Tidy',
6 => 'kf5-icons-baloo',
3 => 'canto',
6 => 'py-mini-amf',
6 => 'py3-mini-amf',
44 => 'qucs-s',
3 => 'qt4',
3 => 'qt4-examples',
3 => 'qt4-html',
3 => 'qt4-mysql',
3 => 'qt4-postgresql',
3 => 'qt4-sqlite2',
3 => 'qt4-tds',
1 => 'antlr3',
6 => 'enigmail',
6 => 'enigmail-seamonkey',
29 => 'google-compute-engine',
3 => 'bzr',
3 => 'bzr-svn',
6 => 'libvstr',
# 7.1
0 => 'cue',
31 => 'py-SOAPpy',
31 => 'py-ao',
31 => 'py-backports-abc',
31 => 'py-backports-functools-lru-cache',
31 => 'py-backports-lzma',
31 => 'py-backports-shutil-get-terminal-size',
31 => 'py-backports-ssl-match-hostname',
31 => 'py-binplist',
31 => 'py-bytecodeassembler',
31 => 'py-cddb',
31 => 'py-editdist',
31 => 'py-efilter',
31 => 'py-faulthandler',
31 => 'py-fpconst',
31 => 'py-functools32',
31 => 'py-gdata',
31 => 'py-guppy',
31 => 'py-hachoir-core',
31 => 'py-hachoir-metadata',
31 => 'py-hachoir-parser',
31 => 'py-jonpy',
31 => 'py-jsonrpclib',
31 => 'py-lzo',
31 => 'py-milter',
31 => 'py-monotonic',
31 => 'py-mox',
31 => 'py-mxDateTime',
31 => 'py-pdf',
31 => 'py-pyro',
31 => 'py-pysha3',
31 => 'py-python2-pythondialog',
31 => 'py-recaptcha-client',
31 => 'py-ruamel.ordereddict',
31 => 'py-singledispatch',
31 => 'py-storm',
31 => 'py-subprocess32',
31 => 'py-sybase',
31 => 'py-symboltype',
31 => 'py-xmlrunner',
31 => 'py-xmpppy',
31 => 'py-yenc',
31 => 'py-zsi',
8 => 'tilecache',
31 => 'py-configparser',
31 => 'py-decoratortools',
31 => 'py-paste',
31 => 'py-paste-deploy',
31 => 'py-paste-script',
31 => 'py-selectors2',
31 => 'py-wsgiutils',
31 => 'py-xml',
31 => 'py-backports',
3 => 'ORBit2',
3 => 'libbonobo',
3 => 'libgnome',
3 => 'mono-gnome',
3 => 'libbonoboui',
3 => 'libgnomeui',
3 => 'gtetrinet',
3 => 'gtetrinet-themes',
3 => 'grhino',
3 => 'gbrainy',
3 => 'gnome-vfs2',
3 => 'gnome-mime-data',
3 => 'libIDL',
3 => 'chemical-mime-data',
3 => 'gmfsk',
13 => 'gmapcatcher',
3 => 'childsplay',
6 => 'py-texscythe',
6 => 'py-sqlalchemy-migrate',
6 => 'py3-sqlalchemy-migrate',
13 => 'rawdog',
13 => 'charm',
0 => 'ktsuss',
11 => 'apertium-ht-en',
7 => 'pear-Auth',
7 => 'pear-Auth-HTTP',
7 => 'pear-Auth-SASL',
7 => 'pear-Cache',
7 => 'pear-Config',
7 => 'pear-Console-Table',
7 => 'pear-Date',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_Australia',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_Austria',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_Brazil',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_Chile',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_Croatia',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_Czech',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_Denmark',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_Discordian',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_EnglandWales',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_Finland',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_France',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_Germany',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_Iceland',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_Ireland',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_Italy',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_Japan',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_Netherlands',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_Norway',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_PHPdotNet',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_Portugal',