rpe 9a8b5ccd06 Change the shebang line from /bin/sh to /bin/ksh in all ports rc.d
daemon scripts and bump subpackages that contain the *.rc scripts.

discussed with and OK aja@
OK tb
2018-01-11 19:27:01 +00:00

$OpenBSD: README,v 1.3 2016/11/01 09:10:41 landry Exp $

| Running ${FULLPKGNAME} on OpenBSD

Archiveopteryx is now installed, and sample configuration files were
created in ${SYSCONFDIR}/archiveopteryx.conf and ${SYSCONFDIR}/aoxsuper.conf

Before using it, you will need to create PostgreSQL users and database,
and you'll need to set aox db user password in archiveopteryx.conf,
and aoxsuper db user password in aoxsuper.conf.

Database initialisation
Assuming you have an administrative account named `postgres',
you can create the aox/aoxsuper users and archiveopteryx database like

createuser -U postgres --pwprompt --no-superuser --no-createdb \
	--no-createrole aox
createuser -U postgres --pwprompt --no-superuser --no-createdb \
	--no-createrole aoxsuper
createdb -U postgres -T template0 -E UTF8 -O aoxsuper archiveopteryx

Now load the database schema:

psql -U postgres archiveopteryx -f - <<PSQL;
SET client_min_messages TO 'ERROR';
\i ${TRUEPREFIX}/libexec/archiveopteryx/schema.pg
\i ${TRUEPREFIX}/libexec/archiveopteryx/flag-names
\i ${TRUEPREFIX}/libexec/archiveopteryx/field-names
\i ${TRUEPREFIX}/libexec/archiveopteryx/downgrades

Grant privileges to user 'aox':

aox grant privileges aox

If performing an upgrade, you might need to update schema with:

aox upgrade schema

Certificate generation
By default, archiveopteryx uses TLS (unless use-tls is set to no), so it
needs an ssl certificate file in /etc/ssl/archiveopteryx.pem containing
both private key and signed certificate to function properly. If you
don't already have one, edit /etc/ssl/archiveopteryx-openssl.conf to fit
your needs (only CA field is mandatory) and generate a self-signed
certificate with the following command:

openssl req -config /etc/ssl/archiveopteryx-openssl.conf -x509 -days \
	1764 -newkey rsa -nodes -keyout /etc/ssl/archiveopteryx.pem \
	-out /etc/ssl/archiveopteryx.pem

Startup/Shutdown configuration
Make sure to startup archiveopteryx after your DB server.
aox show status can give you the status of processes.

Now refer to http://www.archiveopteryx.org/ for more fine-tuned