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_Romania',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_Russia',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_SanMarino',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_Serbia',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_Slovenia',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_Spain',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_Sweden',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_Turkey',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_UNO',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_USA',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_Ukraine',
7 => 'pear-Date-Holidays_Venezuela',
7 => 'pear-File',
7 => 'pear-File-Find',
7 => 'pear-HTML-Page2',
7 => 'pear-HTML-Select',
7 => 'pear-HTML-Template_IT',
7 => 'pear-HTTP',
7 => 'pear-HTTP-Request',
7 => 'pear-HTTP-WebDAV-Server',
7 => 'pear-Log',
7 => 'pear-MIME-Type',
7 => 'pear-Mail',
7 => 'pear-Mail-Mime',
7 => 'pear-Mail-mimeDecode',
7 => 'pear-Net-DNS',
7 => 'pear-Net-DNS2',
7 => 'pear-Net-IDNA2',
7 => 'pear-Net-IMAP',
7 => 'pear-Net-IPv4',
7 => 'pear-Net-IPv6',
7 => 'pear-Net-LDAP',
7 => 'pear-Net-LDAP2',
7 => 'pear-Net-SMTP',
7 => 'pear-Net-Sieve',
7 => 'pear-Net-Socket',
7 => 'pear-Net-URL',
7 => 'pear-Net-URL2',
7 => 'pear-Net-URL_Mapper',
7 => 'pear-SOAP',
7 => 'pear-Services-Weather',
7 => 'pear-Services-oEmbed',
7 => 'pear-System-Command',
7 => 'pear-Validate',
7 => 'pear-XML-Parser',
7 => 'pear-XML-RSS',
7 => 'pear-XML-Serializer',
7 => 'pear-XML-Tree',
3 => 'luacrypto',
13 => 'skytools',
13 => 'pgloader',
7 => 'php-markdown',
7 => 'php-predis',
5 => 'virtuoso',
3 => 'upobsd',
9 => 'waagent',
3 => 'slim',
3 => 'slim-themes',
5 => 'ocaml-biniou',
5 => 'ocaml-easy-format',
5 => 'libdsm',
45 => 'direvent',
3 => 'climm',
31 => 'spe',
31 => 'py-Checker',
14 => 'ssvnc',
11 => 'netshot',
31 => 'py-contextlib2',
31 => 'py-linecache2',
31 => 'py-traceback2',
31 => 'py-unittest2',
31 => 'py-pathlib',
31 => 'py-pathlib2',
6 => 'py3-pathlib',
6 => 'py3-pathlib2',
31 => 'py-ipaddress',
31 => 'py-scandir',
3 => 'd-feet',
# 7.2
3 => 'gnome-documents',
3 => 'lumail',
3 => 'kalarmcal',
5 => 'gnats',
3 => 'gnome-books',
46 => 'go-bootstrap',
31 => 'py-typing',
6 => 'py-funcsigs',
6 => 'py-statistics',
31 => 'pyrex',
3 => 'luasoldout',
3 => 'honeyd',
47 => 'totd',
6 => 'py3-importlib_resources',
3 => 'py3-uv',
6 => 'py3-blist',
6 => 'mlt',
6 => 'mlt-gpl',
6 => 'webvfx',
6 => 'libXp',
5 => 'gamin',
6 => 'py-futures',
0 => 'p5-Crypt-Serpent',
5 => 'compiz-bcop',
5 => 'ccsm',
5 => 'compizconfig-python',
5 => 'compiz',
5 => 'libcompizconfig',
5 => 'compiz-plugins-main',
5 => 'usrsctp',
0 => 'shapezio',
3 => 'boar',
# 7.3
3 => 'evolution-rss',
3 => 'libgfbgraph',
3 => 'gnome-online-miners',
3 => 'libzapojit',
3 => 'librest',
3 => 'seahorse-sharing',
48 => 'electron',
3 => 'xalan-c',
5 => 'xalan-j',
5 => 'opencdk',
5 => 'klaxon',
49 => 'sentinel',
50 => 'sslScanner',
5 => 'softhsm',
1 => 'chntpw',
5 => 'nbaudit',
1 => 'despoof',
51 => 'zebedee',
3 => 'slurpie',
1 => 'samdump2',
1 => 'smbsniff',
0 => 'fragroute',
52 => 'ikeman',
3 => 'libperseus',
0 => 'hatchet',
51 => 'ctunnel',
3 => 'py-libpcap',
3 => 'supybot',
3 => 'dissy',
1 => 'stm32loader',
3 => 'tmda',
3 => 'spambayes',
31 => 'nmap-zenmap',
0 => 'uucpd',
6 => 'py-sqlite2',
31 => 'py-ipaddr',
3 => 'hlfl',
6 => 'caribou',
5 => 'riak',
15 => 'rmilter',
3 => 'gotweb',
# though it's not yet used, these should be pkgnames, so that eventually
# pkg_add is able to act on it
my $obsolete_suggestion = {
'xgrab' => [qw(scrot xwd)],
'dkim-milter' => 'opendkim',
'qhacc' => [qw(homebank gnucash kmymoney)],
'qgo' => 'kigo',
'beediff' => 'kompare',
'sqliteman' => [qw(sqlitebrowser kexi)],
'gbirthday' => 'qbirthday',
'qlandkartegt' => 'qmapshack',
'keepassx' => 'keepassxc',
'lives' => [qw(kdenlive shotcut)],
'pdfshuffler' => 'pdfarranger',
'gotweb' => 'gotwebd',
# reasons for obsolete packages
my $obsolete_message = {
0 => "ancient software that doesn't work",
1 => "no benefit to being packaged",
2 => "no longer maintained and full of security holes",
3 => "no longer maintained upstream",
4 => "superseded by base component",
5 => "outdated and/or no longer required by other ports",
6 => "no longer useful",
7 => "removed in favor of using the language's package manager",
8 => "no longer maintained upstream, consider mapproxy as an alternative",
9 => "removed, needs a port maintainer",
10 => "has been replaced by opendkim",
11 => "no longer packageable",
12 => "replace with IMAPSieve, see",
13 => "has a dependency on obsolete software",
14 => "no longer maintained upstream and has security issues, consider remmina or tigervnc's vncviewer as an alternative",
15 => "use rspamd's internal milter support instead",
17 => "old GeoIP databases end-of-life, see alternative using geoip2/libmaxminddb",
20 => "merged into IETF Opus codec, obsolete, audio/mumble uses bundled version now",
21 => "upstream recommends to use composer to build a drupal site",
22 => "the original GeoIP database is end of life; use libmaxminddb/GeoIP2",
23 => "no longer maintained upstream, became commercial over ten years ago",
26 => "outdated Qt4 application",
27 => "requires GUdev",
28 => "consider migrating MCollective agents and filters using tools like Bolt and PuppetDB's Puppet Query Language",
29 => "unmaintained port that was blocking other changes in ports",
30 => "crashes in many different ways at runtime, does not build with '-fno-common'",
31 => "python port without 3.x support, no other ports use it",
33 => "no longer maintained upstream, website suggests until rewrite is done",
34 => "upstream is dead, basic functionality does not work, use tcpdump(1) and scapy(1) instead",
35 => "upstream is dead, no longer useful, does not support IPv6",
36 => "ancient software, use pf.conf(5) 'af-to'",
37 => "upstream is dead, default settings cause crash when connecting to mpd",
38 => "icinga 1 is end-of-life, migrate to icinga 2 (needs config rewrite)",
39 => "Flash/SWF is end-of-life",
40 => "ancient software that often crashes and relies on single HTTP (no TLS) connections, use wireshark",
41 => "upstream moved to unversioned tarballs, use the plan9port (same upstream) package instead",
43 => "using portgen instead is recommended",
44 => "qucs-s Qt4 UI not working correctly, suggest xschem or kicad's eeschema instead",
45 => "crashes in many different ways at runtime",
46 => "moved to binary bootstraps",
47 => "DNS network daemon running as root and not using random source ports. use DNS64 support in unbound or isc-bind",
48 => "horrible ecosystem",
49 => "has no license, unmaintained since too long, crashes at runtime",
50 => "abandoned ten years ago, broken by default due to missing runtime dependencies, use security/sslscan",
51 => "dead upstream, consider using socat or SSH",
52 => "unmaintained since import, already on LibreSSL life support for too long",
# ->is_base_system($handle, $state):
# checks whether an existing handle is now part of the base system
# and thus no longer needed.
sub is_base_system
my ($self, $handle, $state) = @_;
my $pkgname = $handle->pkgname;
my $stem = OpenBSD::PackageName::splitstem($pkgname);
my $test = $base_exceptions->{$stem};
if (defined $test) {
require File::Glob;
if (defined File::Glob::bsd_glob($test)) {
$state->say("Removing #1 (part of base system now)",
return 1;
} else {
$state->say("Not removing #1, #2 not found",
$pkgname, $test);
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
# ->filter_obsolete(\@list)
# explicitly mark packages as no longer there. Remove them from the
# list of "normal" stuff.
sub filter_obsolete
my ($self, $list, $state) = @_;
my @in = @$list;
$list = [];
for my $pkgname (@in) {
my $stem = OpenBSD::PackageName::splitstem($pkgname);
my $reason = $obsolete_reason->{$stem};
if (!defined $reason) {
for my $o (@$obsolete_regexp) {
if ($pkgname =~ m/$o->[0]/) {
$reason = $o->[1];
my $suggestion = $obsolete_suggestion->{$stem};
my @l = ();
if (defined $reason) {
push(@l, $obsolete_message->{$reason});
if (defined $suggestion) {
if (ref($suggestion)) {
$suggestion = join(', ', @$suggestion);
push(@l, $state->f("suggest #1", $suggestion));
if (@l > 0) {
$state->say("Obsolete package: #1 (#2)", $pkgname,
join(', ', @l));
} else {
push(@$list, $pkgname);
# ->tweak_search(\@s, $handle, $state):
# tweaks the normal search for a given handle, in case (for instance)
# of a stem name change.
sub tweak_search
my ($self, $l, $handle, $state) = @_;
if (@$l == 0 || !$l->[0]->can("add_stem")) {
my $stem = OpenBSD::PackageName::splitstem($handle->pkgname);
$self->may_add_stems($l->[0], $stem, $state);
# ->may_add_stems($object, $stem, $state):
# may add stems to an object using $object->add_stem
# based on a given stem.
sub may_add_stems
my ($self, $object, $stem, $state) = @_;
my $extra = $stem_extensions->{$stem};
if (defined $extra) {
if (ref $extra) {
for my $e (@$extra) {
} else {
# list of
# cat/path => badspec
my $cve = {
'archivers/brotli' => 'brotli-<1.0.9',
'archivers/cabextract' => 'cabextract-<1.8',
'archivers/libmspack' => 'libmspack-<0.8alpha',
'archivers/lz4' => 'lz4-<1.9.3p0',
'archivers/p5-Archive-Zip' => 'p5-Archive-Zip-<1.64',
'audio/flac' => 'flac-<1.3.0p1',
'databases/mariadb,-main' => 'mariadb-client-<10.3.22',
'databases/mariadb,-server' => 'mariadb-server-<10.3.15',
'databases/postgresql,-main' => 'postgresql-client-<10.6',
'databases/postgresql,-server' => 'postgresql-server-<10.6',
'databases/sqlite3' => 'sqlite3-<3.25.3',
'devel/apache-ant' => 'apache-ant-<1.10.9',
'devel/git,-main' => 'git-<2.35.2',
'devel/git,-svn' => 'git-svn-<2.35.2',
'devel/git,-x11' => 'git-x11-<2.35.2',
'devel/jansson' => 'jansson-<2.14',
'devel/jenkins/devel' => 'jenkins-<2.154',
'devel/jenkins/stable' => 'jenkins-<2.138.4',
'devel/libgit2/libgit2' => 'libgit2-<0.27.7',
'devel/mercurial,-main' => 'mercurial-<4.5.3p1',
'devel/mercurial,-x11' => 'mercurial-x11-<4.5.3p1',
'devel/pcre' => 'pcre-<8.38',
'devel/sdl2-image' => 'sdl2-image-<2.0.4',
'editors/vim,-main' => 'vim-<8.1.1483',
'games/gnuchess' => 'gnuchess-<6.2.9',
'graphics/png' => 'png-<1.6.37',
'graphics/tiff' => 'tiff-<4.0.4beta',
'lang/php/7.1,-main' => 'php->7.1,<7.1.29',
'lang/php/7.2,-main' => 'php->7.2,<7.2.18',
'lang/php/7.3,-main' => 'php->7.3,<7.3.5',
'lang/python/2.7,-main' => 'python->2.7,<2.7.16',
'lang/python/3.7,-main' => 'python->3.7,<3.7.9',
'lang/python/3.8,-main' => 'python->3.8,<3.8.8',
'lang/python/3.9,-main' => 'python->3.9,<3.9.2',
'lang/ruby/2.3,-main' => 'ruby-<2.3.8',
'lang/ruby/2.4,-main' => 'ruby->2.4,<2.4.5p2',
'lang/ruby/2.5,-main' => 'ruby->2.5,<2.5.5',
'lang/ruby/2.6,-main' => 'ruby->2.6,<2.6.2',
'mail/dovecot,-server' => 'dovecot-<',
'mail/exim' => 'exim-<4.83',
'mail/isync' => 'isync-<1.4.4',
'mail/mailman' => 'mailman-<2.1.30',
'mail/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin' => 'p5-Mail-SpamAssassin-<3.4.4',
'mail/roundcubemail' => 'roundcubemail-<1.3.8',
'math/hdf5' => 'hdf5-<1.8.21',
'multimedia/libquicktime' => 'libquicktime-<1.2.4p13',
'net/curl' => 'curl-<7.65.0',
'net/dhcpcd' => 'dhcpcd-<7.2.2',
'net/dino' => 'dino-<0.2.1',
'net/haproxy' => 'haproxy-<2.4.4',
'net/icecast' => 'icecast-<2.4.4',
'net/irssi' => 'irssi-<1.2.1',
'net/isc-bind' => 'isc-bind-<9.16.3',
'net/libssh' => 'libssh-<0.9.5',
'net/libssh2' => 'libssh2-<1.8.2',
'net/lldpd' => 'lldpd-<0.7.18p0',
'net/miniupnp/miniupnpd' => 'miniupnpd-<2.3.0',
'net/mosquitto' => 'mosquitto-<1.5.6',
'net/ntp' => 'ntp-<4.2.8pl7',
'net/openconnect' => 'openconnect-<8.10',
'net/openvpn' => 'openvpn-<2.4.9',
'net/powerdns,-main' => 'powerdns-<4.1.5',
'net/powerdns,-mysql' => 'powerdns-mysql-<4.1.5',
'net/powerdns,-pgsql' => 'powerdns-pgsql-<4.1.5',
'net/powerdns_recursor' => 'powerdns-recursor-<4.3.1',
'net/rsync' => 'rsync-<3.1.3p0',
'net/samba,-main' => 'samba-<4.8.18',
'net/tinc' => 'tinc-<1.0.35v0',
'net/transmission,-gtk' => 'transmission-gtk-<2.84',
'net/transmission,-main' => 'transmission-<2.84',
'net/transmission,-qt' => 'transmission-qt-<2.84',
'net/wget' => 'wget-<1.20.3',
'net/wireshark,-gtk' => 'wireshark-gtk-<2.6.3',
'net/wireshark,-main' => 'wireshark-<2.6.3',
'net/wireshark,-text' => 'tshark-<2.6.3',
'net/zeromq' => 'zeromq-<4.3.3',
'net/znc' => 'znc-<1.7.3',
'print/cups,-main' => 'cups-<1.7.4',
'security/clamav' => 'clamav-<0.100.2',
'security/libssh' => 'libssh-<0.9.4',
'security/opensc' => 'opensc-<0.20.0',
'security/openssl/1.1' => 'openssl-<1.1.1g',
'security/polarssl' => 'mbedtls-<2.16.12',
'security/sudo' => 'sudo-<1.8.31',
'shells/bash' => 'bash-<4.3.27',
'sysutils/ansible,-main' => 'ansible-<2.7.1',
'sysutils/mcollective' => 'mcollective-<2.5.3',
'sysutils/rclone' => 'rclone-<1.53.3',
'sysutils/salt' => 'salt-<3002',
'telephony/asterisk,-main' => 'asterisk-<13.23.1',
'telephony/coturn' => 'turnserver-<',
'textproc/mdbook' => 'mdbook-<0.4.6',
'www/apache-httpd,-main' => 'apache-httpd-<2.4.35',
'www/bozohttpd' => 'bozohttpd-<20130711p0',
'www/chromium' => 'chromium-<69.0.3497.100',
'www/drupal7/core7' => 'drupal->=7.0,<7.60',
'www/drupal7/theme-newsflash' => 'drupal7-theme-newsflash-<2.5',
'www/gitea' => 'gitea-<1.7.6',
'www/hiawatha' => 'hiawatha-<10.8.4',
'www/iridium' => 'iridium-<2018.5.67',
'www/jupyter-notebook' => 'jupyter-notebook-<5.7.8',
'www/jupyter-notebook,python3' => 'jupyter-notebook3-<5.7.8',
'www/mozilla-firefox' => 'firefox-<62.0.2p0',
'www/nginx' => 'nginx-<1.4.1',
'www/p5-CGI-Application' => 'p5-CGI-Application-<4.50p0',
'www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple' => 'p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple-<0.36',
'www/privoxy' => 'privoxy-<3.0.31',
'www/py-bottle' => 'py-bottle-<0.12.19',
'www/py-bottle,python3' => 'py3-bottle-<0.12.19',
'www/py-django/lts' => 'py-django-lts-<1.11.19',
'www/py-django/stable' => 'py-django-<2.1.6',
'www/py-requests' => 'py-requests-<2.20.0',
'www/py-requests,python3' => 'py3-requests-<2.20.0',
'www/py-urllib3' => 'py-urllib3-<1.26.5',
'www/py-urllib3,python3' => 'py3-urllib3-<1.26.5',
'www/ruby-rack,ruby24' => 'ruby24-rack-<2.0.6',
'www/ruby-rack,ruby25' => 'ruby25-rack-<2.0.6',
'www/tomcat/v7' => 'tomcat-<7.0.104',
'www/tomcat/v8' => 'tomcat-<8.5.55',
'www/tomcat/v9' => 'tomcat-<9.0.35',
'www/webkitgtk4' => 'webkitgtk4-<2.20.5',
'x11/gnome/gdm' => 'gdm-<3.28.3',
'x11/rdesktop' => 'rdesktop-<1.8.4',
# please maintain sort order in above $cve list, future updates need to
# replace existing entries
for my $sub (qw(calendar http_post ldap odbc pgsql snmp speex tds)) {
$cve->{"telephony/asterisk,-$sub"} = "asterisk-$sub-<13.23.1";
for my $sub (qw(apache cgi dbg bz2 curl dba gd gmp intl imap ldap mysqli
odbc pcntl pdo_mysql pdo_odbc pdo_pgsql pdo_sqlite pgsql pspell
shmop soap snmp sqlite3 pdo_dblib tidy xmlrpc xsl zip mysql
sybase_ct mssql mcrypt)) {
$cve->{"lang/php/7.1,-$sub"} = "php-$sub->7.1,<7.1.22";
$cve->{"lang/php/7.2,-$sub"} = "php-$sub->7.2,<7.2.10";
# ->check_security($path)
# return an insecure specification for the matching path
# e.g., you should update.
sub check_security
my ($self, $path) = @_;
if (defined $cve->{$path}) {
return $cve->{$path};
} else {
return undef;
my $optional_tag = {
# emacs => 'emacs-*|xemacs-*',
# -> is_optional_tag($tag)
# return either undef or a pkgspec where to find the definition
sub is_optional_tag
my ($self, $tag) = @_;
return $optional_tag->{$tag->name};
# doesn't do anything yet, but will be used to check consistency eventually
sub sanity_check
my $self = shift;
my $rc = 0;
my $pointed;
while (my ($k, $v) = each %$obsolete_reason) {
if (!defined $obsolete_message->{$v}) {
print STDERR "$k points to $v with no message\n";
$rc = 1;
$pointed->{$v} = 1;
# XXX until we merge regexps
$pointed->{21} = 1;
while (my ($k, $v) = each %$obsolete_message) {
if (!$pointed->{$k}) {
print STDERR "Message key $k ($v) is unused\n";
$rc = 1;
exit $rc if $rc;